/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.app.xmlui.utils; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.apache.cocoon.util.HashUtil; import org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceValidity; import org.dspace.browse.BrowseItem; import org.dspace.content.Bitstream; import org.dspace.content.Bundle; import org.dspace.content.Collection; import org.dspace.content.Community; import org.dspace.content.Metadatum; import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject; import org.dspace.content.Item; import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson; import org.dspace.eperson.Group; /** * This is a validity object specifically implemented for the caching * needs of DSpace, Manakin, and Cocoon. * * The basic idea is that each time a DSpace object rendered by a cocoon * component the object and everything about it that makes it unique should * be reflected in the validity object for the component. By following this * principle if the object has been updated externally then the cache will be * invalidated. * * This DSpaceValidity object makes this processes easier by abstracting out * the processes of determining what is unique about a DSpace object. A class * is expected to create a new DSpaceValidity object and add() to it all * DSpaceObjects that are rendered by the component. This validity object will * serialize all those objects to a string, take a hash of the string and compare * the hash of the string for any updates. * * * @author Scott Phillips */ public class DSpaceValidity implements SourceValidity { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** The validityKey while it is being build, once it is completed. */ protected StringBuffer validityKey; /** Simple flag to note if the object has been completed. */ protected boolean completed = false; /** A hash of the validityKey taken after completetion */ protected long hash; /** The time when the validity is no longer assumed to be valid */ protected long assumedValidityTime = 0; /** The length of time that a cache is assumed to be valid */ protected long assumedValidityDelay = 0; /** * Create a new DSpace validity object. * * @param initialValidityKey * The initial string */ public DSpaceValidity(String initialValidityKey) { this.validityKey = new StringBuffer(); if (initialValidityKey != null) { this.validityKey.append(initialValidityKey); } } public DSpaceValidity() { this(null); } /** * Complete this validity object. After the completion no more * objects may be added to the validity object and the object * will return as valid. */ public DSpaceValidity complete() { this.completed = true; this.hash = HashUtil.hash(validityKey); this.validityKey = null; // Set the forced validity time. if (assumedValidityDelay > 0) { resetAssumedValidityTime(); } return this; } /** * Set the time delay for how long this cache will be assumed * to be valid. When it is assumed valid no other checks will be * made to consider its validity, and once the time has expired * a full validation will occur on the next cache hit. If the * cache proves to be validated on this hit then the assumed * validity timer is reset. * * @param milliseconds The delay time in millieseconds. */ public void setAssumedValidityDelay(long milliseconds ) { // record the delay time. this.assumedValidityDelay = milliseconds; // Also add the delay time to the validity hash so if the // admin changes the delay time then all the previous caches // are invalidated. this.validityKey.append("AssumedValidityDelay:"+milliseconds); } /** * Set the time delay for how long this cache will be assumed to be valid. * * This method takes a string which is parsed for the delay time, the string * must be of the following form: "<integer> <scale>" where scale is days, * hours, minutes, or seconds. * * Examples: "1 day" or "12 hours" or "1 hour" or "30 minutes" * * See the setAssumedValidityDelay(long) for more information. * * @param delay The delay time in a variable scale. */ public void setAssumedValidityDelay(String delay) { if (delay == null || delay.length() == 0) { return; } String[] parts = delay.split(" "); if (parts == null || parts.