package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.apache.slide.common.Service; import org.apache.slide.common.ServiceAccessException; import org.apache.slide.common.Uri; import org.apache.slide.content.NodeProperty; import org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptor; import org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptors; import org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionNumber; import org.apache.slide.structure.ObjectNode; import org.apache.slide.structure.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.apache.slide.util.logger.Logger; /** * TODO change delete x from X to delete from X where in (...) * Last modified: $Date: 2006/04/09 11:44:15 $ by $Author: laddi $ * * @author <a href="">aron </a> * @version $Revision: 1.4 $ */ public class HsqlRDBMSAdapter extends StandardRDBMSAdapter { // CommonRDBMSAdapter { public HsqlRDBMSAdapter(Service service, Logger logger) { super(service, logger); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ protected String convertRevisionNumberToComparable(String revisionNumber) { /* * CONVERT(SUBSTRING(vh.REVISION_NO,1,(LOCATE('.',vh.REVISION_NO)-1)) * ,INTEGER), CONVERT(SUBSTRING(vh.REVISION_NO, ( * LOCATE('.',vh.REVISION_NO)+1 )),INTEGER) */ String s = "convert(SUBSTRING(" + revisionNumber + ",1,(LOCATE('.'," + revisionNumber + ")-1)) ,INTEGER), convert( SUBSTRING(" + revisionNumber + ",(LOCATE('.'," + revisionNumber + ")+1)),INTEGER)"; return s; } public void removeObject(Connection connection, Uri uri, ObjectNode object) throws ServiceAccessException, ObjectNotFoundException { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { clearBinding(connection, uri); // delete links try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from LINKS where URI_ID in (select URI_ID from URI where URI_STRING = ? )"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } // delete version history // FIXME: Is this true??? Should the version history be removed if // the object is removed??? try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from VERSION_HISTORY where URI_ID in (select URI_ID from URI where URI_STRING = ? )"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } // delete version try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from VERSION where URI_ID in (select URI_ID from URI where URI_STRING = ? )"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } // delete the object itself try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from OBJECT where URI_ID in (select URI_ID from URI where URI_STRING = ?)"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } // finally delete the uri try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from URI where URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw createException(e, uri.toString()); } } /* * @see * java.sql.Connection, org.apache.slide.common.Uri, * org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptor) */ public void removeRevisionContent(Connection connection, Uri uri, NodeRevisionDescriptor revisionDescriptor) throws ServiceAccessException { try { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from VERSION_CONTENT where VERSION_ID in ( SELECT VH.VERSION_ID FROM VERSION_HISTORY VH, URI U WHERE REVISION_NO = ? and U.URI_STRING = ?)"); //"delete vc from VERSION_CONTENT vc, VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u // where vc.VERSION_ID = vh.VERSION_ID and vh.REVISION_NO = ? // and vh.URI_ID=u.URI_ID AND u.URI_STRING=?"); statement.setString(1, revisionDescriptor.getRevisionNumber() .toString()); statement.setString(2, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw createException(e, uri.toString()); } } /* * @see * java.sql.Connection, org.apache.slide.common.Uri, * org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionNumber) */ public void removeRevisionDescriptor(Connection connection, Uri uri, NodeRevisionNumber revisionNumber) throws ServiceAccessException { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { try { String sql = "delete from VERSION_LABELS where VERSION_ID in (select vh.VERSION_ID from VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u where vh.REVISION_NO = ? and vh.URI_ID = u.URI_ID AND u.URI_STRING = ?)"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); //"delete vl from VERSION_LABELS vl, VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u where vl.VERSION_ID = vh.VERSION_ID and vh.REVISION_NO = ? and vh.URI_ID = u.URI_ID AND u.URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, revisionNumber.toString()); statement.setString(2, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } try { String sql = "delete from PROPERTIES where VERSION_ID in (select vh.VERSION_ID from VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u where vh.REVISION_NO = ? and vh.URI_ID = u.URI_ID AND u.URI_STRING = ?)"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); //"delete p from PROPERTIES p, VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u where p.VERSION_ID = vh.VERSION_ID and vh.REVISION_NO = ? and vh.URI_ID = u.URI_ID AND u.URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, revisionNumber.toString()); statement.setString(2, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw createException(e, uri.toString()); } } /* * @see * java.sql.Connection, org.apache.slide.common.Uri) */ public void removeRevisionDescriptors(Connection connection, Uri uri) throws ServiceAccessException { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from VERSION_PREDS where VERSION_ID in ( SELECT VH.VERSION_ID FROM VERSION_HISTORY VH, URI U WHERE REVISION_NO = ? and U.URI_STRING = ?)"); //"delete vp from VERSION_PREDS vp, VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u where // vp.VERSION_ID = vh.VERSION_ID and vh.URI_ID = u.URI_ID and // u.URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw createException(e, uri.toString()); } finally { close(statement); } } protected long getVersionID(Connection connection, String uriString, NodeRevisionDescriptor revisionDescriptor) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; long versionID = 0l; try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("select vh.VERSION_ID from VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u where vh.URI_ID = u.URI_ID and u.URI_STRING = ? and vh.REVISION_NO = ?"); statement.setString(1, uriString); statement.setString(2, revisionDescriptor.getRevisionNumber() .toString()); rs = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { versionID = rs.getLong(1); } } finally { close(statement, rs); } return