package com.skp.experiment.common.join; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.TextOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.mahout.common.AbstractJob; import com.skp.experiment.common.OptionParseUtil; /** * This class offer Repartition Join(map only), Improved Repartition Join(using secondary sort) for * inner, outter, minus, gsub join options on multiple tables. * 1) inner: if there is same key exist in all target tables, then <src key, src value, [tgt values]> return * 2) outter: if there is no same key exists in any target tables, then <src key, src values, [0]> return * 3) sub * ex) * hadoop jar $jar main -i data/cf/raw_input.txt -o data/cf/merged * --srcKeyIndex 0,1(src tables`s key column seperated by comma) * --srcValueIndex 2(src tables`s key column seperated by comma) * --tgtTableOptions data/cf/meta.txt:0,1:2:filter;data/cf/meta2.txt:1,0:2:filter * (tgt table`s name:tgt table`s key columns:tgt table`s value columns:joinType) * */ public class ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob extends AbstractJob { public static final String SRC_TABLE = ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob.class.getName() + ".srcTable"; public static final String SRC_KEY_INDEX = ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob.class.getName() + ".srcKeyIndex"; public static final String SRC_VALUE_INDEX = ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob.class.getName() + ".srcValueIndex"; public static final String TGT_TABLE_OPTIONS = ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob.class.getName() + ".tgtTableOptions"; public static final String REPARTITION_JOIN = ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob.class.getName() + ".repartitionJoin"; public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE = ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob.class.getName() + ".defaultValue"; public static final String DELIMETER = ","; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ImprovedRepartitionJoinAndFilterJob(), args); } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { addInputOption(); addOutputOption(); addOption("srcKeyIndex", "sidx", "src key index, seperated by comma"); addOption("tgtTableOptions", "tgt", "list of option for tgt table {(tablename:keyindexs:valueindexs)}"); addOption("mapOnly", null, "true if only repartition join needs to be used."); addOption("defaultValue", null, "default value for outer join", "null"); if (parseArguments(args) == null) { return -1; } boolean repartitionOnly = getOption("mapOnly") != null && getOption("mapOnly").equals("true") ? true : false; Job joinJob = null; if (repartitionOnly) { /**map only job */ joinJob = prepareJob(getInputPath(), getOutputPath(), TextInputFormat.class, RepartitionJoinMapper.class, NullWritable.class, Text.class, TextOutputFormat.class); } else { /** improved repartition join: * reference tables comes in reducer first, and src table later. * using secondary sort. * */ joinJob = prepareJob(getInputPath(), getOutputPath(), TextInputFormat.class, ImprovedRepartitionJoinMapper.class, CompositeJoinKey.class, CompositeJoinValue.class, ImprovedRepartitionJoinReducer.class, NullWritable.class, Text.class, TextOutputFormat.class); /** secondary sort setup */ joinJob.setPartitionerClass(CompositeJoinKeyPartitioner.class); joinJob.setSortComparatorClass(CompositeJoinKeyComparator.class); joinJob.setGroupingComparatorClass(CompositeJoinKeyGroupingComparator.class); } joinJob.getConfiguration().set(SRC_TABLE, getInputPath().toString()); joinJob.getConfiguration().set(SRC_KEY_INDEX, getOption("srcKeyIndex")); joinJob.getConfiguration().set(TGT_TABLE_OPTIONS, getOption("tgtTableOptions")); joinJob.getConfiguration().set(DEFAULT_VALUE, getOption("defaultValue")); // iterate all target tables and add them into input paths List<JoinOption> tgtTableOptions = JoinOptionUtils.parseOptionStrings(getOption("tgtTableOptions")); if (!repartitionOnly) { for (JoinOption option : tgtTableOptions) { FileInputFormat.addInputPath(joinJob, new Path(option.getTable())); } } joinJob.waitForCompletion(true); return 0; } private static List<Integer> getAllColumnIndexs(String[] tokens) { List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { ret.add(i); } return ret; } private static String joinTokens(String[] tokens) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(DELIMETER); } sb.append(tokens[i]); } return sb.toString(); } public static