package de.persosim.simulator.test.globaltester; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.globaltester.logging.BasicLogger; /** * Encapsulate ServerMode communication with an existing GlobalTester instance * in order to include GlobalTester tests within the existing * Unit-test-framework. * <p/> * This class expects a running GlobalTester instance listening on the provided * host/port. It also assumes that this instance is already configured to use * the PersoSim simulation as default card reader. * * @author amay * */ public class GtServerConnection { public static final String PREF_QUALIFIER_LOGGING = "org.globaltester.logging"; public static final String PREF_QUALIFIER_SECUREMESSAGING = "com.hjp.globaltester.epassport.securemessaging"; public static final String PREF_QUALIFIER_EAC2 = "com.hjp.globaltester.prove.eac2"; public static final String PREF_QUALIFIER_TESTMANAGER = "org.globaltester.testmanager"; private static final Pattern RESULTPATTERN = Pattern.compile( ".*?(\\d+) testcases \\((\\d+) failures, (\\d+) warnings.*"); private String serverHost; private int cmdPort; private Socket socket = null; private PrintStream out = null; private BufferedReader in = null; private int collectedErrors = 0; private int collectedWarnings = 0; private int nrOfExecutedTestCases = 0; /** * Constructor that provides connection information to acces GlobalTester * @param host hostname under which the GT is running * @param port port in which GT is listening to accept commands * @param resultPort port on which GT will listen for provided reading results in terminal tests */ public GtServerConnection(String host, int port, int resultPort) { serverHost = host; cmdPort = port; } /** * Change the selected working directory on the remote GlobalTester. * * @param projectName project to select * @throws IOException */ private void setWorkingProject(String projectName) throws IOException { String command = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<changeProject>" + projectName + "</changeProject>"; transmitCommand(command); } /** * Run a TestSuite (or TestCase) with given name from given project. Test results are * extracted from the server response and accumulated until the next call of * {@link #checkAndClearResults(int, int)} or * {@link #clearCollectedResults()} * * @param projectName project to search the test suite in * @param testSuiteName filename of the testsuite to execute (without extension) * @throws IOException */ public void runSuiteAndSaveResults(String projectName, String testSuiteName) throws IOException { setWorkingProject(projectName); runSuiteAndSaveResults(testSuiteName); } /** * Run a TestSuite (or TestCase) within the current project. Test results are * extracted from the server response and accumulated until the next call of * {@link #checkAndClearResults(int, int)} or * {@link #clearCollectedResults()} * * @param testSuiteName filename of the testsuite to execute (without extension) * @throws IOException */ public void runSuiteAndSaveResults(String testSuiteName) throws IOException { String command = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<testsuite>" + testSuiteName + "</testsuite>"; String result = transmitCommand(command); saveResults(result); } private void saveResults(String result) { if (result != null) { Matcher matcher = RESULTPATTERN .matcher(result); if (matcher.matches()) { nrOfExecutedTestCases += Integer.parseInt(; collectedErrors += Integer.parseInt(; collectedWarnings += Integer.parseInt(; } } } /** * Compare the accumulated results with expected values and clears the * accumulated results afterwards. * * @see #checkResults(int, int) * @see #clearCollectedResults() * * @param expectedErrors * @param expectedWarnings */ public void checkAndClearResults(int expectedErrors, int expectedWarnings) { checkResults(expectedErrors, expectedWarnings); clearCollectedResults(); } /** * Reset the accumulated results to 0. */ public void clearCollectedResults() { nrOfExecutedTestCases = 0; collectedErrors = 0; collectedWarnings = 0; } public int getCollectedErrors() { return collectedErrors; } public int getCollectedWarnings() { return collectedWarnings; } /** * Compare the accumulated results with expected values. * <p/> * In case of a mismatch between expected and accumulated values an * {@link AssertionError} is thrown. * * @see #checkResults(int, int) * @see #clearCollectedResults() * * @param expectedErrors * @param expectedWarnings */ public void checkResults(int expectedErrors, int expectedWarnings) { System.out .printf("Executed %5d testcases via GlobalTester Servermode. Found/expected %5d/%-5d errors and %5d/%-5d warnings. ", nrOfExecutedTestCases, collectedErrors, expectedErrors, collectedWarnings, expectedWarnings); if (nrOfExecutedTestCases <= 0) { System.out.println("FAIL!"); assertTrue("No testcases have been executed", nrOfExecutedTestCases > 0); } else if (expectedErrors != collectedErrors) { System.out.println("FAIL!"); assertEquals("Unexpected