package context.arch.intelligibility.weka.bayes; import weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes; import weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayesAdapter; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.estimators.Estimator; import weka.estimators.NormalEstimator; import context.arch.discoverer.query.ClassifierWrapper; import context.arch.enactor.Enactor; import context.arch.intelligibility.Explanation; import context.arch.intelligibility.expression.DNF; import context.arch.intelligibility.expression.Parameter; import context.arch.intelligibility.expression.Reason; import context.arch.intelligibility.expression.Unknown; import context.arch.intelligibility.query.AltQuery; import context.arch.intelligibility.query.Query; import context.arch.intelligibility.weka.WekaExplainer; /** * Explainer for the WEKA Naive Bayes classifier. * * @author Brian Y. Lim * */ public class NaiveBayesExplainer extends WekaExplainer<NaiveBayes> { public static final String QUESTION_WHY_LESS = "Why Less"; public static final String QUESTION_HOW_TO_IF = "How To If"; public static final String QUESTION_HOW_TO_INPUTS = "How To Inputs"; protected NaiveBayesAdapter nbAdapter; public NaiveBayesExplainer(Enactor enactor, ClassifierWrapper classifierWrapper) throws Exception { super(enactor, classifierWrapper); nbAdapter = new NaiveBayesAdapter(classifier); m_Distributions = nbAdapter.getMDistributions(); m_ClassDistribution = nbAdapter.getMClassDistribution(); } /** * Overridden to add more explanation types. */ @Override public Explanation getExplanation(Query query) { String question = query.getQuestion(); if (question == null) { return new Explanation(query, new DNF(Unknown.singleton)); } if (question.equals(QUESTION_WHY_LESS)) { return new Explanation(query, new DNF(getWhyLessExplanation())); } else if (question.equals(QUESTION_HOW_TO_IF)) { String altOutcomeValue = ((AltQuery)query).getAltOutcomeValue(); return new Explanation(query, getHowToIfExplanations(altOutcomeValue)); } else if (question.equals(QUESTION_HOW_TO_INPUTS)) { String altOutcomeValue = ((AltQuery)query).getAltOutcomeValue(); return new Explanation(query, new DNF(getHowToInputsExplanation(altOutcomeValue))); } else { return super.getExplanation(query); } } /** * Why Reason: this classValue has the highest probability among others. Their values are... * Returns conjunction of parameter(classValueName, probValue) */ public Reason getWhyLessExplanation() { Instance instance = classifierWrapper.extractInstance(enactor.getInWidgetState()); try { Reason probs = new Reason(); double[] distroForInstance = classifier.distributionForInstance(instance); for (int i = 0; i < distroForInstance.length; i++) { String name = classAttribute.value(i); Parameter<?> p = Parameter.instance(name, distroForInstance[i]); probs.add(p); } return probs; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Why Reason: gives "weights of evidence" * Conjunction of total evidence for instance: * g(x,c) = h(c) + sum_f{f(x_f,c)} * * where f(x_f,c) is function getEvidenceAttribute, and * h(c) is function getEvidencePrior * * Assume that the class value has been classified and set into the instance */ @Override public DNF getWhyExplanation() { Instance instance = classifierWrapper.extractInstance(enactor.getInWidgetState()); String classValue = enactor.getOutcomeValue(); //instance.classAttribute().value((int)instance.classValue()); DNF whyTraces = new DNF(); whyTraces.add(getWhyExplanation(instance, classValue)); return whyTraces; } /** * Gives weight of evidence for a specific classValue, regardless whether that was the classified one. * Can be used to obtain the evidence for Why Not, to supply to a UI displaying fully the evidence for Why and Why Not. * Does not enforce further interpretations or processing. * @param instance * @param classValue * @return */ protected Reason getWhyExplanation(Instance instance, String classValue) { Reason list = new Reason(); // total sum of evidence double totalEvidence = 0; // sum through method // calculate and add evidence due