/** * Copyright (c) Codice Foundation * <p/> * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or any later version. * <p/> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * is distributed along with this program and can be found at * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html>. **/ package org.codice.ddf.catalog.twitter.source; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.geotools.filter.AttributeExpressionImpl; import org.geotools.filter.LikeFilterImpl; import org.geotools.filter.visitor.DefaultFilterVisitor; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.spatialschema.geometry.primitive.SurfaceImpl; import org.geotools.temporal.object.DefaultPeriodDuration; import org.opengis.filter.And; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.Not; import org.opengis.filter.Or; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLike; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal; import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Contains; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.DWithin; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Intersects; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.BinaryTemporalOperator; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.During; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.TOverlaps; import org.opengis.temporal.Period; import org.opengis.temporal.PeriodDuration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import ddf.catalog.impl.filter.TemporalFilter; public class TwitterFilterVisitor extends DefaultFilterVisitor { private static final String ONLY_AND_MSG = "Twitter only supports AND operations for non-contextual criteria."; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TwitterFilterVisitor.class); private List<Filter> filters; // Can only have one each of each type of filter in an Twitter query private ContextualSearch contextualSearch; private TemporalFilter temporalSearch; private double latitude; private double longitude; private double radius; private boolean hasSpatial; private NestedTypes currentNest = null; public TwitterFilterVisitor() { filters = new ArrayList<>(); contextualSearch = null; temporalSearch = null; } @Override public Object visit(Not filter, Object data) { Object newData; NestedTypes parentNest = currentNest; LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: NOT filter"); currentNest = NestedTypes.NOT; filters.add(filter); newData = super.visit(filter, data); currentNest = parentNest; LOGGER.trace("EXITING: NOT filter"); return newData; } @Override public Object visit(Or filter, Object data) { Object newData; NestedTypes parentNest = currentNest; LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: OR filter"); currentNest = NestedTypes.OR; filters.add(filter); newData = super.visit(filter, data); currentNest = parentNest; LOGGER.trace("EXITING: OR filter"); return newData; } @Override public Object visit(And filter, Object data) { Object newData; NestedTypes parentNest = currentNest; LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: AND filter"); currentNest = NestedTypes.AND; filters.add(filter); newData = super.visit(filter, data); currentNest = parentNest; LOGGER.trace("EXITING: AND filter"); return newData; } /** * DWithin filter maps to a Point/Radius distance Spatial search criteria. */ @Override public Object visit(DWithin filter, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: DWithin filter"); if (currentNest == null || NestedTypes.AND.equals(currentNest)) { // The geometric point is wrapped in a <Literal> element, so have to // get geometry expression as literal and then evaluate it to get // the geometry. // Example: // <ogc:Literal>org.geotools.geometry.jts.spatialschema.geometry.primitive.PointImpl@dc33f184</ogc:Literal> Literal literalWrapper = (Literal) filter.getExpression2(); // Luckily we know what type the geometry expression should be, so // we // can cast it Point point = (Point) literalWrapper.evaluate(null); Coordinate coords = point.getCentroid() .getCoordinate(); double distance = filter.getDistance(); LOGGER.debug("point: coords[0] = {}, coords[1] = {}", coords.x, coords.y); LOGGER.debug("radius = {}", distance); longitude = coords.x; latitude = coords.y; radius = distance / 1000; hasSpatial = true; filters.add(filter); } else { LOGGER.warn(ONLY_AND_MSG); } LOGGER.trace("EXITING: DWithin filter"); return super.visit(filter, data); } /** * Contains filter maps to a Polygon or BBox Spatial search criteria. */ @Override public Object visit(Contains filter, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: Contains filter"); if (currentNest == null || NestedTypes.AND.equals(currentNest)) { // The geometric point is wrapped in a <Literal> element, so have to // get geometry expression as literal and then evaluate it to get // the geometry. // Example: // <ogc:Literal>org.geotools.geometry.jts.spatialschema.geometry.primitive.SurfaceImpl@64a7c45e</ogc:Literal> Literal literalWrapper = (Literal) filter.getExpression2(); Object geometryExpression = literalWrapper.getValue(); if (geometryExpression instanceof SurfaceImpl) { SurfaceImpl polygon = (SurfaceImpl) literalWrapper.evaluate(null); Point point = polygon.getJTSGeometry() .getCentroid(); longitude = point.getX(); latitude = point.getY(); radius = point.getBoundary() .getLength() * 10; hasSpatial = true; filters.add(filter); } else if (geometryExpression instanceof Polygon) { Polygon polygon = (Polygon) geometryExpression; Point centroid = polygon.getCentroid(); longitude = centroid.getX(); latitude = centroid.getY(); radius = polygon.getBoundary() .getLength() * 10; hasSpatial = true; filters.add(filter); } else { LOGGER.warn("Only POLYGON geometry WKT for Contains filter is supported"); } } else { LOGGER.warn(ONLY_AND_MSG); } LOGGER.trace("EXITING: Contains filter"); return super.visit(filter, data); } /** * Intersects filter maps to a Polygon or BBox Spatial search criteria. */ @Override public Object visit(Intersects filter, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: Intersects filter"); if (currentNest == null || NestedTypes.AND.equals(currentNest)) { // The geometric point is wrapped in a <Literal> element, so have to // get geometry expression as literal and then evaluate it to get // the geometry. // Example: // <ogc:Literal>org.geotools.geometry.jts.spatialschema.geometry.primitive.SurfaceImpl@64a7c45e</ogc:Literal> Literal literalWrapper = (Literal) filter.getExpression2(); Object geometryExpression = literalWrapper.getValue(); if (geometryExpression instanceof SurfaceImpl) { SurfaceImpl polygon = (SurfaceImpl) literalWrapper.evaluate(null); Point point = polygon.getJTSGeometry() .getCentroid(); longitude = point.getX(); latitude = point.getY(); radius = point.getBoundary() .getLength() * 10; hasSpatial = true; filters.add(filter); } else if (geometryExpression instanceof Polygon) { Polygon polygon = (Polygon) geometryExpression; Point centroid = polygon.getCentroid(); longitude = centroid.getX(); latitude = centroid.getY(); radius = polygon.getBoundary() .getLength() * 10; hasSpatial = true; filters.add(filter); } else { LOGGER.warn("Only POLYGON geometry WKT for Intersects filter is supported"); } } else { LOGGER.warn(ONLY_AND_MSG); } LOGGER.trace("EXITING: Intersects filter"); return super.visit(filter, data); } /** * TOverlaps filter maps to a Temporal (Absolute and Offset) search criteria. */ @Override public Object visit(TOverlaps filter, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: TOverlaps filter"); if (currentNest == null || NestedTypes.AND.equals(currentNest)) { handleTemporal(filter); } else { LOGGER.warn(ONLY_AND_MSG); } LOGGER.trace("EXITING: TOverlaps filter"); return super.visit(filter, data); } /** * During filter maps to a Temporal (Absolute and Offset) search criteria. */ @Override public Object visit(During filter, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: TOverlaps filter"); if (currentNest == null || NestedTypes.AND.equals(currentNest)) { handleTemporal(filter); } else { LOGGER.warn(ONLY_AND_MSG); } LOGGER.trace("EXITING: TOverlaps filter"); return super.visit(filter, data); } private void handleTemporal(BinaryTemporalOperator filter) { Literal literalWrapper = (Literal) filter.getExpression2(); LOGGER.debug("literalWrapper.getValue() = {}", literalWrapper.getValue()); Object literal = literalWrapper.evaluate(null); if (literal instanceof Period) { Period period = (Period) literal; // Extract the start and end dates from the filter Date start = period.getBeginning() .getPosition() .getDate(); Date end = period.getEnding() .getPosition() .getDate(); temporalSearch = new TemporalFilter(start, end); filters.add(filter); } else if (literal instanceof PeriodDuration) { DefaultPeriodDuration duration = (DefaultPeriodDuration) literal; // Extract the start and end dates from the filter Date end = Calendar.getInstance() .getTime(); Date start = new Date(end.getTime() - duration.getTimeInMillis()); temporalSearch = new TemporalFilter(start, end); filters.add(filter); } } /** * PropertyIsEqualTo filter maps to a Type/Version(s) search criteria. */ @Override public Object visit(PropertyIsEqualTo filter, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: PropertyIsEqualTo filter"); filters.add(filter); LOGGER.trace("EXITING: PropertyIsEqualTo filter"); return super.visit(filter, data); } /** * PropertyIsLike filter maps to a Contextual search criteria. */ @Override public Object visit(PropertyIsLike filter, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: PropertyIsLike filter"); if (currentNest != NestedTypes.NOT) { LikeFilterImpl likeFilter = (LikeFilterImpl) filter; AttributeExpressionImpl expression = (AttributeExpressionImpl) likeFilter.getExpression(); String selectors = expression.getPropertyName(); LOGGER.debug("selectors = {}", selectors); String searchPhrase = likeFilter.getLiteral(); LOGGER.debug("searchPhrase = [{}]", searchPhrase); if (contextualSearch != null) { contextualSearch.setSearchPhrase( contextualSearch.getSearchPhrase() + " " + currentNest.toString() + " " + searchPhrase); } else { contextualSearch = new ContextualSearch(selectors, searchPhrase, likeFilter.isMatchingCase()); } } LOGGER.trace("EXITING: PropertyIsLike filter"); return super.visit(filter, data); } @Override public Object visit(PropertyName expression, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: PropertyName expression"); // countOccurrence( expression ); LOGGER.trace("EXITING: PropertyName expression"); return data; } @Override public Object visit(Literal expression, Object data) { LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: Literal expression"); // countOccurrence( expression ); LOGGER.trace("EXITING: Literal expression"); return data; } public List<Filter> getFilters() { return filters; } public ContextualSearch getContextualSearch() { return contextualSearch; } public TemporalFilter getTemporalSearch() { return temporalSearch; } public double getLatitude() { return latitude; } public double getLongitude() { return longitude; } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public boolean hasSpatial() { return hasSpatial; } private enum NestedTypes { AND, OR, NOT } }