package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import diskCacheV111.util.VOInfo; import org.dcache.auth.FQAN; import org.dcache.auth.FQANPrincipal; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; public class SimpleSpaceManagerAuthorizationPolicy implements SpaceManagerAuthorizationPolicy { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleSpaceManagerAuthorizationPolicy.class); @Override public void checkReleasePermission(Subject subject, Space space) throws SpaceAuthorizationException { String spaceGroup = space.getVoGroup(); String spaceRole = space.getVoRole(); if (spaceGroup != null) { if (spaceRole == null) { if (spaceGroup.equals(Subjects.getUserName(subject))) { logger.debug("Subject with user name {} has permission to release space {}", Subjects.getUserName(subject), space); return; } try { long authorisedGid = Long.parseLong(spaceGroup); if (Subjects.hasGid(subject, authorisedGid)) { logger.debug("Subject with gid {} has permission to release space {}", authorisedGid, space); return; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // It is OK for spaceGroup not to be a valid Long. } } for (FQANPrincipal principal : subject.getPrincipals(FQANPrincipal.class)) { FQAN fqan = principal.getFqan(); if (spaceGroup.equals(fqan.getGroup()) && (spaceRole == null || spaceRole.equals(fqan.getRole()))) { logger.debug("Subject with fqan {} has permission to release space {}", fqan, space); return; } } } throw new SpaceAuthorizationException("Subject " + subject.getPrincipals() + " has no permission to release " + space); } @Override public VOInfo checkReservePermission(Subject subject, LinkGroup linkGroup) throws SpaceAuthorizationException { for (VOInfo voInfo: linkGroup.getVOs()) { String userName = Subjects.getUserName(subject); if (userName != null && voInfo.match(userName, null)) { logger.debug("Subject with user name {} has permission to reserve {}", userName, linkGroup); return new VOInfo(userName, null); } for (long gid : Subjects.getGids(subject)) { if (voInfo.match(Long.toString(gid), null)) { logger.debug("Subject with gid {} has permission to reserve {}", gid, linkGroup); return new VOInfo(Long.toString(gid), null); } } for (FQANPrincipal principal : subject.getPrincipals(FQANPrincipal.class)) { FQAN fqan = principal.getFqan(); if (voInfo.match(fqan.getGroup(), fqan.getRole())) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Subject with FQAN {} has permission to reserve {}", fqan, linkGroup); } return new VOInfo(fqan.getGroup(), fqan.getRole()); } } } throw new SpaceAuthorizationException("Subject " + subject.getPrincipals() + " has no permission to reserve in " + linkGroup); } }