package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; import; import com.idega.core.persistence.GenericDao; /** * Data Access Object class for accessing "ART_CATEGORY" table in class {@link CategoryDaoImpl} * @author martynas * Last changed: 2011.05.12 * You can report about problems to: * AIM: lapiukshtiss * Skype: lapiukshtiss * You can expect to find some test cases notice in the end of the file. */ @Repository(CategoryDao.BEAN_NAME) @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON) public interface CategoryDao extends GenericDao { public static final String BEAN_NAME = "categoryDAO"; /** * * <p>Creates new {@link CategoryEntity}, or returns existing one.</p> * @param category {@link CategoryEntity#getCategory()}, * not <code>null</code>. * @return {@link CategoryEntity}, existing in database or * <code>null</code> on failure. * @author <a href="">Martynas StakÄ—</a> */ public CategoryEntity addCategory(String category); /** * * <p>Adds {@link CategoryEntity}s, which did not exist.</p> * @param categories - {@link CategoryEntity}s names to add or get from * database. * @return {@link CategoryEntity}s existing in database, by given names. * {@link Collections#emptyList()} on failure. * @author <a href="">Martynas StakÄ—</a> */ public Collection<CategoryEntity> addCategories(Collection<String> categories); /** * Deletes category * @param category Category name * @return true, if category deleted */ public abstract boolean deleteCategory(String category); /** * Deletes categories * @param categories Category name * @return true, if all categories deleted */ public abstract boolean deleteCategories(Collection<String> categories); /** * Returns all categories from database table "IC_CATEGORY" * @return Returns list of CategoryEntity objects */ public abstract List<CategoryEntity> getCategories(); /** * Returns categories form database table "IC_CATEGORY", which matches given list of categories * @param categories String type list of one article category names. * @return Returns list of CategoryEntity objects, null if empty list is passed */ public List<CategoryEntity> getCategories(Collection<String> categories); /** * Returns category form database table "IC_CATEGORY", which matches given string * @param category Category name * @return CategoryEntity object or null, if empty string is passed or such category does not exist */ public CategoryEntity getCategory(String category); /** * Checks weather there is such category in database; * @param category Category name * @return true, if such category exists */ public abstract boolean isCategoryExists(String category); /** * Checks, if there is such categories in database, if not, returns list of missing categories * @param categories Category names to compare * @return Categories which does not exist in database, null, if empty list is passed, empty list, if all categories exist */ public abstract List<String> getNotExistingCategoriesFromThisList(List<String> categories); /* * Tested cases: * Created category with name: "Name"; * Created category with name: "English fine name"; * Modified category "Name" to category "Surname"; * Modified category "English fine name" to "Spanish good surname"; * Deleted category "Surname"; * Deleted category "Spanish good surname"; * Deleted category "SomeCategory" while not removed from article "New article" */ }