package dgm.streaming.requestmapper.handlers; import; import; import; import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.*; import dgm.streaming.requestmapper.ChannelContext; import dgm.streaming.requestmapper.RequestHandlerException; import dgm.streaming.requestmapper.RequestHandlerUtil; import dgm.streaming.requestmapper.ToChannelGroupListener; import dgm.streaming.service.GraphUnfoldingService; import java.util.List; /** * this class initiates a stream to a graph client (Gephi, ..) * It registers the channel to a given id with the channelContext * When an optional vertex id is given, that one is streamed straight away. * * request format: /createStream/{channel id}[/{vertex id}] * * When the channel id is missing, a RequestHandlerException is thrown, resulting in an 'internal server error' response. * * @author Ernst Bunders */ public final class CreateStreamRequestHandler extends BaseGraphStreamerRequestHandler { public static final String PATH_REGEX = "^/createStream/(\\w)+(?:/(\\w+))?"; private static final String ERR_MSG = "Wow! you can not call the create stream request without an id. Proper form: /createStream/{id}[/{subGraphId}]"; public CreateStreamRequestHandler(ChannelContext channelContext, GraphUnfoldingService graphStreamingService) { super(channelContext, graphStreamingService); } @Override public void handleRequest(HttpRequest request, final Channel channel) throws RequestHandlerException { final List<String> params = RequestHandlerUtil.getGroups(request.getUri(), PATH_REGEX); final String id = getParamOrFail(params, 0, ERR_MSG); final Optional<String> vertexIdOption = getParamOption(params, 1); //add the channel to the context. final ChannelGroup channelGroup = getChannelContext().addChannel(id, channel); //now emit the response, but keep the line open final HttpResponse res = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK); res.setChunked(true); channel.write(res); //now, if a vertex id was given, send that to the channel group with this id. if (vertexIdOption.isPresent()) getGraphStreamingService().unfoldVertex(vertexIdOption.get(), new ToChannelGroupListener(channelGroup)); } @Override public String getPathMatchingExpression() { return PATH_REGEX; } }