/* * Licensed to Crate under one or more contributor license agreements. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. Crate licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement * with Crate these terms will supersede the license and you may use the * software solely pursuant to the terms of the relevant commercial * agreement. */ package io.crate.operation.merge; import io.crate.data.Row; import io.crate.data.Row1; import io.crate.operation.projectors.sorting.OrderingByPosition; import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*; import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream; @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) @State(Scope.Benchmark) public class SortedPagingIteratorBenchmark { private Comparator<Row> compareOnFirstColumn; private Random rnd; private List<Row> unsortedSecond; private List<Row> unsortedFirst; private List<Row> sortedFirst; private List<Row> sortedSecond; @Setup public void prepareData() { rnd = new Random(42); compareOnFirstColumn = OrderingByPosition.rowOrdering(0, false, null); unsortedFirst = IntStream.range(0, 1_000_000).mapToObj(Row1::new).collect(Collectors.toList()); unsortedSecond = IntStream.range(500_000, 1_500_00).mapToObj(Row1::new).collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.shuffle(unsortedFirst, rnd); Collections.shuffle(unsortedSecond, rnd); sortedFirst = new ArrayList<>(unsortedFirst); sortedFirst.sort(compareOnFirstColumn); sortedSecond = new ArrayList<>(unsortedSecond); sortedSecond.sort(compareOnFirstColumn); } @Benchmark public void measurePagingIteratorWithRepeat(Blackhole blackhole) { SortedPagingIterator<Integer, Row> pagingIterator = new SortedPagingIterator<>(compareOnFirstColumn, true); pagingIterator.merge(Arrays.asList(new KeyIterable<>(1, sortedFirst), new KeyIterable<>(2, sortedSecond))); pagingIterator.finish(); while (pagingIterator.hasNext()) { blackhole.consume(pagingIterator.next()); } } @Benchmark public void measurePagingIteratorWithoutRepeat(Blackhole blackhole) { SortedPagingIterator<Integer, Row> pagingIterator = new SortedPagingIterator<>(compareOnFirstColumn, false); pagingIterator.merge(Arrays.asList(new KeyIterable<>(1, sortedFirst), new KeyIterable<>(2, sortedSecond))); pagingIterator.finish(); while (pagingIterator.hasNext()) { blackhole.consume(pagingIterator.next()); } } @Benchmark public void measurePagingIteratorWithSort(Blackhole blackhole) throws Exception { unsortedFirst.sort(compareOnFirstColumn); unsortedSecond.sort(compareOnFirstColumn); SortedPagingIterator<Integer, Row> pagingIterator = new SortedPagingIterator<>(compareOnFirstColumn, false); pagingIterator.merge(Arrays.asList(new KeyIterable<>(1, sortedFirst), new KeyIterable<>(2, sortedSecond))); pagingIterator.finish(); while (pagingIterator.hasNext()) { blackhole.consume(pagingIterator.next()); } Collections.shuffle(unsortedFirst, rnd); Collections.shuffle(unsortedSecond, rnd); } @Benchmark public void measureListSort(Blackhole blackhole) { ArrayList<Row> allRows = new ArrayList<>(unsortedFirst); allRows.addAll(unsortedSecond); allRows.sort(compareOnFirstColumn); for (Row row : allRows) { blackhole.consume(row); } // reset to avoid sorting a already sorted list in the next iteration Collections.shuffle(unsortedFirst, rnd); Collections.shuffle(unsortedSecond, rnd); } }