//$HeadURL$ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of deegree, http://deegree.org/ Copyright (C) 2001-2014 by: - Department of Geography, University of Bonn - and - lat/lon GmbH - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Contact information: lat/lon GmbH Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn Germany http://lat-lon.de/ Department of Geography, University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn Germany http://www.geographie.uni-bonn.de/deegree/ e-mail: info@deegree.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.deegree.securityproxy.service.commons.responsefilter.clipping.geometry; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.deegree.securityproxy.authentication.ows.raster.GeometryFilterInfo; import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.junit.Test; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; /** * @author <a href="mailto:goltz@lat-lon.de">Lyn Goltz</a> * @author last edited by: $Author: lyn $ * * @version $Revision: $, $Date: $ */ public class GeometryRetrieverImplTest { private static final String COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_1 = "simpleCoverageName1"; private static final String COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_2 = "simpleCoverageName2"; private static final String COVERAGE_NAME = "coverageName"; private static final String GEOMETRY_SIMPLE_1 = "SRID=4326;POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30 10))"; private static final String GEOMETRY_SIMPLE_2 = "SRID=4326;POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 20 60, 60 60, 30 10))"; private static final String GEOMETRY = "SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-89.739 20.864,-89.758 20.876,-89.765 20.894,-89.748 20.897,-89.73 20.91,-89.708 20.928,-89.704 20.948,-89.716 20.964,-89.729 20.99,-89.73 21.017,-89.712 21.021,-89.685 21.031,-89.667 21.025,-89.641 21.017,-89.62 21.019,-89.599 21.018,-89.575 20.995,-89.568 20.97,-89.562 20.934,-89.562 20.91,-89.577 20.89,-89.609 20.878,-89.636 20.877,-89.664 20.881,-89.683 20.904,-89.683 20.917,-89.664 20.941,-89.662 20.954,-89.674 20.965,-89.687 20.983,-89.705 20.989,-89.703 20.974,-89.696 20.961,-89.686 20.949,-89.683 20.935,-89.694 20.919,-89.705 20.901,-89.722 20.875,-89.727 20.869,-89.739 20.864),(-89.627 20.985,-89.603 20.962,-89.62 20.936,-89.634 20.943,-89.639 20.961,-89.649 20.975,-89.627 20.985)))"; private final GeometryRetrieverImpl geometryRetriever = new GeometryRetrieverImpl(); @Test public void testRetrieveGeometryFromEmptyListShouldReturnNull() throws Exception { Geometry retrievedGeometry = geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( COVERAGE_NAME ), createEmptyWcsGeometryFilterInfoList() ); assertThat( retrievedGeometry, is( nullValue() ) ); } @Test public void testRetrieveGeometryWithCoverageWithoutFilterShouldReturnNull() throws Exception { Geometry retrievedGeometry = geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( "coverageWithoutFilter" ), createWcsGeometryFilterInfoList() ); assertThat( retrievedGeometry, is( nullValue() ) ); } @Test public void testRetrieveGeometryWithCoverageWithoutGeometryShouldReturnNull() throws Exception { Geometry retrievedGeometry = geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( COVERAGE_NAME ), createWcsGeometryFilterInfoListWithoutGeometry() ); assertThat( retrievedGeometry, is( nullValue() ) ); } @Test public void testRetrieveGeometryWithCoverageWithOneGeometryShouldReturnNotNull() throws Exception { Geometry retrievedGeometry = geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( COVERAGE_NAME ), createWcsGeometryFilterInfoList() ); assertThat( retrievedGeometry, is( notNullValue() ) ); } @Test public void testRetrieveGeometryWithCoverageWithOneGeometryShouldReturnCorrectParsedGeometry() throws Exception { Geometry retrievedGeometry = geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_1 ), createWcsGeometryFilterInfoListWithSimpleGeometry() ); Geometry expectedPolygon = createExpectedGeometry(); assertThat( retrievedGeometry, is( expectedPolygon ) ); } @Test public void testRetrieveGeometryWithCoverageFromMultipleGeometriesShouldReturnCorrectParsedGeometry() throws Exception { Geometry retrievedGeometry = geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_1 ), createWcsGeometryFilterInfoListWithMultipleGeometries() ); Geometry expectedPolygon = createExpectedGeometry(); assertThat( retrievedGeometry, is( expectedPolygon ) ); } @Test public