package core.framework.api.module; import core.framework.api.kafka.BulkMessageHandler; import core.framework.api.kafka.MessageHandler; import core.framework.api.kafka.MessagePublisher; import core.framework.api.util.Exceptions; import core.framework.api.util.Types; import core.framework.impl.kafka.Kafka; import core.framework.impl.kafka.KafkaMessagePublisher; import core.framework.impl.module.ModuleContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.time.Duration; /** * @author neo */ public final class KafkaConfig { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaConfig.class); private final ModuleContext context; private final String name; private final State state; public KafkaConfig(ModuleContext context, String name) { this.context = context; = name; state = context.config.kafka(name); if (state.kafka == null) { state.kafka = createKafka(context, name); } } private Kafka createKafka(ModuleContext context, String name) { if (context.isTest()) { return context.mockFactory.create(Kafka.class); } else { Kafka kafka = new Kafka(name, context.logManager); context.metrics.add(kafka.producerMetrics); context.metrics.add(kafka.consumerMetrics); context.startupHook.add(kafka::initialize); context.shutdownHook.add(kafka::close); return kafka; } } public <T> MessagePublisher<T> publish(String topic, Class<T> messageClass) { if (state.kafka.uri == null) throw Exceptions.error("kafka({}).uri() must be configured first", name == null ? "" : name);"create message publisher, topic={}, messageClass={}, beanName={}", topic, messageClass.getTypeName(), name); state.kafka.validator.register(messageClass); MessagePublisher<T> publisher = new KafkaMessagePublisher<>(state.kafka.producer(), state.kafka.validator, topic, messageClass, context.logManager); context.beanFactory.bind(Types.generic(MessagePublisher.class, messageClass), name, publisher); state.handlerAdded = true; return publisher; } public <T> KafkaConfig subscribe(String topic, Class<T> messageClass, MessageHandler<T> handler) { return subscribe(topic, messageClass, handler, null); } public <T> KafkaConfig subscribe(String topic, Class<T> messageClass, BulkMessageHandler<T> handler) { return subscribe(topic, messageClass, null, handler); } private <T> KafkaConfig subscribe(String topic, Class<T> messageClass, MessageHandler<T> handler, BulkMessageHandler<T> bulkHandler) { if (state.kafka.uri == null) throw Exceptions.error("kafka({}).uri() must be configured first", name == null ? "" : name); state.kafka.validator.register(messageClass); state.kafka.listener().subscribe(topic, messageClass, handler, bulkHandler); state.handlerAdded = true; return this; } public void poolSize(int poolSize) { state.kafka.listener().poolSize = poolSize; } public void uri(String uri) { if (state.kafka.uri != null) throw Exceptions.error("kafka({}).uri() is already configured, uri={}, previous={}", name == null ? "" : name, uri, state.kafka.uri); state.kafka.uri = uri; } public void maxProcessTime(Duration maxProcessTime) { state.kafka.maxProcessTime = maxProcessTime; } public void maxPoll(int maxRecords, int maxBytes) { if (maxRecords <= 0) throw Exceptions.error("max poll records must be greater than 0, value={}", maxRecords); if (maxBytes <= 0) throw Exceptions.error("max poll bytes must be greater than 0, value={}", maxBytes); state.kafka.maxPollRecords = maxRecords; state.kafka.maxPollBytes = maxBytes; } public void minPoll(int minBytes, Duration maxWaitTime) { if (minBytes <= 0) throw Exceptions.error("min poll bytes must be greater than 0, value={}", minBytes); if (maxWaitTime == null || maxWaitTime.toMillis() <= 0) throw Exceptions.error("max wait time must be greater than 0, value={}", maxWaitTime); state.kafka.minPollBytes = minBytes; state.kafka.minPollMaxWaitTime = maxWaitTime; } public static class State { final String name; Kafka kafka; boolean handlerAdded; public State(String name) { = name; } public void validate() { if (kafka.uri == null) throw Exceptions.error("kafka({}).uri() must be configured", name == null ? "" : name); if (!handlerAdded) throw Exceptions.error("kafka({}) is configured, but no producer/consumer added, please remove unnecessary config", name == null ? "" : name); } } }