to prior double priorEvidence = getEvidencePrior(classValue); list.add(Parameter.instance(LIKELIHOOD, priorEvidence)); totalEvidence += priorEvidence; // calculate and add evidences due to each attribute/feature for (int f = 0; f < instance.numAttributes(); f++) { if (f == instance.classIndex()) { continue; } // skip class attribute String attrName = instance.attribute(f).name(); double attrEvidence = getEvidenceAttribute(classValue, f, instance); list.add(Parameter.instance(attrName, attrEvidence)); totalEvidence += attrEvidence; } // average evidence; use average instead of total, to normalize the "lengths" for visualization double avgEvidence = totalEvidence / (1 + instance.numAttributes()); list.add(0, Parameter.instance(AVERAGE, avgEvidence)); // add to front return list; } /** * Gets Why explanation for current/actual classValue, and Why explanation for desired whyNotClassValue. * Compares the two sets of evidences by taking a delta/diff and returning the deltas in a conjunction. * * If delta > 0, then evidence shows f(x_f) was too high to get whyNotClassValue * * Note that this is equivalent to just treating the problem as 2-class with values whyClassValue and whyNotClassValue. * One can see this is true because after taking a delta, all evidence from other classes are canceled out, and what is left is due to the two. * While this is not as computationally efficient, it is equivalent. * * @param altOutcomeValue to ask about * @return only one reason (i.e. Disjunction only has one child). */ @Override public DNF getWhyNotExplanation(String altOutcomeValue) { Instance instance = classifierWrapper.extractInstance(enactor.getInWidgetState()); String whyNotClassValue = altOutcomeValue; Reason reason = new Reason(); String whyClassValue = enactor.getOutcomeValue(); // total sum of evidence double dTotalEvidence = 0; // sum through method // calculate and add evidence due to prior double whyPriorEvidence = getEvidencePrior(whyClassValue); double whyNotPriorEvidence = getEvidencePrior(whyNotClassValue); double dPriorEvidence = whyNotPriorEvidence - whyPriorEvidence; // delta = target - actual dPriorEvidence = -dPriorEvidence; // flip to retain the same directional sense as for Why reason.add(Parameter.instance(LIKELIHOOD, dPriorEvidence)); dTotalEvidence += dPriorEvidence; /* * Get conjunctions for Why and Why Not. * Both should be of the same size with the same attribute order. * Iterate through and process deltas */ for (int f = 0; f < instance.numAttributes(); f++) { if (f == instance.classIndex()) { continue; } // skip class attribute String attrName = instance.attribute(f).name(); double whyAttrEvidence = getEvidenceAttribute(whyClassValue, f, instance); double whyNotAttrEvidence = getEvidenceAttribute(whyNotClassValue, f, instance); /* * Why not whyNotClassValue? Because attrVal was too high (delta>0) and caused whyClassValue instead of whyNotClassValue. * The aforementioned is true when whyAttrEvidence > whyNotAttrEvidence. */ double dAttrEvidence = whyNotAttrEvidence - whyAttrEvidence; // delta = target - actual dAttrEvidence = -dAttrEvidence; // flip to retain the same directional sense as for Why // System.out.println(whyNotAttrEvidence + " - " + whyAttrEvidence + " = " + dAttrEvidence); reason.add(Parameter.instance(attrName, dAttrEvidence)); dTotalEvidence += dAttrEvidence; } // average evidence; use average instead of total, to normalize the "lengths" for visualization double dAvgEvidence = dTotalEvidence / (1 + instance.numAttributes()); reason.add(0, Parameter.instance(AVERAGE, dAvgEvidence)); // add to front DNF reasons = new DNF(); reasons.add(reason); return reasons; } /** * This is similar to the "Ranks of Evidence" explanation capability of ExplainD [Poulin et al. 2004]. * This returns a conjunction of evidence of all attributes at various values. * For nominal attributes, there would be one evidence per attribute value. * For numeric attributes, there would be one evidence for each attribute, with the attribute value normalized to unity (one). * * Users can see which weights are more important, and