package org.displaytag.render; import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLTestCase; import org.displaytag.export.FopExportView; import org.displaytag.export.XmlTotalsWriter; import org.displaytag.model.HeaderCell; import org.displaytag.model.Row; import org.displaytag.model.TableModel; import; import org.displaytag.test.KnownValue; import org.displaytag.util.HtmlAttributeMap; import org.displaytag.util.MultipleHtmlAttribute; import org.displaytag.util.TagConstants; import; /** * User: rapruitt * Date: May 31, 2010 * Time: 1:08:02 PM */ public class TableTotalerTest extends XMLTestCase { TableModel getModel(){ TableProperties props = TableProperties.getInstance(null); TableModel model = new TableModel(props, "", null); model.setRowListPage(model.getRowListFull()); { HeaderCell ha = new HeaderCell(); ha.setTitle("ColumnAnt"); ha.setBeanPropertyName("ant"); ha.setHtmlAttributes( new HtmlAttributeMap()); ha.setGroup(1); model.addColumnHeader(ha); } { HeaderCell hb = new HeaderCell(); hb.setTitle("Column2"); hb.setHtmlAttributes( new HtmlAttributeMap()); hb.setBeanPropertyName("bee"); hb.setGroup(2); model.addColumnHeader(hb); } { HeaderCell hb = new HeaderCell(); hb.setTitle("long"); hb.setBeanPropertyName("camel"); hb.setTotaled(false); HtmlAttributeMap mm = new HtmlAttributeMap(); mm.put(TagConstants.ATTRIBUTE_STYLE, "font-weight: bold; text-align: right"); mm.put(TagConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, new MultipleHtmlAttribute("right rowish")); hb.setHtmlAttributes(mm); model.addColumnHeader(hb); } { HeaderCell hb = new HeaderCell(); hb.setTitle("Column3"); hb.setHtmlAttributes( new HtmlAttributeMap()); hb.setBeanPropertyName("two"); hb.setTotaled(true); model.addColumnHeader(hb); } model.addRow(new Row(new KnownValue(), 0)); model.addRow(new Row(new KnownValue(), 1)); KnownValue third = new KnownValue(); third.beeValue = "BeeAnt"; third.twoValue = 3; third.camelValue = "arealllylongtextstringthatshouldforceafailuretowrapontheoutputline"; // third.camelValue = "a reallly long text string that should force a failure to wrap on the output line"; model.addRow(new Row(third, 2)); KnownValue antv = new KnownValue(); antv.antValue = "bee"; antv.twoValue = 4; model.addRow( new Row(antv, 3)); return model; } public void testSimpleTotalsCorrect() throws Exception { TableModel m = getModel(); TableTotaler tt = new TableTotaler(); m.setTotaler(tt); tt.init(m); XmlTotalsWriter tw = new XmlTotalsWriter(m); tw.writeTable(m, "safd"); String xml = tw.getXml(); assertXpathEvaluatesTo("11.0", "//subgroup[@grouped-by=0]/subtotal/subtotal-cell[4]", xml); assertXpathEvaluatesTo("7.0", "//subgroup[@grouped-by=1]/subtotal/subtotal-cell[4]", xml); assertXpathEvaluatesTo("4.0", "//subgroup[@grouped-by=2]/subtotal/subtotal-cell[4]", xml); assertXpathExists( "//cell[@text-align='right']", xml); File f = File.createTempFile("displaytag","pdf"); FopExportView.transform(tw.getXml(), "/org/displaytag/export/asFo_us.xsl",f ); // verify that the total for the entire table is correct // We want an overlay that gives us a model of the grouping, so // Ant | Bee | Value grouping // --------- -- // A | B | 2 0, 1 2 // A | B | 2 // A | BA | 2 2, 2 // B | B | 2 // reduces to // A:B=2 // A:BB=3 // A=5 // so, GroupTotal[] = getGroups(colNumber) for colNumber = 1 gives GroupTotal[a],GroupTotal[b] // for colNumber = 2 gives GroupTotal[a:b],GroupTotal[a:ba],GroupTotal[b:b] } }