package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; import net.sourceforge.sox.CrossfadeCat; import net.sourceforge.sox.SoxController; import; import; import; public class CrossfadeTest { public static void test (String videoRoot, String fileTmpPath, String clipOutPath, double fadeLen) throws Exception { File fileTmp = new File(fileTmpPath); File fileAppRoot = new File(""); File fileVideoRoot = new File(videoRoot); String fadeType = "l"; int sampleRate = 22050; int channels = 1; FfmpegController ffmpegc = new FfmpegController (null, fileTmp); Clip clipOut = new Clip(); clipOut.path = clipOutPath; clipOut.audioCodec="aac"; clipOut.audioBitrate=56; ArrayList<Clip> listVideos = new ArrayList<Clip>(); String[] fileList = fileVideoRoot.list(); for (String fileVideo : fileList) { if (fileVideo.endsWith("mp4")) { Clip clip = new Clip(); clip.path = new File(fileVideoRoot,fileVideo).getCanonicalPath(); //clip.startTime = "00:00:03"; //clip.duration = "00:00:02"; ffmpegc.getInfo(clip); //System.out.println("clip " + fileVideo + " duration=" + clip.duration); listVideos.add(clip); } } //now add 1 second cross fade to each audio file and cat them together SoxController sxCon = new SoxController(null, fileAppRoot, new ShellUtils.ShellCallback() { @Override public void shellOut(String shellLine) { // System.out.println("sxCon> " + shellLine); } @Override public void processComplete(int exitValue) { if (exitValue != 0) { System.err.println("sxCon> EXIT=" + exitValue); RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException("non-zero exit: " + exitValue); re.printStackTrace(); throw re; } } }); ArrayList<Clip> alAudio = new ArrayList<Clip>(); //convert each input file to a WAV so we can use Sox to process int wavIdx = 0; for (Clip mediaIn : listVideos) { if (new File(mediaIn.path).exists()) { if (mediaIn.audioCodec == null) { //there is no audio track so let's generate silence } else { Clip audioOut = ffmpegc.convertToWaveAudio(mediaIn, new File(fileTmp, wavIdx+".wav").getCanonicalPath(),sampleRate,channels, new ShellUtils.ShellCallback() { @Override public void shellOut(String shellLine) { // System.out.println("convertToWav> " + shellLine); } @Override public void processComplete(int exitValue) { if (exitValue != 0) { System.err.println("convertToWav> EXIT=" + exitValue); RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException("non-zero exit: " + exitValue); re.printStackTrace(); throw re; } } }); alAudio.add(audioOut); /* float duration = (float) sxCon.getLength(new File(audioOut.path).getCanonicalPath()); if (mediaIn.duration == null) { mediaIn.duration = String.format(Locale.US, "%f", duration); }*/ ffmpegc.getInfo(mediaIn); wavIdx++; } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(mediaIn.path); } } if (alAudio.size() > 0) { String fileOut = alAudio.get(0).path; System.out.println("mix length=" + sxCon.getLength(fileOut)); for (int i = 1; i < alAudio.size(); i++) { File fileAdd = new File(alAudio.get(i).path); CrossfadeCat xCat = new CrossfadeCat(sxCon, fileOut, fileAdd.getCanonicalPath(), fadeLen, fileOut); xCat.start(); fileAdd.deleteOnExit(); System.out.println("mix length=" + sxCon.getLength(fileOut)); } //1 second fade in and fade out, t = triangle or linear //String fadeLenStr = sxCon.formatTimePeriod(fadeLen); String fadeFileOut = sxCon.fadeAudio(fileOut, fadeType, fadeLen, sxCon.getLength(fileOut)-fadeLen, fadeLen); //now export the final file to our requested output format mOut.mimeType = AppConstants.MimeTypes.MP4_AUDIO; Clip mdFinalIn = new Clip(); mdFinalIn.path = fadeFileOut; System.out.println ("final duration: " + sxCon.getLength(fadeFileOut)); Clip exportOut = ffmpegc.convertTo3GPAudio(mdFinalIn, clipOut, new ShellUtils.ShellCallback() { @Override public void shellOut(String shellLine) { //System.out.println("convertTo3gp> " + shellLine); } @Override public void processComplete(int exitValue) { if (exitValue < 0) { RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException("non-zero exit: " + exitValue); re.printStackTrace(); throw re; } } }); } } }