package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource; import org.springframework.core.env.Environment; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; //import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Service @PropertySource("") public class RestAuthentication { private static final String UPPER_CASE_TOKEN_OAUTH2 = "BEARER"; private static final String[] Roles = {"COMPONENT"}; private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestAuthentication.class); @Resource private Environment env; @Autowired private UsersAuthzAndAuthClient uaa; @Autowired UserRepository userRepository; /** * This method only builds the Collection of Principals.It needs to be checked by the sub classes whether the principals have * sufficient permissions for the requested action. * @param credentials list of credentials provided. * @throws IdManagementException when the credentials are not valid */ public Collection<IPrincipal> authenticatePrincipals(Logger logger,Collection<String> credentials) throws IdManagementException { Collection<IPrincipal> principals = new LinkedList<IPrincipal>(); // This object comes from Spring authentication to the API. Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); IPrincipal principal = null; String credentialsUsedToAuthenticate="none"; boolean componentThere=false,userThere=false; //if there are tokens for users for( String cred: credentials) { if(cred == null) throw new IdManagementException("Field with empty credentials",null, LOG," A null credential string was found while trying to authenticate: ",Level.ERROR, 401); if(cred.toUpperCase().startsWith(UPPER_CASE_TOKEN_OAUTH2)) { cred = cred.substring(UPPER_CASE_TOKEN_OAUTH2.length()); cred = cred.trim(); credentialsUsedToAuthenticate=cred; //if the user provides the generic token set for anonymous //create a garbage uaa token and set principals accordingly if(credentialsUsedToAuthenticate.equals(env.getRequiredProperty("anontoken"))) { String username = env.getProperty("anonusername"); OpenIdUserData openId = new OpenIdUserData(); openId.setEmail(env.getProperty("anonemail")); openId.setFamily_name("compose"); openId.setGiven_name(username); openId.setName(username + " compose"); openId.setUser_id(env.getProperty("anonid")); openId.setUser_name(username); principal = new ComposeUserPrincipal(); principal.setTokenCredentials("anonymousUserUaaToken"); ((ComposeUserPrincipal)principal).setOpenId(openId); userThere=true; principals.add(principal); LOG.debug("User with user_id: "+openId.getUser_id()+" has been authenticated"); }else { OpenIdUserData openId = uaa.getOpenIdData(cred); principal = new ComposeUserPrincipal(); principal.setTokenCredentials(cred); ((ComposeUserPrincipal)principal).setOpenId(openId); userThere=true; principals.add(principal); LOG.debug("User with user_id: "+openId.getUser_id()+" has been authenticated"); } } } //If there is a component calling the API if(auth!=null && auth.getPrincipal()!=null) { Object o = auth.getPrincipal(); if(!userThere && o instanceof String) LOG.error("The principal seems to be an anonymous user (unauthenticated Compose Component)?: \""+o+"\" disregarding credentials"); else if(o instanceof { credentialsUsedToAuthenticate="HTTP Digest credentials"; UserDetails component = (UserDetails)o; //authentication successful with Spring methods (used for components) ComposeComponentPrincipal p = new ComposeComponentPrincipal(); p.setComposeComponentName(component.getUsername()+": authenticated with http digest auth"); principal = p; componentThere=true; principals.add(principal); LOG.debug("Compose entity authentication successfull: entity: "+component.getUsername()); } else if(!userThere) LOG.error("Unexpected Principal from spring security framework: class coming from autheorization.getUserDetails(): "+o.getClass().toString()); } if(!componentThere&&!userThere) throw new IdManagementException("Authentication failed, wrong credentials ",null, LOG," Incorrect credentials: \""+credentialsUsedToAuthenticate+"\"",Level.ERROR, 401); return principals; } /** * * @return basic information for the authenticated principals */ public static String getBasicInfoPrincipals(Collection<IPrincipal> principals) { String ret = ""; for(IPrincipal p: principals) { ret += p.getStringBasicInfo()!=null?p.getStringBasicInfo():""; } return ret; } public static ComposeUserPrincipal getComposeUser(Collection<IPrincipal> principals) throws IdManagementException { ComposeUserPrincipal user = null; for(IPrincipal p: principals) if(p instanceof ComposeUserPrincipal) user = (ComposeUserPrincipal) p; if(user != null) return user; throw new IdManagementException("Error in authentication of the user",null,LOG,"Null ComposeUser as ComposeIPrincipal",Level.ERROR,500); } /** * This method is used to get the actual user from the database, which corresponds to the first user in the list of Principals for the event. * @param event * @return * @throws IdManagementException if there is not user found in the list of principals of the event, or if the user is not found in the local database */ public User getUserFromEvent(Event event) throws IdManagementException { Collection<IPrincipal> principals = event.getPrincipals(); ComposeUserPrincipal user = null; for(IPrincipal p: principals) if(p instanceof ComposeUserPrincipal) user = (ComposeUserPrincipal) p; if(user != null) { User u = userRepository.getOne(user.getOpenId().getUser_id()); if(u != null) return u; else LOG.error("User with id "+user.getOpenId().getUser_id()+" not found in the local database"); } throw new IdManagementException("No user authenticated successfully for the request",null,LOG,"There is no user in principals priovided for the request, or it is not in the local database: "+ event.getLoggingDetails(),Level.ERROR,401); } /*public String createBasicHTTPAuthenticationToken(String username, String password) { String plainCreds = username + ":" + password; byte[] plainCredsBytes = plainCreds.getBytes(); String base64Creds = Base64.encode(plainCredsBytes); return base64Creds; }*/ }