/* * Copyright (C) Yutaka Matsuno 2010-2012 All rights reserved. */ package net.dependableos.dcase.diagram.editor.wizard; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import net.dependableos.dcase.diagram.common.exception.DcaseRuntimeException; import net.dependableos.dcase.diagram.common.exception.DcaseSystemException; import net.dependableos.dcase.diagram.common.util.MessageTypeImpl; import net.dependableos.dcase.diagram.common.util.Messages; import net.dependableos.dcase.diagram.editor.common.util.MessageWriter; import net.dependableos.dcase.diagram.editor.logic.xmlconv.XmlConversionToGmfLogic; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress; /** * Converts a D-Case file to a GMF model file. */ public class XmlConversionToGmfRunnable implements IRunnableWithProgress { /** * the input file. */ private IFile inputFile; /** * the output file. */ private IFile outputFile; /** * determines whether the output file is allowed to override. */ private boolean overwriteOption; /** * Creates an instance and initializes it. * * @param inputFile the input file. * @param outputFile the output file. * @param overwriteOption true if and only if the output file is allowed to override;false otherwise. */ public XmlConversionToGmfRunnable(IFile inputFile, IFile outputFile, boolean overwriteOption) { super(); this.inputFile = inputFile; this.outputFile = outputFile; this.overwriteOption = overwriteOption; } /** * Converts a D-Case file to a GMF model file. * * @param monitor the progress monitor to use to display progress and * receive requests for cancellation. * @throws InvocationTargetException if the run method must propagate a * checked exception, it should wrap it inside an * InvocationTargetException; runtime exceptions are * automatically wrapped in an InvocationTargetException by the * calling context. * @throws InterruptedException if the operation detects a request to * cancel, using IProgressMonitor.isCanceled(), it should exit * by throwing InterruptedException. * @see org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress#run(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { try { monitor.beginTask(Messages.COMMON_COMMAND_processing, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); // converts XmlConversionToGmfLogic conversionLogic = new XmlConversionToGmfLogic( inputFile, outputFile, overwriteOption); conversionLogic.convert(); } catch (DcaseRuntimeException e) { e.setMessageType(MessageTypeImpl.CONVERT_TO_GMF_FAILED); MessageWriter.writeMessageToProblemsView(e); MessageWriter.showMessageBoxSeeProblems(); } catch (DcaseSystemException e) { e.setMessageType(MessageTypeImpl.CONVERT_TO_GMF_FAILED); MessageWriter.writeMessageToErrorLog(e); MessageWriter.showMessageBoxSeeErroLog(); } finally { monitor.done(); } } }