number of errors in testsuite", expectedErrors, collectedErrors); } else if (expectedWarnings != collectedWarnings) { System.out.println("FAIL!"); assertEquals("Unexpected number of errors in testsuite", expectedWarnings, collectedWarnings); } else { System.out.println("OK!"); } } /** * Initiate the ServerMode connection to the GlobalTester instance. * <p/> * NOTE: the current implementation is not thread safe */ public boolean connect() { if (socket != null) { throw new RuntimeException( "GTServerConnection is already connected"); } try { socket = new Socket(serverHost, cmdPort); if (!socket.isConnected()) { throw new RuntimeException( "GTServerConnection: unable to connect to a GT Server "); } out = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream()); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); return true; } catch (IOException e) { BasicLogger.logException(this.getClass(), e); return false; } } private String transmitCommand(String command) throws IOException { out.println(command); return in.readLine(); } /** * Close the ServerMode connection to the GlobalTester instance. * <p/> * NOTE: the current implementation is not thread safe * @throws IOException */ public void closeConnection() { if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * @see #runSuiteAndSaveResults(String, String) * @param suite * @throws IOException */ public void runSuiteAndSaveResults(GtSuiteDescriptor suite) throws IOException { runSuiteAndSaveResults(suite.getProject(), suite.getTestSuiteName()); } /** * This method allows setting of preference values. * * @param qualifier * Eclipse preference qualifier (i.e. bundle name of scope) * @param key * key of the preference to set * @param value * value to store * @return the ServerMode response, this contains either the previous value * or an error message * @throws IOException */ public String setPreferences(String qualifier, String key, String value) throws IOException { String command = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<setPreferences>"+ "<preference qualifier=\""+qualifier+"\" key=\""+key+"\"><![CDATA["+ value + "]]></preference>"+ "</setPreferences>"; return transmitCommand(command); } /** * Returns the absolute path to the workspace directory used by the remot GT * instance. This path is usable on the (possibly remote) machine. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public String getWorkspaceDir() throws IOException { String command = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><getWorkspaceDir/>"; String response = transmitCommand(command); Matcher m = Pattern.compile("<workspaceDir>(.*)</workspaceDir>") .matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { return; } else { return ""; } } /** * Creates a directory on the remote machine. * <p/> * Be aware that this allows uncontrolled access to the remote file system. * * @param path * @return the ServerMode response, in case of failure this contains an * error message * @throws IOException */ public String mkDir(String path) throws IOException { String command = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<mkDir>" + path + "</mkDir>"; return transmitCommand(command); } /** * Writes data to the file on the remote machine, possibly creating it. * <p/> * Be aware that this allows uncontrolled access to the remote file system. * * @param path * @return the ServerMode response, in case of failure this contains an * error message * @throws IOException */ public String writeFile(String filename, String content) throws IOException { String command = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<writeFile filename=\""+filename+"\">" + content + "</writeFile>"; return transmitCommand(command); } /** * Select supported GlobalTester profiles in the remote GT instance. * <p/> * This sets all available profiles to false except those given in supportedProfiles * @param supportedProfiles Collection of profiles supported by this sample. * @throws IOException */ public void setSupportedProfiles(Collection<String> supportedProfiles) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Boolean> profiles = getAllProfilesDisabled(); //set supported profiles for (String curSupProfile : supportedProfiles) { profiles.put(curSupProfile, true); } //build command StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); command.append("<setPreferences>"); for (String curProfile : profiles.keySet()) { command.append("<preference qualifier=\""+PREF_QUALIFIER_TESTMANAGER+"\" key=\"_profile_"+curProfile+"\">"+profiles.get(curProfile)+"</preference>"); } command.append("</setPreferences>"); //send to gtServer transmitCommand(command.toString()); } /** * Returns a HascMap associating false with all known profiles * @return */ private HashMap<String, Boolean> getAllProfilesDisabled() { HashMap<String, Boolean> retVal = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); for (String curProfile : GtConstants.ALL_PROFILES) { retVal.put(curProfile, false); } return retVal; } }