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error unable to parse the assumed validity delay time: \"" + delay + "\". All delays must be of the form \"<integer> <scale>\" where scale is either seconds, minutes, hours, or days."); } long milliseconds = 0; long value = 0; try { value = Long.valueOf(parts[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error unable to parse the assumed validity delay time: \""+delay+"\". All delays must be of the form \"<integer> <scale>\" where scale is either seconds, minutes, hours, or days.",nfe); } String scale = parts[1].toLowerCase(); if (scale.equals("weeks") || scale.equals("week")) { // milliseconds * seconds * minutes * hours * days * weeks // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1 = 604,800,000 milliseconds = value * 604800000; } else if (scale.equals("days") || scale.equals("day")) { // milliseconds * seconds * minutes * hours * days // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1 = 86,400,000 milliseconds = value * 86400000; } else if (scale.equals("hours") || scale.equals("hour")) { // milliseconds * seconds * minutes * hours // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 1 = 3,600,000 milliseconds = value * 3600000; } else if (scale.equals("minutes") || scale.equals("minute")) { // milliseconds * second * minute // 1000 * 60 * 1 = 60,000 milliseconds = value * 60000; } else if (scale.equals("seconds") || scale.equals("second")) { // milliseconds * second // 1000 * 1 = 1000 milliseconds = value * 1000; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error unable to parse the assumed validity delay time: \""+delay+"\". All delays must be of the form \"<integer> <scale>\" where scale is either seconds, minutes, hours, or days."); } // Now set the actual delay. setAssumedValidityDelay(milliseconds); } /** * Add a DSpace object to the validity. The order in which objects * are added to the validity object is important, ensure that * objects are added in the *exact* same order each time a * validity object is created. * * Below are the following transitive rules for adding * objects, i.e. if an item is added then all the items * bundles & bitstreams will also be added. * * Communities -> logo bitstream * Collection -> logo bitstream * Item -> bundles -> bitstream * Bundles -> bitstreams * EPeople -> groups * * @param dso * The object to add to the validity. */ public void add(DSpaceObject dso) throws SQLException { if (this.completed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add DSpaceObject to a completed validity object"); } if (dso == null) { this.validityKey.append("null"); } else if (dso instanceof Community) { Community community = (Community) dso; validityKey.append("Community:"); validityKey.append(community.getHandle()); validityKey.append(community.getMetadata("introductory_text")); validityKey.append(community.getMetadata("short_description")); validityKey.append(community.getMetadata("side_bar_text")); validityKey.append(community.getMetadata("copyright_text")); validityKey.append(community.getMetadata("name")); // Add the communities logo this.add(community.getLogo()); } else if (dso instanceof Collection) { Collection collection = (Collection) dso; validityKey.append("Collection:"); validityKey.append(collection.getHandle()); validityKey.append(collection.getMetadata("introductory_text")); validityKey.append(collection.getMetadata("short_description")); validityKey.append(collection.getMetadata("side_bar_text")); validityKey.append(collection.getMetadata("provenance_description")); validityKey.append(collection.getMetadata("copyright_text")); validityKey.append(collection.getMetadata("license")); validityKey.append(collection.getMetadata("name")); // Add the logo also; this.add(collection.getLogo()); } else if (dso instanceof Item) { Item item = (Item) dso; validityKey.append("Item:"); validityKey.append(item.getHandle()); validityKey.append(item.getOwningCollection()); validityKey.append(item.getLastModified()); // Include all metadata values in the validity key. Metadatum[] dcvs = item.getMetadata(Item.ANY, Item.ANY,Item.ANY,Item.ANY); for (Metadatum dcv : dcvs) { validityKey.append(dcv.schema).append("."); validityKey.append(dcv.element).append("."); validityKey.append(dcv.qualifier).append("."); validityKey.append(dcv.language).append("="); validityKey.append(dcv.value); } for(Bundle bundle : item.getBundles()) { // Add each of the items bundles & bitstreams. this.add(bundle); } } else if (dso instanceof BrowseItem) { BrowseItem browseItem = (BrowseItem) dso; validityKey.append("BrowseItem:"); validityKey.append(browseItem.getHandle()); Metadatum[] dcvs = browseItem.getMetadata(Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); for (Metadatum dcv : dcvs) { validityKey.append(dcv.schema).append("."); validityKey.append(dcv.element).append("."); validityKey.append(dcv.qualifier).append("."); validityKey.append(dcv.language).append("="); validityKey.append(dcv.value); } } else if (dso instanceof