package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.Builder; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.CruiseControlException; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.Progress; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.gendoc.annotations.Description; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.gendoc.annotations.Required; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.util.Commandline; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.util.Directory; import net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.util.Util; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Element; public class XcodeBuilder extends Builder implements Script { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(XcodeBuilder.class); private static final String DEFAULT_OUTFILE_NAME = ""; Directory directory = new Directory(); private int exitCode = -1; private boolean hitBuildFailedMessage; private long timeout = ScriptRunner.NO_TIMEOUT; private boolean buildTimedOut; private final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(); private Map<String, String> buildProperties; @Override public Element build(Map<String, String> properties, Progress progressIn) throws CruiseControlException { final Progress progress = getShowProgress() ? progressIn : null; // @todo To support progress, determine text pattern indicating progress messages in output, // see AntScript.consumeLine() as an example setProperties(properties); OutputFile file = createOutputFile(directory, DEFAULT_OUTFILE_NAME); runScript(file); return elementFromFile(file); } void setProperties(Map<String, String> properties) { buildProperties = properties; } private void runScript(OutputFile file) throws CruiseControlException {"starting build"); String projectName = buildProperties.get(Builder.BUILD_PROP_PROJECTNAME); boolean finished = createScriptRunner().runScript(this, timeout, getBuildOutputConsumer(projectName, file.file, file.file.getName())); buildTimedOut = !finished;"build finished with exit code " + exitCode); } ScriptRunner createScriptRunner() { return new ScriptRunner(); } OutputFile createOutputFile(Directory d, String filename) { return new OutputFile(d, filename); } Element elementFromFile(OutputFile file) { hitBuildFailedMessage = false; Element build = new Element("build"); while (file.hasMoreLines()) { String line = file.nextLine(); Element message = getElementFromLine(line); if (message != null) { build.addContent(message); } } if (hitBuildFailedMessage) { build.setAttribute("error", "** BUILD FAILED **"); } else if (timeout != ScriptRunner.NO_TIMEOUT && buildTimedOut) { build.setAttribute("error", "build timed out"); } return build; } @Override public Element buildWithTarget(Map<String, String> properties, String target, Progress progress) throws CruiseControlException { arguments.overrideTarget(target); try { return build(properties, progress); } finally { arguments.resetTarget(); } } @Override public void validate() throws CruiseControlException { LOG.debug("super.validate()"); super.validate(); LOG.debug("validate directory"); directory.validate(); LOG.debug("validate args"); arguments.validate(); } public Commandline buildCommandline() throws CruiseControlException { Commandline cmdLine = new Commandline(); cmdLine.setWorkingDir(directory); cmdLine.setExecutable("xcodebuild"); arguments.addArguments(cmdLine, buildProperties); return cmdLine; } public int getExitCode() { return exitCode; } public void setExitCode(int result) { LOG.debug("exit code set to " + result); exitCode = result; } public void setDirectory(String path) { directory.setPath(path); } public Element getElementFromLine(String line) { if (hitBuildFailedMessage) { return messageAtLevel(line, "error"); } Element e = messageAtLevelIfContains(line, "warn", " warning: "); if (e != null) { return e; } e = messageAtLevelIfContains(line, "error", " error: "); if (e != null) { return e; } e = messageAtLevelIfContains(line, "error", "** BUILD FAILED **"); if (e != null) { hitBuildFailedMessage = true; return e; } return null; } private Element messageAtLevelIfContains(String line, String messageLevel, String semaphore) { if (line.contains(semaphore)) { return messageAtLevel(line, messageLevel); } return null; } private Element messageAtLevel(String line, String messageLevel) { Element target = new Element("target"); Element task = new Element("task"); target.addContent(task); Element message = new Element("message"); task.addContent(message); message.setAttribute("priority", messageLevel); message.setText(line); return target; } public void setTimeout(long timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } static class OutputFile { private final File file; private BufferedReader reader; private String nextLine; OutputFile(Directory dir, String filename) { file = new File(dir.toFile(), filename); } public String nextLine() { return nextLine; } public boolean hasMoreLines() { if (reader == null) { createReader(); } try { nextLine = reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("error reading file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (nextLine != null) { return true; } LOG.debug("reached end of build output"); try { reader.close(); reader = null; } catch (IOException ex) { } return false; } private void createReader() { LOG.debug("creating reader for file " + file.getAbsolutePath()); try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("error creating reader for file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } @Description("Pass specified argument to xcodebuild. The element has the required attribute: value.") public Arg createArg() { return arguments.createArg(); } class Arguments implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6252774653884713089L; private final List<Arg> args = new ArrayList<Arg>(); private Arg overrideTarget; private Arg originalTarget; public Arg createArg() { Arg arg = new Arg(); args.add(arg); return arg; } public void resetTarget() { args.remove(overrideTarget); if (originalTarget != null) { args.add(originalTarget); originalTarget = null; } } public void overrideTarget(String string) { saveOriginalTarget(); overrideTarget = createArg(); overrideTarget.setValue("-target " + string); } private void saveOriginalTarget() { for (final Arg arg : args) { if (arg.value.startsWith("-target ")) { originalTarget = arg; args.remove(arg); break; } } } public void validate() throws CruiseControlException { for (final Arg arg : args) { arg.validate(); } } public void addArguments(Commandline cmdLine, Map<String, String> buildProperties) { for (final Arg arg : args) { String value = substituteProperties(buildProperties, arg.value); cmdLine.createArgument().setValue(value); } } private String substituteProperties(Map<String, String> properties, String string) { String value = string; try { value = Util.parsePropertiesInString(properties, string, false); } catch (CruiseControlException e) { LOG.error("exception substituting properties into arguments: " + string, e); } return value; } } @Description("Passes an argument to xcodebuild. Example: <code><arg value=\"-project " + "${projectname}\"></code>.") public class Arg implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 832468395631809962L; String value; @Description("Argument to be passed on the command line. Any of the <a href=\"" + "#buildproperties\">properties passed to builders</a> can " + "be substituted into the value.") @Required public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value.trim(); } public void validate() throws InvalidValueException { if (value.length() == 0) { throw new InvalidValueException(); } } class InvalidValueException extends CruiseControlException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1464414088701915032L; InvalidValueException() { super("value of arg can't be an empty string"); } } } }