/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package br.com.devfest.norte; import android.net.Uri; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import br.com.devfest.norte.util.ParserUtils; public class Config { // General configuration // Is this an internal dogfood build? public static final boolean IS_DOGFOOD_BUILD = false; // Warning messages for dogfood build public static final String DOGFOOD_BUILD_WARNING_TITLE = "Test build"; public static final String DOGFOOD_BUILD_WARNING_TEXT = "This is a test build."; // Public data manifest URL public static final String PROD_CONFERENCE_DATA_MANIFEST_URL = ""; // Manifest URL override for Debug (staging) builds: public static final String MANIFEST_URL = PROD_CONFERENCE_DATA_MANIFEST_URL; public static final String BOOTSTRAP_DATA_TIMESTAMP = "Sat, 01 Nov 2014 00:0:00 GMT"; // Conference hashtag public static final String CONFERENCE_HASHTAG = "#devfestnorte"; // Patterns that, when absent from a hashtag, will trigger the addition of the // CONFERENCE_HASHTAG on sharing snippets. Ex: "#Android" will be shared as "#io14 #Android", // but "#iohunt" won't be modified. public static final String CONFERENCE_HASHTAG_PREFIX = "#gdg"; // Hard-coded conference dates. This is hardcoded here instead of extracted from the conference // data to avoid the Schedule UI breaking if some session is incorrectly set to a wrong date. public static final int CONFERENCE_YEAR = 2014; public static final long[][] CONFERENCE_DAYS = new long[][] { // start and end of track 1 { ParserUtils.parseTime("2014-11-01T08:00:00.000Z"), ParserUtils.parseTime("2014-11-01T18:00:00.000Z") }, // start and end of track 2 { ParserUtils.parseTime("2014-11-01T08:00:00.000Z"), ParserUtils.parseTime("2014-11-01T18:00:00.000Z") } }; public static final TimeZone CONFERENCE_TIMEZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Sao_Paulo"); public static final long CONFERENCE_START_MILLIS = CONFERENCE_DAYS[0][0]; public static final long CONFERENCE_END_MILLIS = CONFERENCE_DAYS[CONFERENCE_DAYS.length-1][1]; // shorthand for some units of time public static final long SECOND_MILLIS = 1000; public static final long MINUTE_MILLIS = 60 * SECOND_MILLIS; public static final long HOUR_MILLIS = 60 * MINUTE_MILLIS; public static final long DAY_MILLIS = 24 * HOUR_MILLIS; // OAuth 2.0 related config public static final String APP_NAME = "GDGDevFestNorte"; public static final String API_KEY = ""; // Announcements public static final String ANNOUNCEMENTS_PLUS_ID = ""; // YouTube API config public static final String YOUTUBE_API_KEY = ""; // YouTube share URL public static final String YOUTUBE_SHARE_URL_PREFIX = "http://youtu.be/"; // Live stream captions config public static final String LIVESTREAM_CAPTIONS_DARK_THEME_URL_PARAM = "&theme=dark"; // Conference public WiFi AP parameters public static final String WIFI_SSID = ""; public static final String WIFI_PASSPHRASE = ""; // GCM config public static final String GCM_SERVER_PROD_URL = ""; public static final String GCM_SERVER_URL = ""; // the GCM sender ID is the ID of the app in Google Cloud Console public static final String GCM_SENDER_ID = ""; // The registration api KEY in the gcm server (configured in the GCM // server's AuthHelper.java file) public static final String GCM_API_KEY = ""; // When do we start to offer to set up the user's wifi? public static final long WIFI_SETUP_OFFER_START = CONFERENCE_START_MILLIS - 30 * DAY_MILLIS; // 3 days before conference // Format of the youtube link to a Video Library video public static final String VIDEO_LIBRARY_URL_FMT = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s"; // Fallback URL to get a youtube video thumbnail in case one is not provided in the data // (normally it should, but this is a safety fallback if it doesn't) public static final String VIDEO_LIBRARY_FALLBACK_THUMB_URL_FMT = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/%s/default.jpg"; // Link to Google I/O Extended events presented in Explore screen public static final String IO_EXTENDED_LINK = "http://www.google.com/events/io/io-extended"; // 2014-07-25: Time of expiration for experts directory data. // Represented as elapsed milliseconds since the epoch. public static final long EXPERTS_DIRECTORY_EXPIRATION = 1406214000000L; /** * Check if the experts directory data expired. * * @return True if the experts directory data expired and should be removed. */ public static boolean hasExpertsDirectoryExpired() { return EXPERTS_DIRECTORY_EXPIRATION < System.currentTimeMillis(); } // URL to use for resolving NearbyDevice metadata. public