Bundle) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle) dso; validityKey.append("Bundle:"); validityKey.append(bundle.getID()); validityKey.append(bundle.getName()); validityKey.append(bundle.getPrimaryBitstreamID()); for(Bitstream bitstream : bundle.getBitstreams()) { this.add(bitstream); } } else if (dso instanceof Bitstream) { Bitstream bitstream = (Bitstream) dso; validityKey.append("Bundle:"); validityKey.append(bitstream.getID()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getSequenceID()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getName()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getSource()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getDescription()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getChecksum()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getChecksumAlgorithm()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getSize()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getUserFormatDescription()); validityKey.append(bitstream.getFormat().getDescription()); } else if (dso instanceof EPerson) { EPerson eperson = (EPerson) dso; validityKey.append("Bundle:"); validityKey.append(eperson.getID()); validityKey.append(eperson.getEmail()); validityKey.append(eperson.getNetid()); validityKey.append(eperson.getFirstName()); validityKey.append(eperson.getLastName()); validityKey.append(eperson.canLogIn()); validityKey.append(eperson.getRequireCertificate()); } else if (dso instanceof Group) { Group group = (Group) dso; validityKey.append("Group:"); validityKey.append(group.getID()); validityKey.append(group.getName()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DSpaceObject of type '"+dso.getClass().getName()+"' is not supported by the DSpaceValidity object."); } } /** * Add a non-DSpaceObject to the validity, the object should be * serialized into a string form. The order in which objects * are added to the validity object is important, ensure that * objects are added in the *exact* same order each time a * validity object is created. * * @param nonDSpaceObject * The non-DSpace object to add to the validity. */ public void add(String nonDSpaceObject) throws SQLException { validityKey.append("String:"); validityKey.append(nonDSpaceObject); } /** * This method is used during serializion. When Tomcat is shutdown, Cocoon's in-memory * cache is serialized and written to disk to later be read back into memory on start * up. When this class is read back into memory the readObject(stream) method will be * called. * * This method will re-read the serialization back into memory but it will then set * the assume validity time to zero. This means the next cache hit after a server startup * will never be assumed valid. Only after it has been checked once will the regular assume * validity mechanism be used. * * @param in * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // Read in this object as normal. in.defaultReadObject(); // After reading from serialization do not assume validity anymore until it // has been checked at least once. this.assumedValidityTime = 0; } /** * Reset the assume validity time. This should be called only when the validity of this cache * has been confirmed to be accurate. This will reset the assume valid timer based upon the * configured delay. */ private void resetAssumedValidityTime() { this.assumedValidityTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.assumedValidityDelay; } /** * Determine if the cache is still valid */ public int isValid() { // Return true if we have a hash. if (this.completed) { // Check if we are configured to assume validity for a period of time. if (this.assumedValidityDelay > 0) { // Check if we should assume validitity. if (System.currentTimeMillis() < this.assumedValidityTime) { // Assume the cache is valid without rechecking another validity object. return SourceValidity.VALID; } } return SourceValidity.UNKNOWN; } else { // This is an error state. We are being asked whether we are valid before // we have been initialized. return SourceValidity.INVALID; } } /** * Determine if the cache is still valid based * upon the other validity object. * * @param otherObject * The other validity object. */ public int isValid(SourceValidity otherObject) { if (this.completed && otherObject instanceof DSpaceValidity) { DSpaceValidity otherSSV = (DSpaceValidity) otherObject; if (hash == otherSSV.hash) { // Both caches have been checked are are considered valid, // now we reset their assumed validity timers for both cache // objects. if (this.assumedValidityDelay > 0) { this.resetAssumedValidityTime(); } if (otherSSV.assumedValidityDelay > 0) { otherSSV.resetAssumedValidityTime(); } return SourceValidity.VALID; } } return SourceValidity.INVALID; } }