void testRetrieveGeometryWithCoverageFromMultipleLayerNamesShouldReturnUnion() throws Exception { Geometry retrievedGeometry = geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_1, COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_2 ), createWcsGeometryFilterInfoListWithSimpleGeometry() ); Geometry expectedPolygon = createExpectedGeometryUnion(); assertThat( retrievedGeometry, is( expectedPolygon ) ); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testRetrieveGeometryWithNullCoverageNameShouldFail() throws Exception { geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( null, createWcsGeometryFilterInfoList() ); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testRetrieveGeometryWithEmptyLayerNamesListShouldFail() throws Exception { geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( Collections.<String> emptyList(), createWcsGeometryFilterInfoList() ); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testRetrieveGeometryWithNullGeoemtryFilterListShouldFail() throws Exception { geometryRetriever.retrieveGeometry( asList( COVERAGE_NAME ), null ); } /* * #normaliseWkt() */ @Test public void testNormaliseWkt() throws Exception { String normalisedWkt = geometryRetriever.normaliseWkt( GEOMETRY ); assertThat( normalisedWkt, startsWith( "MULTIPOLYGON" ) ); } @Test public void testNormaliseWktWithoutSrid() throws Exception { String withoutSrid = "POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30 10))"; String normalisedWkt = geometryRetriever.normaliseWkt( withoutSrid ); assertThat( normalisedWkt, startsWith( "POLYGON" ) ); } private List<GeometryFilterInfo> createEmptyWcsGeometryFilterInfoList() { return emptyList(); } private List<GeometryFilterInfo> createWcsGeometryFilterInfoListWithoutGeometry() { List<GeometryFilterInfo> wcsGeometryFilterInfos = new ArrayList<GeometryFilterInfo>(); wcsGeometryFilterInfos.add( new GeometryFilterInfo( COVERAGE_NAME ) ); return wcsGeometryFilterInfos; } private List<GeometryFilterInfo> createWcsGeometryFilterInfoList() { List<GeometryFilterInfo> wcsGeometryFilterInfos = new ArrayList<GeometryFilterInfo>(); wcsGeometryFilterInfos.add( new GeometryFilterInfo( COVERAGE_NAME, GEOMETRY ) ); return wcsGeometryFilterInfos; } private List<GeometryFilterInfo> createWcsGeometryFilterInfoListWithSimpleGeometry() { List<GeometryFilterInfo> wcsGeometryFilterInfos = new ArrayList<GeometryFilterInfo>(); wcsGeometryFilterInfos.add( new GeometryFilterInfo( COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_1, GEOMETRY_SIMPLE_1 ) ); wcsGeometryFilterInfos.add( new GeometryFilterInfo( COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_2, GEOMETRY_SIMPLE_2 ) ); return wcsGeometryFilterInfos; } private List<GeometryFilterInfo> createWcsGeometryFilterInfoListWithMultipleGeometries() { List<GeometryFilterInfo> wcsGeometryFilterInfos = new ArrayList<GeometryFilterInfo>(); wcsGeometryFilterInfos.add( new GeometryFilterInfo( COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_1, GEOMETRY_SIMPLE_1 ) ); wcsGeometryFilterInfos.add( new GeometryFilterInfo( COVERAGE_NAME, GEOMETRY ) ); wcsGeometryFilterInfos.add( new GeometryFilterInfo( COVERAGE_NAME_SIMPLE_1, GEOMETRY_SIMPLE_1 ) ); return wcsGeometryFilterInfos; } private Geometry createExpectedGeometry() { // POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30 10)) GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(); Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate( 30, 10 ), new Coordinate( 10, 20 ), new Coordinate( 20, 40 ), new Coordinate( 40, 40 ), new Coordinate( 30, 10 ) }; return geometryFactory.createPolygon( coordinates ); } private Geometry createExpectedGeometryUnion() { // POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 20 40, 40 40, 30 10)) // POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 20 60, 60 60, 30 10)) GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(); Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate( 30, 10 ), new Coordinate( 10, 20 ), new Coordinate( 20, 60 ), new Coordinate( 60, 60 ), new Coordinate( 30, 10 ) }; return geometryFactory.createPolygon( coordinates ); } private Matcher<String> startsWith( final String startString ) { return new BaseMatcher<String>() { @Override public boolean matches( Object item ) { String valueToCheck = (String) item; return valueToCheck.startsWith( startString ); } @Override public void describeTo( Description description ) { description.appendText( "Item should start with " + startString ); } }; } }