mentally add them up to see if the threshold is exceeded. * Ultimately, this How To explanation would be more useful in combination with the What If explanation, * so that the user can explore a suitable solution, given that this How To explanation is only a *hint*, and not a solution. * * @param classValue to ask about * @return only one reason (i.e. Disjunction only has one child). */ @Override public DNF getHowToExplanation(String classValue) { Reason reason = new Reason(); // total sum of evidence double totalEvidence = 0; // sum through method // calculate and add evidence due to prior double priorEvidence = getEvidencePrior(classValue); reason.add(Parameter.instance(LIKELIHOOD, priorEvidence)); totalEvidence += priorEvidence; // calculate and add evidences due to each attribute/feature value for (int f = 0; f < header.numAttributes(); f++) { if (f == header.classIndex()) { continue; } // skip class attribute Attribute attr = header.attribute(f); String attrName =; if (attr.type() == Attribute.NUMERIC) { double attrEvidence = getEvidenceAttributeNumericValue(classValue, f); reason.add(Parameter.instance(attrName, attrEvidence)); totalEvidence += attrEvidence; } else if (attr.type() == Attribute.NOMINAL) { // iterate through nominal values and add double attrEvidence = 0; for (int v = 0; v < attr.numValues(); v++) { attrEvidence = getEvidenceAttributeNominalValue(classValue, f, v); attrName += "_" + attr.value(v); // enhance name reason.add(Parameter.instance(attrName, attrEvidence)); // totalEvidence += attrEvidence; // TODO: not quite right here! Need to select only one } totalEvidence += attrEvidence; // TODO: at the moment, just take the last one as selected } } // average evidence; use average instead of total, to normalize the "lengths" for visualization double avgEvidence = totalEvidence / (1 + header.numAttributes()); reason.add(0, Parameter.instance(AVERAGE, avgEvidence)); // add to front DNF reasons = new DNF(); reasons.add(reason); return reasons; } /** * Returns a conjunction of mean feature values for predicting the class value. * Since Naive Bayes considers numeric attributes as Gaussian distributions, this essentially shows the "average" case of features to produce the class value. * @param classValue * @return */ public Reason getHowToInputsExplanation(String classValue) { Reason list = new Reason(); // calculate and add mean values due of each attribute/feature value given the classValue for (int f = 0; f < header.numAttributes(); f++) { if (f == header.classIndex()) { continue; } // skip class attribute Attribute attr = header.attribute(f); String attrName =; if (attr.type() == Attribute.NUMERIC) { double attrMean = getMeanAttributeNumericValue(classValue, f); list.add(Parameter.instance(attrName, attrMean)); } // TODO: figure out how to obtain most likely nominal value // else if (attr.type() == Attribute.NOMINAL) { // // iterate through nominal values and add // double attrEvidence = 0; // for (int v = 0; v < attr.numValues(); v++) { // attrEvidence = getEvidenceAttributeNominalValue(classValue, f, v); // attrName += "_" + attr.value(v); // enhance name // list.add(Parameter.instance(attrName, new Value(attrEvidence, Value.NUMERIC_TYPE))); // } // } } return list; } public DNF getHowToIfExplanations(String altOutputValue) { Instance instance = classifierWrapper.extractInstance(enactor.getInWidgetState()); Attribute attrToCalc = null; for (int i = 0; i < instance.numAttributes(); i++) { if (instance.isMissing(i)) { attrToCalc = instance.attribute(i); break; } } if (attrToCalc == null) { return null; } // none missing, so nothing to determine for how-to /* * TODO * Calculate the cumulative weights from priors and all attributes except the selected one. * If attribute is numeric, * If threshold (g>0) is not yet reached, then find lower bound of x_f with f(x_f) to pass threshold * If threshold already passed, and if f(x_f) is negative, then find upper bound * There may not be a solution if x_f is bounded * If attribute is nominal, * Trial each nominal value to see which passes the