package; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * 配置文件仓库实现器 * * @author liaoqiqi * @version 2014-8-4 */ public class DisconfStoreFileProcessorImpl implements DisconfStoreProcessor { protected static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DisconfStoreFileProcessorImpl.class); /** * */ @Override public void addUpdateCallbackList(String keyName, List<IDisconfUpdate> iDisconfUpdateList) { if (getInstance().getConfFileMap().containsKey(keyName)) { getInstance().getConfFileMap().get(keyName).getDisconfCommonCallbackModel().getDisconfConfUpdates() .addAll(iDisconfUpdateList); } } /** * */ @Override public List<IDisconfUpdate> getUpdateCallbackList(String keyName) { if (getInstance().getConfFileMap().containsKey(keyName)) { return getInstance().getConfFileMap().get(keyName).getDisconfCommonCallbackModel().getDisconfConfUpdates(); } return new ArrayList<IDisconfUpdate>(); } /** * */ @Override public DisConfCommonModel getCommonModel(String keyName) { DisconfCenterFile disconfCenterFile = getInstance().getConfFileMap().get(keyName); // 校验是否存在 if (disconfCenterFile == null) { LOGGER.error("cannot find " + keyName + " in store...."); return null; } return disconfCenterFile.getDisConfCommonModel(); } /** * */ @Override public boolean hasThisConf(String keyName) { // 配置文件 if (!getInstance().getConfFileMap().containsKey(keyName)) { return false; } return true; } /** * */ @Override public void inject2Instance(Object object, String fileName) { DisconfCenterFile disconfCenterFile = getInstance().getConfFileMap().get(fileName); // 校验是否存在 if (disconfCenterFile == null) { LOGGER.error("cannot find " + fileName + " in store...."); return; } // // 静态类 // if (object != null) { // 设置object disconfCenterFile.setObject(object); } // 根据类型设置值 // // 注入实体 // Map<String, FileItemValue> keMap = disconfCenterFile.getKeyMaps(); for (String fileItem : keMap.keySet()) { // 根据类型设置值 try { // // 静态类 // if (object == null) { if (keMap.get(fileItem).isStatic()) { LOGGER.debug(fileItem + " is a static field. "); keMap.get(fileItem).setValue4StaticFileItem(keMap.get(fileItem).getValue()); } // // 非静态类 // } else { LOGGER.debug(fileItem + " is a non-static field. "); if (keMap.get(fileItem).getValue() == null) { // 如果仓库值为空,则实例 直接使用默认值 Object defaultValue = keMap.get(fileItem).getFieldDefaultValue(object); keMap.get(fileItem).setValue(defaultValue); } else { // 如果仓库里的值为非空,则实例使用仓库里的值 keMap.get(fileItem).setValue4FileItem(object, keMap.get(fileItem).getValue()); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("inject2Instance fileName " + fileName + " " + e.toString(), e); } } } /** * */ @Override public Object getConfig(String fileName, String keyName) { DisconfCenterFile disconfCenterFile = getInstance().getConfFileMap().get(fileName); // 校验是否存在 if (disconfCenterFile == null) { LOGGER.debug("cannot find " + fileName + " in store...."); return null; } if (disconfCenterFile.getKeyMaps().get(keyName) == null) { LOGGER.debug("cannot find " + fileName + ", " + keyName + " in store...."); return null; } return disconfCenterFile.getKeyMaps().get(keyName).getValue(); } /** * */ @Override public void inject2Store(String fileName, DisconfValue disconfValue) { DisconfCenterFile disconfCenterFile = getInstance().getConfFileMap().get(fileName); // 校验是否存在 if (disconfCenterFile == null) { LOGGER.error("cannot find " + fileName + " in store...."); return; } if (disconfValue == null || disconfValue.getFileData() == null) { LOGGER.error("value is null for {}", fileName); return; } // 存储 Map<String, FileItemValue> keMap = disconfCenterFile.getKeyMaps(); if (keMap.size() > 0) { for (String fileItem : keMap.keySet()) { Object object = disconfValue.getFileData().get(fileItem); if (object == null) { LOGGER.error("cannot find {} to be injected. file content is: {}", fileItem, disconfValue.getFileData().toString()); continue; } // 根据类型设置值 try { Object value = keMap.get(fileItem).getFieldValueByType(object); keMap.get(fileItem).setValue(value); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("inject2Store filename: " + fileName + " " + e.toString(), e); } } } // 使用过 XML式配置 if (disconfCenterFile.isTaggedWithNonAnnotationFile()) { if (disconfCenterFile.getSupportFileTypeEnum().equals(SupportFileTypeEnum.PROPERTIES)) { // 如果是采用XML进行配置的,则需要利用spring的reload将数据reload到bean里 ReloadConfigurationMonitor.reload(); } disconfCenterFile.setAdditionalKeyMaps(disconfValue.getFileData()); } } /** * */ @Override public void transformScanData(List<DisconfCenterBaseModel> disconfCenterBaseModels) { for (DisconfCenterBaseModel disconfCenterFile : disconfCenterBaseModels) { transformScanData(disconfCenterFile); } } /** * */ @Override public void transformScanData(DisconfCenterBaseModel disconfCenterBaseModel) { getInstance().storeOneFile(disconfCenterBaseModel); } /** * */ @Override public DisconfCenterBaseModel getConfData(String key) { if (getInstance().getConfFileMap().containsKey(key)) { return getInstance().getConfFileMap().get(key); } else { return null; } } /** * */ @Override public Set<String> getConfKeySet() { return getInstance().getConfFileMap().keySet(); } /** * */ @Override public String confToString() { StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); sBuffer.append("\n"); Map<String, DisconfCenterFile> disMap = getInstance().getConfFileMap(); for (String file : disMap.keySet()) { sBuffer.append("disconf-file:\t" + file + "\t"); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { sBuffer.append(disMap.get(file).toString()); } else { sBuffer.append(disMap.get(file).infoString()); } sBuffer.append("\n"); } return sBuffer.toString(); } @Override public void exclude(Set<String> keySet) { for (String key : keySet) { getInstance().excludeOneFile(key); } } }