/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingContext; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.ServiceDay; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.StateEditor; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.StopTransfer; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TransferTable; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseModeSet; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitVertex; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; public class FrequencyAlight extends Edge implements OnBoardReverseEdge { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3388162982920747289L; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FrequencyAlight.class); private int stopIndex; private FrequencyBasedTripPattern pattern; private int modeMask; private int serviceId; public FrequencyAlight(TransitVertex from, TransitVertex to, FrequencyBasedTripPattern pattern, int stopIndex, TraverseMode mode, int serviceId) { super(from, to); this.pattern = pattern; this.stopIndex = stopIndex; this.modeMask = new TraverseModeSet(mode).getMask(); this.serviceId = serviceId; } @Override public Trip getTrip() { return pattern.getTrip(); } public String getDirection() { return pattern.getHeadsign(stopIndex); } public double getDistance() { return 0; } public LineString getGeometry() { return null; } public String getName() { return "leave street network for transit network"; } public State traverse(State state0) { RoutingContext rctx = state0.getContext(); RoutingRequest options = state0.getOptions(); Trip trip = pattern.getTrip(); if (options.isArriveBy()) { /* backward traversal: find a transit trip on this pattern */ if (!options.getModes().get(modeMask)) { return null; } /* * Check transfer rules. This is possible here because the pattern always returns the * same trip. */ // Current time is used to find the next trip long currentTime = state0.getTimeSeconds(); int transferPenalty = 0; if (state0.getNumBoardings() > 0) { // This is not the first boarding, thus a transfer TransferTable transferTable = options.getRoutingContext().transferTable; // Get the transfer time int transferTime = transferTable.getTransferTime(state0.getPreviousStop(), state0.getCurrentStop(), state0.getPreviousTrip(), trip); if (transferTime > 0) { // There is a minimum transfer time to make this transfer // Decrease current time if necessary long tableAlightBefore = state0.getLastAlightedTimeSeconds() - transferTime; if (tableAlightBefore < currentTime) { currentTime = tableAlightBefore; } } else if (transferTime == StopTransfer.FORBIDDEN_TRANSFER) { // This transfer is not allowed return null; } // Determine transfer penalty transferPenalty = transferTable.determineTransferPenalty(transferTime, options.nonpreferredTransferPenalty); // Check whether back edge is TimedTransferEdge if (state0.getBackEdge() instanceof TimedTransferEdge) { // Transfer must be of type TIMED_TRANSFER if (transferTime != StopTransfer.TIMED_TRANSFER) { return null; } } } /* find next boarding time */ /* * check lists of transit serviceIds running yesterday, today, and tomorrow (relative to * initial state) if this pattern's serviceId is running look for the next boarding time * choose the soonest boarding time among trips starting yesterday, today, or tomorrow */ int bestWait = -1; TraverseMode mode = state0.getNonTransitMode(); if (options.bannedTrips.containsKey(trip.getId())) { //This behaves a little differently than with ordinary trip patterns, //because trips don't really have strong identities in frequency-based //plans. I expect that reasonable plans will still be produced, since //we used to use route banning and that was not so bad. Also, //partial trip banning is unsupported (the whole trip will be treated //as banned) return null; } for (ServiceDay sd : rctx.serviceDays) { int secondsSinceMidnight = sd.secondsSinceMidnight(currentTime); // only check for service on days that are not in the future // this avoids unnecessarily examining tomorrow's services if (secondsSinceMidnight < 0) continue; if (sd.serviceIdRunning(serviceId)) { int startTime = pattern.getPreviousArrivalTime(stopIndex, secondsSinceMidnight, options.wheelchairAccessible, mode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE, true); if (startTime >= 0) { // a trip was found, wait will be non-negative int wait = (int) (currentTime - sd.time(startTime)); if (wait < 0) LOG.error("negative wait time on alight"); if (bestWait < 0 || wait < bestWait) { // track the soonest departure over all relevant schedules bestWait = wait; } } } } if (bestWait < 0) { return null; } /* check if trip is banned for this plan */ if (options.tripIsBanned(trip)) return null; /* check if route is preferred for this plan */ long preferences_penalty = options.preferencesPenaltyForTrip(trip); StateEditor s1 = state0.edit(this); int type = pattern.getBoardType(stopIndex); if (TransitUtils.handleBoardAlightType(s1, type)) { return null; } //s1.setTrip(bestPatternIndex); is this necessary? (AMB) s1.incrementTimeInSeconds(bestWait); s1.incrementNumBoardings(); s1.setTripId(trip.getId()); s1.setPreviousTrip(trip); s1.setZone(pattern.getZone(stopIndex)); s1.setRoute(trip.getRoute().getId()); long wait_cost = bestWait; if (state0.getNumBoardings() == 0) { wait_cost *= options.waitAtBeginningFactor; } else { wait_cost *= options.waitReluctance; } s1.incrementWeight(preferences_penalty); s1.incrementWeight(transferPenalty); s1.incrementWeight(wait_cost + options.getBoardCost(mode)); s1.setBackMode(TraverseMode.ALIGHTING); return s1.makeState(); } else { /* forward traversal: not so much to do */ // do not alight immediately when arrive-depart dwell has been eliminated // this affects multi-itinerary searches if (state0.getBackEdge() instanceof FrequencyAlight) { return null; } StateEditor s1 = state0.edit(this); int type = pattern.getBoardType(stopIndex); if (TransitUtils.handleBoardAlightType(s1, type)) { return null; } s1.setTripId(null); s1.setLastAlightedTimeSeconds(state0.getTimeSeconds()); s1.setPreviousStop(((TransitVertex) fromv).getStop()); s1.setBackMode(TraverseMode.ALIGHTING); return s1.makeState(); } } public State optimisticTraverse(State state0) { StateEditor s1 = state0.edit(this); // no cost (see patternalight) s1.setBackMode(TraverseMode.ALIGHTING); return s1.makeState(); } /* See weightLowerBound comment. */ public double timeLowerBound(RoutingContext rctx) { if (rctx.opt.isArriveBy()) { if (! rctx.opt.getModes().get(modeMask)) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } int serviceId = pattern.getServiceId(); for (ServiceDay sd : rctx.serviceDays) if (sd.serviceIdRunning(serviceId)) return 0; return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else { return 0; } } /* * If the main search is proceeding backward, the lower bound search is proceeding forward. * Check the mode or serviceIds of this pattern at board time to see whether this pattern is * worth exploring. If the main search is proceeding forward, board cost is added at board * edges. The lower bound search is proceeding backward, and if it has reached a board edge the * pattern was already deemed useful. */ public double weightLowerBound(RoutingRequest options) { if (options.isArriveBy()) return timeLowerBound(options); else return options.getBoardCostLowerBound(); } public int getStopIndex() { return stopIndex; } public String toString() { return "FrequencyAlight(" + getFromVertex() + ", " + getToVertex() + ")"; } }