versionID; } public void createRevisionDescriptor(Connection connection, Uri uri, NodeRevisionDescriptor revisionDescriptor) throws ServiceAccessException { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { assureVersionInfo(connection, uri, revisionDescriptor); for (Enumeration labels = revisionDescriptor.enumerateLabels(); labels .hasMoreElements();) { long labelId = assureLabelId(connection, (String) labels .nextElement()); try { long versionID = getVersionID(connection, uri.toString(), revisionDescriptor); statement = connection .prepareStatement("insert into VERSION_LABELS (VERSION_ID, LABEL_ID) values (?,?)"); statement.setLong(1, versionID); statement.setLong(2, labelId); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } } for (Enumeration properties = revisionDescriptor.enumerateProperties(); properties.hasMoreElements();) { try { NodeProperty property = (NodeProperty) properties .nextElement(); long versionID = getVersionID(connection, uri.toString(), revisionDescriptor); statement = connection .prepareStatement("insert into PROPERTIES (VERSION_ID,PROPERTY_NAMESPACE,PROPERTY_NAME,PROPERTY_VALUE,PROPERTY_TYPE,IS_PROTECTED) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); int protectedProperty = property.isProtected() ? 1 : 0; statement.setLong(1, versionID); statement.setString(2, property.getNamespace()); statement.setString(3, property.getName()); statement.setString(4, property.getValue().toString()); statement.setString(5, property.getType()); statement.setInt(6, protectedProperty); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw createException(e, uri.toString()); } } public void createRevisionDescriptors(Connection connection, Uri uri, NodeRevisionDescriptors revisionDescriptors) throws ServiceAccessException { PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet res = null; try { int isVersioned = 0; if (revisionDescriptors.isVersioned()) { isVersioned = 1; } boolean revisionExists; try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("SELECT u.URI_ID FROM VERSION v, URI u WHERE v.URI_ID = u.URI_ID and u.URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); res = statement.executeQuery(); revisionExists =; } finally { close(statement, res); } if (!revisionExists) { try { long id = getID(connection, uri.toString()); statement = connection .prepareStatement("insert into VERSION (URI_ID, IS_VERSIONED) values (?,?)"); statement.setLong(1, id); statement.setInt(2, isVersioned); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement, res); } } boolean versionHistoryExists = false; if (revisionDescriptors.getLatestRevision() != null) { try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("SELECT 1 FROM VERSION_HISTORY vh, URI u WHERE vh.URI_ID = u.URI_ID and u.URI_STRING = ? and REVISION_NO = ?"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.setString(2, revisionDescriptors .getLatestRevision().toString()); res = statement.executeQuery(); versionHistoryExists =; } finally { close(statement, res); } } if (!versionHistoryExists && revisionDescriptors.getLatestRevision() != null) { try { long[] ids = getBranchIdAndUriID(connection, uri.toString()); long uriID = ids[0]; long branchID = ids[1]; statement = connection .prepareStatement("insert into VERSION_HISTORY (URI_ID, BRANCH_ID, REVISION_NO) values(?,?,?)"); statement.setLong(1, uriID); statement.setLong(2, branchID); statement.setString(3, getRevisionNumberAsString(revisionDescriptors .getLatestRevision())); // FIXME: Create new revisions on the main branch??? statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement, res); } } // Add revision successors Enumeration revisionNumbers = revisionDescriptors .enumerateRevisionNumbers(); while (revisionNumbers.hasMoreElements()) { NodeRevisionNumber nodeRevisionNumber = (NodeRevisionNumber) revisionNumbers .nextElement(); Enumeration successors = revisionDescriptors .getSuccessors(nodeRevisionNumber); while (successors.hasMoreElements()) { try { NodeRevisionNumber successor = (NodeRevisionNumber) successors .nextElement(); statement = connection .prepareStatement("insert into VERSION_PREDS (VERSION_ID, PREDECESSOR_ID) " + " select vr.VERSION_ID, suc.VERSION_ID" + " FROM URI uri, VERSION_HISTORY vr, VERSION_HISTORY suc " + " where vr.URI_ID = uri.URI_ID " + " and suc.URI_ID = uri.URI_ID " + " and uri.URI_STRING = ? " + " and vr.REVISION_NO = ? " + " and suc.REVISION_NO = ? "); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.setString(2, nodeRevisionNumber.toString()); statement.setString(3, successor.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } } } getLogger().log( revisionDescriptors.getOriginalUri() + revisionDescriptors.getInitialRevision(), LOG_CHANNEL, Logger.INFO); } catch (SQLException e) { throw createException(e, uri.toString()); } } /* * @see, * org.apache.slide.common.Uri) */ protected void clearBinding(Connection connection, Uri uri) throws ServiceAccessException, ObjectNotFoundException, SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; // clear this uri from having bindings and being bound try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from BINDING where URI_ID in ( select URI_ID from URI where URI_STRING = ?)"); //"delete c from BINDING c, URI u where c.URI_ID = u.URI_ID and // u.URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("delete from PARENT_BINDING where URI_ID in ( select URI_ID from URI where URI_STRING = ?)"); //"delete c from PARENT_BINDING c, URI u where c.URI_ID = u.URI_ID // and u.URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, uri.toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { close(statement); } } private long getID(Connection connection, String uriString) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; long uriID=0l; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement( "select URI_ID from URI where URI_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1,uriString); rs = statement.executeQuery(); if( { uriID= rs.getLong(1); } } finally { close(statement,rs); } return uriID; } private long[] getBranchIdAndUriID(Connection connection, String uriString) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet res = null; long[] ids = new long[2]; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement( "select u.URI_ID, b.BRANCH_ID from URI u, BRANCH b where u.URI_STRING = ? and b.BRANCH_STRING = ?"); statement.setString(1, uriString); statement.setString(2,NodeRevisionDescriptors.MAIN_BRANCH); res = statement.executeQuery(); if( { ids[0]=res.getLong(1); ids[1] = res.getLong(2); } } finally { close(statement,res); } return ids; } }