package de.is24.deadcode4j; import de.is24.deadcode4j.junit.AUtilityClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; import static; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; public final class A_Utils extends AUtilityClass { @Test public void doesNotAddNull() { ArrayList<Object> list = newArrayList(); boolean changed = Utils.addIfNonNull(list, null); assertThat("The collection shouldn't have changed!", changed, is(false)); assertThat(list, hasSize(0)); } @Test public void addsNotNullValue() { ArrayList<Object> list = newArrayList(); boolean changed = Utils.addIfNonNull(list, new Object()); assertThat("The collection should have changed!", changed, is(true)); assertThat(list, hasSize(1)); } @Test public void returnsDefaultValue() { final int defaultValue = 42; Map<String, Integer> map = newHashMap(); map.put("key", 23); Integer value = Utils.getValueOrDefault(map, "anotherKey", defaultValue); assertThat(value, is(defaultValue)); } @Test public void returnsMappedValue() { final int mappedValue = 42; Map<String, Integer> map = newHashMap(); map.put("key", mappedValue); Integer value = Utils.getValueOrDefault(map, "key", 23); assertThat(value, is(mappedValue)); } @Test public void addsSetToMapIfNoMappedSetExists() { final String key = "foo"; Map<String, Set<Integer>> map = newHashMap(); Set<Integer> set = Utils.getOrAddMappedSet(map, key); assertThat(map, hasEntry(is(equalTo(key)), is(sameInstance(set)))); } @Test public void preservesExistingSetIfMappedSetExists() { final String key = "foo"; Map<String, Set<Integer>> map = newHashMap(); Set<Integer> existingSet = newHashSet(); map.put(key, existingSet); Set<Integer> set = Utils.getOrAddMappedSet(map, key); assertThat(set, is(sameInstance(existingSet))); } @Test public void returnsTheArgumentIfItsNonNull() { Object reference = new Object(); assertThat(Utils.checkNotNull(reference), is(reference)); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void throwsExceptionIfArgumentIsNull() { Utils.checkNotNull(null); } @Override protected Class getType() { return Utils.class; } }