package; import; import; import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.lang.String; import java.util.List; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; public class PolyUtilTest extends TestCase { private static final String TEST_LINE = "_cqeFf~cjVf@p@fA}AtAoB`ArAx@hA`GbIvDiFv@gAh@t@X\\|@z@`@Z\\Xf@Vf@VpA\\tATJ@NBBkC"; private static void expectNearNumber(double expected, double actual, double epsilon) { Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Expected %f to be near %f", actual, expected), Math.abs(expected - actual) <= epsilon); } private static List<LatLng> makeList(double... coords) { int size = coords.length / 2; ArrayList<LatLng> list = new ArrayList<LatLng>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { list.add(new LatLng(coords[i + i], coords[i + i + 1])); } return list; } private static void containsCase(List<LatLng> poly, List<LatLng> yes, List<LatLng> no) { for (LatLng point : yes) { Assert.assertTrue(PolyUtil.containsLocation(point, poly, true)); Assert.assertTrue(PolyUtil.containsLocation(point, poly, false)); } for (LatLng point : no) { Assert.assertFalse(PolyUtil.containsLocation(point, poly, true)); Assert.assertFalse(PolyUtil.containsLocation(point, poly, false)); } } private static void onEdgeCase(boolean geodesic, List<LatLng> poly, List<LatLng> yes, List<LatLng> no) { for (LatLng point : yes) { Assert.assertTrue(PolyUtil.isLocationOnEdge(point, poly, geodesic)); Assert.assertTrue(PolyUtil.isLocationOnPath(point, poly, geodesic)); } for (LatLng point : no) { Assert.assertFalse(PolyUtil.isLocationOnEdge(point, poly, geodesic)); Assert.assertFalse(PolyUtil.isLocationOnPath(point, poly, geodesic)); } } private static void onEdgeCase(List<LatLng> poly, List<LatLng> yes, List<LatLng> no) { onEdgeCase(true, poly, yes, no); onEdgeCase(false, poly, yes, no); } public void testOnEdge() { // Empty onEdgeCase(makeList(), makeList(), makeList(0, 0)); final double small = 5e-7; // About 5cm on equator, half the default tolerance. final double big = 2e-6; // About 10cm on equator, double the default tolerance. // Endpoints onEdgeCase(makeList(1, 2), makeList(1, 2), makeList(3, 5)); onEdgeCase(makeList(1, 2, 3, 5), makeList(1, 2, 3, 5), makeList(0, 0)); // On equator. onEdgeCase(makeList(0, 90, 0, 180), makeList(0, 90-small, 0, 90+small, 0-small, 90, 0, 135, small, 135), makeList(0, 90-big, 0, 0, 0, -90, big, 135)); // Ends on same latitude. onEdgeCase(makeList(-45, -180, -45, -small), makeList(-45, 180+small, -45, 180-small, -45-small, 180-small, -45, 0), makeList(-45, big, -45, 180-big, -45+big, -90, -45, 90)); // Meridian. onEdgeCase(makeList(-10, 30, 45, 30), makeList(10, 30-small, 20, 30+small, -10-small, 30+small), makeList(-10-big, 30, 10, -150, 0, 30-big)); // Slanted close to meridian, close to North pole. onEdgeCase(makeList(0, 0, 90-small, 0+big), makeList(1, 0+small, 2, 0-small, 90-small, -90, 90-small, 10), makeList(-big, 0, 90-big, 180, 10, big)); // Arc > 120 deg. onEdgeCase(makeList(0, 0, 0, 179.999), makeList(0, 90, 0, small, 0, 179, small, 90), makeList(0, -90, small, -100, 0, 180, 0, -big, 90, 0, -90, 180)); onEdgeCase(makeList(10, 5, 30, 15), makeList(10+2*big, 5+big, 10+big, 5+big/2, 30-2*big, 15-big), makeList(20, 10, 10-big, 5-big/2, 30+2*big, 15+big, 10+2*big, 5, 10, 5+big)); onEdgeCase(makeList(90-small, 0, 0, 180-small/2), makeList(big, -180+small/2, big, 180-small/4, big, 180-small), makeList(-big, -180+small/2, -big, 180, -big, 180-small)); // Reaching close to North pole. onEdgeCase(true, makeList(80, 0, 80, 180-small), makeList(90-small, -90, 90, -135, 80-small, 0, 80+small, 0), makeList(80, 90, 79, big)); onEdgeCase(false, makeList(80, 0, 80, 180-small), makeList(80-small, 0, 80+small, 0, 80, 90), makeList(79, big, 90-small, -90, 90, -135)); } public void testContainsLocation() { // Empty. containsCase(makeList(), makeList(), makeList(0, 0)); // One point. containsCase(makeList(1, 2), makeList(1, 2), makeList(0, 0)); // Two points. containsCase(makeList(1, 2, 3, 5), makeList(1, 2, 3, 5), makeList(0, 0, 40, 4)); // Some arbitrary triangle. containsCase(makeList(0., 0., 10., 12., 20., 5.), makeList(10., 12., 10, 11, 19, 5), makeList(0, 1, 11, 12, 30, 5, 0, -180, 0, 90)); // Around North Pole. containsCase(makeList(89, 0, 89, 120, 89, -120), makeList(90, 0, 90, 180, 90, -90), makeList(-90, 0, 0, 0)); // Around South Pole. containsCase(makeList(-89, 0, -89, 120, -89, -120), makeList(90, 0, 90, 180, 90, -90, 0, 0), makeList(-90, 0, -90, 90)); // Over/under segment on meridian and equator. containsCase(makeList(5, 10, 10, 10, 0, 20, 0, -10), makeList(2.5, 10, 1, 0), makeList(15, 10, 0, -15, 0, 25, -1, 0)); } public void testDecodePath() { List<LatLng> latLngs = PolyUtil.decode(TEST_LINE); int expectedLength = 21; Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length.", expectedLength, latLngs.size()); LatLng lastPoint = latLngs.get(expectedLength - 1); expectNearNumber(37.76953, lastPoint.latitude, 1e-6); expectNearNumber(-122.41488, lastPoint.longitude, 1e-6); } public void testEncodePath() { List<LatLng> path = PolyUtil.decode(TEST_LINE); String encoded = PolyUtil.encode(path); Assert.assertEquals(TEST_LINE, encoded); } }