threshold */ // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /* ================================================================================ * Internal methods to calculate evidences due to naive Bayes model * ================================================================================ */ /** * By [attrIndex][classIndex] * Posterior probabilities */ protected Estimator[][] m_Distributions; /** * By classIndex * Prior probabilities of class values */ protected Estimator m_ClassDistribution; /** * Evidence as described in ExplainD [Poulin et al. 2006]. For Naive Bayes, this binarizes the class values into one-against-all, and * calculates the log-odds ratio as a discriminant: * g(x) = log(P(c|x)/P(!c|x)) * g(x) > 1 when c is more probable, and <=1 otherwise. * * For a multi-class output, output is c_i when * argmax(P(c|x)) = P(c_i|x) * This means for any j and k != i, * P(c_i|x) > P(c_j|x), and P(c_i|x) > P(c_k|x) * Using the transitive property of inequalities, these can be multiplied together to give * [P(c_i|x)]^2 > P(c_j|x) + P(c_k|x) * * This allows us to generalize f to: * g(x) = log([P(c_i|x)]^(N-1) / product{P(c_j|x)}), where j != i, N is the number of class values * * g(x) for a multi-class classifier is actually a function of the inputs x, and the class value being considered c. So we rewrite as f(x,c) * g(x,c) tells us the evidence of * * Now, we seek to find the evidence that each attribute has to "vote" for class value c. * g(x) = log(P(c|x)/P(!c|x)) * = log(P(c)/P(!c)) * log(product{P(x_i|c)/P(x_i|!c)}) * = log(P(c)/P(!c)) + sum{log(P(x_i|c)/P(x_i|!c))} * g(x,c) = log([P(c_i|x)]^(N-1) / product{P(c_j|x)}) * = log( [P(c_i)*product{P(x_f|c_i)/P(x)}]^(N-1) / product{P(c_j)*product{P(x_f|c_j)/P(x)}} }, then we can cancel the P(x)'s * = log( [P(c_i)*product{P(x_f|c_i)}]^(N-1) / product{P(c_j)*product{P(x_f|c_j)}} } * = (N-1)*log(P(c_i)*product{P(x_f|c_i)}) - sum_j{log(P(c_j)*product{P(x_f|c_j)})}, where sum_j is sum by j, it sums over N-1 * = sum_j{log(P(c_i)/P(c_j))} + sum_f{sum_j{log(P(x_f|c_i)/P(x_f|c_j))}}, note that i is independent of j, so sum_j over a constant is just a multiplication by (N-1); sum_f is sum over attributes (features) * * We can see that the left term on the RHS is independent of x, and consists of prior probabilities. We label this as: * h(c) = sum_j{log(P(c_i)/P(c_j))} * * The right term on the RHS depends on x and its features, so that is the evidence: * f(x,c) = sum_f{sum_j{P(x_f|c_i)/P(x_f|c_j)}} * Each feature, x_f, has evidence: * f(x_f,c) = sum_j{log(P(x_f|c_i)/P(x_f|c_j))} * = (N-1)*log(P(x_f|c_i)) - log(product_j{P(x_f|c_j)}) // computational form * * Total evidence: * g(x) = h(c) + sum_f{f(x_f,c)} * * The more positive the evidence, the larger the evidence that this feature "votes" for the classValue. * Negative evidence votes against. * * @param classValue c_i * @param attributeIndex index of x_f * @param instance * @return f(x_f,c) */ protected double getEvidenceAttribute(String classValue, int attributeIndex, Instance instance) { return getEvidenceAttributeValue(classValue, attributeIndex, instance.value(attributeIndex)); } /** * To get instance independent evidence due to the attribute taking a certain numeric value. * Numeric value calibrated to mean. No point testing 1 standard deviation away. * @param classValue * @param attributeIndex * @return */ protected double getEvidenceAttributeNumericValue(String classValue, int attributeIndex) { int classValueIndex = header.classAttribute().indexOfValue(classValue); NormalEstimator estimator = (NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[attributeIndex][classValueIndex]; double mean = estimator.getMean(); double value = mean; // System.out.println("mean(" + header.attribute(attributeIndex).name() + ") = " + value); double evidence = getEvidenceAttributeValue(classValue, attributeIndex, value); return evidence; } /** * To get instance independent mean value due to the attribute taking a certain numeric value. * Used in How To What explanation. * @param classValue * @param attributeIndex * @return */ protected double getMeanAttributeNumericValue(String classValue, int attributeIndex) { int classValueIndex = header.classAttribute().indexOfValue(classValue); NormalEstimator estimator = (NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[attributeIndex][classValueIndex]; double mean = estimator.getMean(); return mean; } /** * To get instance independent evidence due to the attribute taking a certain nominal value. * @param classValue * @param attributeIndex * @param valueIndex * @return */ protected double getEvidenceAttributeNominalValue(String classValue, int attributeIndex, int valueIndex) { double value = valueIndex; // index of nominal value would map straight to the weka double index return getEvidenceAttributeValue(classValue, attributeIndex, value); } /** constant to take a very tiny value for Laplace correction, when p=0 */ public static final double EPSILON = 1e-10; // keep too small, then log's may become too big public static final String AVERAGE = "Average"; public static final String LIKELIHOOD = "Likelihood"; /** * Get the evidence due to a specific attribute value. * @param classValue * @param attributeIndex * @param valueIndex uses the Weka internal double format * @return */ protected double getEvidenceAttributeValue(String classValue, int attributeIndex, double value) { int classValueIndex = header.classAttribute().indexOfValue(classValue); int N = header.numClasses(); double[] prob_xf_c = new double[N]; double product_p_xf_cj = 1; // product{P(x_f|c_j)} for (int j = 0; j < prob_xf_c.length; j++) { prob_xf_c[j] = m_Distributions[attributeIndex][j].getProbability(value); // note that prob_xf_c[j] where j=classValueIndex is P(x_f|c_i) /* * May need Laplace smoothing because some may be 0: p = 1/N(c_j) * However, this would still lead to a small p, and cause some log to have a very large magnitude. * Nevertheless, these extremities would probably cancel out on average; just that specific values may not have valid values. */ if (prob_xf_c[j] == 0) { prob_xf_c[j] = EPSILON; // String name = trainingSet.attribute(attributeIndex).name(); // double mean = ((NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[attributeIndex][j]).getMean(); // double sd = ((NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[attributeIndex][j]).getStdDev(); // System.out.println("\t\tprob_xf_c[" + name + ",(" + classValue + ")] = " + 0); // System.out.println("\t\t mean = " + mean); // System.out.println("\t\t sd = " + sd); } if (j != classValueIndex) { // exclude class of interest product_p_xf_cj *= prob_xf_c[j]; } } double evidence = (N-1)*Math.log(prob_xf_c[classValueIndex]) - Math.log(product_p_xf_cj); // System.out.println("\t prob_xf_c[classValueIndex]: " + prob_xf_c[classValueIndex]); // System.out.println("\t product_p_xf_cj: " + product_p_xf_cj); // System.out.println("\t Math.log(prob_xf_c[classValueIndex]): " + Math.log(prob_xf_c[classValueIndex])); // System.out.println("\t evidence: " + evidence); return evidence; } /** * Get the evidence due to the prior probability. * * We can see that the classification decision is also affected by the prior probabilities, so the left term on the RHS * h(c) = sum_j{log(P(c_i)/P(c_j))} * = (N-1)*log(P(c_i) - log(product_j{P(c_j)}) // computational form * * This indicates whether, in general, the data is predisposed (via prior probabilities) to "voting" for this class. * The more positive the evidence, the larger the evidence that this class value is predisposed to be voted. * Negative evidence votes against. * * @param classValue * @return */ protected double getEvidencePrior(String classValue) { int classValueIndex = header.classAttribute().indexOfValue(classValue); int N = header.numClasses(); double[] prob_c = new double[N]; // P(c_j) double product_p_cj = 1; // product{P(c_j)} for (int j = 0; j < prob_c.length; j++) { prob_c[j] = m_ClassDistribution.getProbability(j); if (j != classValueIndex) { // exclude class of interest product_p_cj *= prob_c[j]; } } double evidence = (N-1)*Math.log(prob_c[classValueIndex]) - Math.log(product_p_cj); return evidence; } }