package dw.xmlrpc; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import de.timroes.axmlrpc.XMLRPCException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuAttachmentStillReferenced; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuAttachmentUploadException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuBadUrlException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuDeleteAttachmentException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuDistantFileDoesntExistException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuEmptyNewPageException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuInvalidTimeStampException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuMethodDoesNotExistsException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuMisConfiguredWikiException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuNoChangesException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuPageDoesNotExistException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuPageLockedException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuTimeoutException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuUnauthorizedException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuUnknownException; import dw.xmlrpc.exception.DokuWordblockException; //! @cond /** * Converts an XmlRpcException into a the most relevant DokuException. */ class ExceptionConverter { public static DokuException Convert(XMLRPCException e, String url, String action){ String message = e.getMessage(); if ( message.contains("The page is currently locked") ){ return new DokuPageLockedException(e); } if ( message.contains("The XMLRPC call timed out.")){ return new DokuTimeoutException(e); } if ( message.contains("not authorized to call method") || message.contains("forbidden to call the method") || message.contains("don't have permissions to") || message.contains("You are not allowed to") //for DW up to 2012-01-25b || message.contains("You don't have permissions to delete files") //for DW up to 2012-01-25b ){ return new DokuUnauthorizedException(e); } if ( message.contains("") || message.contains("The server responded with a http 301 or 302 status code")){ return buildGenericBadUrlException(e); } if ( e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getClass() == ){ String mess = "Host doesn't exist. Check url"; return new DokuBadUrlException(mess, e); } if ( message.contains("Positive wordblock check")){ return new DokuWordblockException(e); } if ( message.contains("HTTP server returned unexpected status: Forbidden")){ return new DokuUnauthorizedException(e); } if ( message.contains("Could not delete file")){ return new DokuDeleteAttachmentException(e); } if ( message.contains("The requested file does not exist")){ return new DokuDistantFileDoesntExistException(e); } if ( message.contains("The requested page does not exist")){ return new DokuPageDoesNotExistException(e); } if ( message.contains("File is still referenced")){ return new DokuAttachmentStillReferenced(e); } if ( message.contains("The provided value is not a valid timestamp")){ return new DokuInvalidTimeStampException(e); } if ( message.contains("There are no changes in the specified timeframe")){ return new DokuNoChangesException(e); } if ( message.contains("Refusing to write an empty new wiki page")){ return new DokuEmptyNewPageException(e); } if ((message.contains("requested method") && message.contains("not specified")) || message.contains("Method does not exist")){ return new DokuMethodDoesNotExistsException("Method does not exists: " + action, e); } //Won't match if the wiki's locale isn't 'en' if ( message.contains("Upload denied. This file extension is forbidden!") || ( message.contains("The uploaded content did not match the ") && message.contains("file extension.")) || message.contains("File already exists. Nothing done.")){ return new DokuAttachmentUploadException(message, e); } if (message.contains("XML-RPC server not enabled") || (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getClass() == SAXParseException.class)){ return new DokuMisConfiguredWikiException("The wiki doesn't seem to be configured to accept incoming xmlrpc requests." + " Check the 'remote' option in Dokuwiki's configuration manager.", e); } //If we reach this point, we don't know what went wrong. //We try a final educated guess before giving up if ( ! url.endsWith("/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php") ){ return buildGenericBadUrlException(e); } return new DokuUnknownException(e); } private static DokuBadUrlException buildGenericBadUrlException(Throwable e){ String mess = "Couldn't find the xmlrpc interface. Make sure url looks like http[s]://server/mywiki/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php"; return new DokuBadUrlException(mess, e); } //! @endcond }