/* --------------------------------------------------------- * * __________ D E L T A S C R I P T * * (_________() * * / === / - A fast, dynamic scripting language * * | == | - Version * * / === / - Developed by Adam R. Nelson * * | = = | - 2011-2013 * * / === / - Distributed under GNU LGPL v3 * * (________() - http://github.com/ar-nelson/deltascript * * * * --------------------------------------------------------- */ package com.sector91.delta.script.objects; import java.util.Set; import com.sector91.delta.script.DScriptErr; import com.sector91.delta.script.Operator; import com.sector91.delta.script.objects.reflect.DS_JavaClass; /** * <p>The "easy way" to turn an object into a {@link DS_Object}. This class * overrides most of {@code DS_Object}'s required methods and includes built-in * support for the {@link DS_JavaClass} class.</p> * * @author Adam R. Nelson * @version */ public abstract class DS_AbstractObject implements DS_Object { public int compare(DS_Object o) throws DScriptErr {throw DScriptErr.invalidCompare(this, o);} public DS_Object dotGet(DS_Tag prop) throws DScriptErr {return getDeltaScriptClass().instanceDotGet(this, prop);} public void dotSet(DS_Tag prop, DS_Object value) throws DScriptErr {getDeltaScriptClass().instanceDotSet(this, prop, value);} public Set<DS_Tag> getMembers() {return getDeltaScriptClass().getInstanceMembers();} public DS_Object operator(Operator op, DS_Object other) throws DScriptErr {throw DScriptErr.invalidOperation(op.str, this, other);} public boolean booleanValue() {return true;} @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof DS_Object) return equals((DS_Object)other); else return false; } @Override public DS_Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException("Cannot clone an object of type " + getTypeName() + "."); } public boolean is(DS_Object typeObj) { if (typeObj instanceof DS_JavaClass && ((DS_JavaClass)typeObj).unbox().isAssignableFrom(getClass())) return true; return false; } @Override public String toString() {return "(" + getTypeName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(this) + ")";} protected String standardToString(String description) {return "(" + getTypeName() + ": " + description + ")";} protected abstract DS_JavaClass getDeltaScriptClass(); }