package; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ContentManagerRuntimeException extends RuntimeException { public ContentManagerRuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public ContentManagerRuntimeException(String message) { super(message); } public ContentManagerRuntimeException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public static class ContentManagerRuntimeException_CannotReadInputStream extends ContentManagerRuntimeException { public ContentManagerRuntimeException_CannotReadInputStream(Throwable cause) { super("Cannot read content", cause); } } public static class ContentManagerRuntimeException_CannotSaveContent extends ContentManagerRuntimeException { public ContentManagerRuntimeException_CannotSaveContent(Throwable cause) { super("Cannot save content", cause); } } public static class ContentManagerRuntimeException_CannotReadParsedContent extends ContentManagerRuntimeException { public ContentManagerRuntimeException_CannotReadParsedContent(Throwable cause, String hash, String parsedContent) { super("Cannot read parsed content with hash '" + hash + "' and parsed content : \n" + parsedContent, cause); } } public static class ContentManagerRuntimeException_ContentHasNoPreview extends ContentManagerRuntimeException { public ContentManagerRuntimeException_ContentHasNoPreview(String hash) { super("Content '" + hash + "' has no preview"); } } public static class ContentManagerRuntimeException_NoSuchContent extends ContentManagerRuntimeException { String id; public ContentManagerRuntimeException_NoSuchContent(String id) { super("No such content for id '" + id + "'"); = id; } public ContentManagerRuntimeException_NoSuchContent(String id, Throwable cause) { super("No such content for id '" + id + "'", cause); = id; } public String getId() { return id; } } }