static final String METADATA_URL = // "http://url-caster.appspot.com/resolve-scan" rep("http://example-caster", "example", "url") + "." + rep("example.com", "example", "appspot") + rep("/resolve-link", "link", "scan"); // How long before a session we display "This session starts in N minutes." in the // Session details page. public static final long HINT_TIME_BEFORE_SESSION = 60 * MINUTE_MILLIS; // 60 min // how long before the end of a session the user can give feedback public static final long FEEDBACK_MILLIS_BEFORE_SESSION_END = 15 * MINUTE_MILLIS; // 15min // Auto sync interval. Shouldn't be too small, or it might cause battery drain. public static final long AUTO_SYNC_INTERVAL_LONG_BEFORE_CONFERENCE = 6 * HOUR_MILLIS; public static final long AUTO_SYNC_INTERVAL_AROUND_CONFERENCE = 2 * HOUR_MILLIS; public static final long AUTO_SYNC_INTERVAL_AFTER_CONFERENCE = 12 * HOUR_MILLIS; // How many days before the conference we consider to be "around the conference date" // for purposes of sync interval (at which point the AUTO_SYNC_INTERVAL_AROUND_CONFERENCE // interval kicks in) public static final long AUTO_SYNC_AROUND_CONFERENCE_THRESH = 3 * DAY_MILLIS; // Minimum interval between two consecutive syncs. This is a safety mechanism to throttle // syncs in case conference data gets updated too often or something else goes wrong that // causes repeated syncs. public static final long MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_SYNCS = 10 * MINUTE_MILLIS; // If data is not synced in this much time, we show the "data may be stale" warning public static final long STALE_DATA_THRESHOLD_NOT_DURING_CONFERENCE = 2 * DAY_MILLIS; public static final long STALE_DATA_THRESHOLD_DURING_CONFERENCE = 12 * HOUR_MILLIS; // How long we snooze the stale data notification for after the user has acted on it // (to keep from showing it repeatedly and being annoying) public static final long STALE_DATA_WARNING_SNOOZE = 10 * MINUTE_MILLIS; // Package name for the I/O Hunt game public static final String IO_HUNT_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.google.wolff.androidhunt2"; // Play store URL prefix public static final String PLAY_STORE_URL_PREFIX = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id="; // Known session tags that induce special behaviors public interface Tags { // tag that indicates a session is a live session public static final String SESSIONS = "TYPE_SESSIONS"; // the tag category that we use to group sessions together when displaying them public static final String SESSION_GROUPING_TAG_CATEGORY = "TYPE"; // tag categories public static final String CATEGORY_THEME = "THEME"; public static final String CATEGORY_TOPIC = "TOPIC"; public static final String CATEGORY_TYPE = "TYPE"; public static final Map<String, Integer> CATEGORY_DISPLAY_ORDERS = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public static final String SPECIAL_KEYNOTE = "FLAG_KEYNOTE"; public static final String[] EXPLORE_CATEGORIES = { CATEGORY_THEME, CATEGORY_TOPIC, CATEGORY_TYPE }; public static final int[] EXPLORE_CATEGORY_ALL_STRING = { R.string.all_themes, R.string.all_topics, R.string.all_types }; public static final int[] EXPLORE_CATEGORY_TITLE = { R.string.themes, R.string.topics, R.string.types }; } static { Tags.CATEGORY_DISPLAY_ORDERS.put(Tags.CATEGORY_THEME, 0); Tags.CATEGORY_DISPLAY_ORDERS.put(Tags.CATEGORY_TOPIC, 1); Tags.CATEGORY_DISPLAY_ORDERS.put(Tags.CATEGORY_TYPE, 2); } // Values for the EventPoint feedback API. Sync happens at the same time as schedule sync, // and before that values are stored locally in the database. public static final String FEEDBACK_API_CODE = ""; public static final String FEEDBACK_URL = ""; public static final String FEEDBACK_API_KEY = ""; public static final String FEEDBACK_DUMMY_REGISTRANT_ID = ""; public static final String FEEDBACK_SURVEY_ID = ""; // URL prefix for web links to session pages public static final Uri SESSION_DETAIL_WEB_URL_PREFIX = Uri.parse("https://www.google.com/events/io/schedule/session/"); // Profile URLs for simulated badge reads for the debug feature. public static final String[] DEBUG_SIMULATED_BADGE_URLS = new String[] {}; private static String piece(String s, char start, char end) { int startIndex = s.indexOf(start), endIndex = s.indexOf(end); return s.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex); } private static String piece(String s, char start) { int startIndex = s.indexOf(start); return s.substring(startIndex + 1); } private static String rep(String s, String orig, String replacement) { return s.replaceAll(orig, replacement); } }