package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.dresdenocl.language.ocl.resource.ocl.Ocl22Parser; import org.dresdenocl.model.IModel; import org.dresdenocl.model.ModelAccessException; import org.dresdenocl.parser.ParseException; import org.dresdenocl.pivotmodel.Constraint; import org.dresdenocl.testsuite._abstract.AbstractDresdenOclTest; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.junit.Test; public abstract class SingleOcl2SqlTest { protected String sourcePath = System.getProperty("") + "/ocl2sqltest"; protected static List<String> expected; protected IModel model; protected List<Constraint> constraints = null; protected boolean deleteDir(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { String[] children = dir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { boolean success = deleteDir(new File(dir, children[i])); if (!success) { return false; } } } return dir.delete(); } private void testString(String actual, String expected) { /* Required for OS-independent regression tests. */ expected = expected.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); expected = expected.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); actual = actual.replaceAll("\r", "\n"); assertEquals(expected, actual); } abstract protected List<String> runCodeGenerator( IOcl2DeclSettings settings, int index) throws Ocl2CodeException; private void runConstraint(int index) { IOcl2DeclSettings settings = Ocl2DeclCodeFactory.getInstance() .createOcl2DeclCodeSettings(); settings.setSaveCode(0); settings.setModus(IOcl2DeclSettings.MODUS_TYPED); settings.setSourceDirectory(sourcePath); List<String> result = null; try { model.removeAllConstraints(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { fail("Can't model reset."); } catch (ModelAccessException e2) { fail("Can't model reset."); } try { constraints = new LinkedList<Constraint>(); constraints.add(Ocl22Parser.INSTANCE.doParse( model, URI.createFileURI(AbstractDresdenOclTest.getFile( "constraints/university_complex.ocl", Ocl2SqlTestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID).getAbsolutePath()), true).get(index)); } catch (ParseException e) { fail("Can't parse the constraints"); } catch (IOException e) { fail("Can't find/open the constraint file: " + e.getMessage()); } try { result = runCodeGenerator(settings, index); } catch (Ocl2CodeException e) { fail("Can't generate sql code"); } assertNotNull("No result", result); testString(removeComment(result.get(0)), expected.get(index)); } protected static List<String> parseFile(String file) { List<String> retValue = new ArrayList<String>(); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String zeile = null; String temp = null; while ((zeile = in.readLine()) != null) { if (zeile.startsWith("--")) continue; if (temp == null) { temp = zeile; } else if (zeile.equals("")) { retValue.add(temp); temp = null; } else { temp += "\n" + zeile; } } retValue.add(temp); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return retValue; } private String removeComment(String view) { String result = ""; for (String s : Arrays.asList(view.split("\n"))) { if (s.startsWith("--")) continue; result += s + "\n"; } return result.trim(); } /** * Test if no schema created and check the created views. */ @Test public void runConstraint1() { this.runConstraint(0); } @Test public void runConstraint2() { this.runConstraint(1); } @Test public void runConstraint3() { this.runConstraint(2); } @Test public void runConstraint4() { this.runConstraint(3); } @Test public void runConstraint5() { this.runConstraint(4); } @Test public void runConstraint6() { this.runConstraint(5); } @Test public void runConstraint7() { this.runConstraint(6); } @Test public void runConstraint8() { this.runConstraint(7); } @Test public void runConstraint9_1() { this.runConstraint(8); } @Test public void runConstraint9_2() { this.runConstraint(9); } @Test public void runConstraint10_1() { this.runConstraint(10); } @Test public void runConstraint10_2() { this.runConstraint(11); } @Test public void runConstraint10_3() { this.runConstraint(12); } @Test public void runConstraint10_4() { this.runConstraint(13); } @Test public void runConstraint10_5() { this.runConstraint(14); } @Test public void runConstraint10_6() { this.runConstraint(15); } @Test public void runConstraint10_7() { this.runConstraint(16); } @Test public void runConstraint10_8() { this.runConstraint(17); } @Test public void runConstraint10_9() { this.runConstraint(18); } @Test public void runConstraint11_1() { this.runConstraint(19); } @Test public void runConstraint11_2() { this.runConstraint(20); } @Test public void runConstraint11_3() { this.runConstraint(21); } @Test public void runConstraint11_4() { this.runConstraint(22); } @Test public void runConstraint12_1() { this.runConstraint(23); } @Test public void runConstraint12_2() { this.runConstraint(24); } @Test public void runConstraint12_3() { this.runConstraint(25); } @Test public void runConstraint13_1() { this.runConstraint(26); } @Test public void runConstraint13_2() { this.runConstraint(27); } @Test public void runConstraint13_3() { this.runConstraint(28); } @Test public void runConstraint13_4() { this.runConstraint(29); } @Test public void runConstraint13_5() { this.runConstraint(30); } @Test public void runConstraint14_1() { this.runConstraint(31); } @Test public void runConstraint14_2() { this.runConstraint(32); } @Test public void runConstraint14_3() { this.runConstraint(33); } @Test public void runConstraint14_4() { this.runConstraint(34); } @Test public void runConstraint14_5() { this.runConstraint(35); } @Test public void runConstraint14_6() { this.runConstraint(36); } @Test public void runConstraint14_7() { this.runConstraint(37); } @Test public void runConstraint15_1() { this.runConstraint(38); } @Test public void runConstraint15_2() { this.runConstraint(39); } @Test public void runConstraint15_3() { this.runConstraint(40); } @Test public void runConstraint15_4() { this.runConstraint(41); } @Test public void runConstraint15_5() { this.runConstraint(42); } @Test public void runConstraint15_6() { this.runConstraint(43); } @Test public void runConstraint15_7() { this.runConstraint(44); } @Test public void runConstraint15_8() { this.runConstraint(45); } @Test public void runConstraint15_9() { this.runConstraint(46); } @Test public void runConstraint15_10() { this.runConstraint(47); } @Test public void runConstraint15_11() { this.runConstraint(48); } @Test public void runConstraint15_12() { this.runConstraint(49); } @Test public void runConstraint15_13() { this.runConstraint(50); } @Test public void runConstraint16_1() { this.runConstraint(51); } @Test public void runConstraint16_2() { this.runConstraint(52); } @Test public void runConstraint16_3() { this.runConstraint(53); } @Test public void runConstraint16_4() { this.runConstraint(54); } @Test public void runConstraint16_5() { this.runConstraint(55); } @Test public void runConstraint16_6() { this.runConstraint(56); } }