class ImprovedRepartitionJoinMapper extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, CompositeJoinKey, CompositeJoinValue> { private static String srcTableName; private static List<Integer> srcKeyIndexs; private static List<Integer> srcValueIndexs; private static List<JoinOption> tgtOptions; private static int joinOptionIndex; private static CompositeJoinKey outKey = new CompositeJoinKey(); private static CompositeJoinValue outValue = new CompositeJoinValue(); @Override protected void setup(Context ctx) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // get parameter about source tables srcTableName = ctx.getConfiguration().get(SRC_TABLE); srcKeyIndexs = OptionParseUtil.decode(ctx.getConfiguration().get(SRC_KEY_INDEX), JoinOption.INNER_DELIMETER); //srcValueIndexs = OptionParseUtil.decode(ctx.getConfiguration().get(SRC_VALUE_INDEX), JoinOption.INNER_DELIMETER); // parse options for target tables tgtOptions = JoinOptionUtils.parseOptionStrings(ctx.getConfiguration().get(TGT_TABLE_OPTIONS)); // note that suffix for tables are define following order. // src table = n, tgt table 0 = 0, tgt table 1 = 1, .... tgt table n -1 = n -1 joinOptionIndex = tgtOptions.size(); FileSplit split = (FileSplit)ctx.getInputSplit(); Path path = split.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < tgtOptions.size(); i++) { if (path.toString().contains(tgtOptions.get(i).getTable())) { joinOptionIndex = i; break; } } } @Override protected void map(LongWritable offset, Text line, Context ctx) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String[] tokens = JoinOptionUtils.splitPrefTokens(line.toString()); if (srcValueIndexs == null) { srcValueIndexs = getAllColumnIndexs(tokens); } JoinOption curOption = new JoinOption(); if (joinOptionIndex == tgtOptions.size()) { // src table setup. curOption.setTable(srcTableName); curOption.setTargetTableKeyIndexs(srcKeyIndexs); curOption.setTargetTableValueIndexs(srcValueIndexs); curOption.setType("inner"); } else { // target table setup curOption.setTable(tgtOptions.get(joinOptionIndex).getTable()); curOption.setTargetTableKeyIndexs(tgtOptions.get(joinOptionIndex).getTargetTableKeyIndexs()); curOption.setTargetTableValueIndexs(tgtOptions.get(joinOptionIndex).getTargetTableValueIndexs()); curOption.setType(tgtOptions.get(joinOptionIndex).getType()); } String keyStr = JoinOptionUtils.fetchFileds(tokens, curOption.getTargetTableKeyIndexs()); String valueStr = JoinOptionUtils.fetchFileds(tokens, curOption.getTargetTableValueIndexs()); int suffix = joinOptionIndex; outKey.set(keyStr, suffix); outValue.set(valueStr, suffix); ctx.write(outKey, outValue); } } public static class ImprovedRepartitionJoinReducer extends Reducer<CompositeJoinKey, CompositeJoinValue, NullWritable, Text> { private static Text outValue = new Text(); private static List<JoinOption> tgtOptions; private static String defaultValue = ""; @Override protected void setup(Context ctx) throws IOException, InterruptedException { tgtOptions = JoinOptionUtils.parseOptionStrings(ctx.getConfiguration().get(TGT_TABLE_OPTIONS)); defaultValue = ctx.getConfiguration().get(DEFAULT_VALUE); } @Override protected void reduce(CompositeJoinKey key, Iterable<CompositeJoinValue> values, Context ctx) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // following code only works when secondary sort is properly used. // assumes that target tables appear first before source tables. Map<Integer, List<String>> tgtTableValues = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < tgtOptions.size(); i++) { tgtTableValues.put(i, new ArrayList<String>()); } for (CompositeJoinValue value : values) { int suffix = value.getSuffix(); boolean isSrcTable = suffix == tgtOptions.size() ? true : false; if (!isSrcTable) { tgtTableValues.get(value.getSuffix()).add(value.getValue()); } else { mergeOutput(ctx, key, value, tgtOptions, tgtTableValues); } } } private void mergeOutput(Context ctx, CompositeJoinKey key, CompositeJoinValue value, List<JoinOption> tgtOptions, Map<Integer, List<String>> tgtTableValues) throws IOException, InterruptedException { boolean skipThisValue = false; String[] valueTokens = value.getValue().split(DELIMETER); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < tgtOptions.size(); i++) { JoinOption option = tgtOptions.get(i); List<String> curTgtTableValues = tgtTableValues.get(i); // check when any target table has filter option and values for this key if (option.getType().equals("filter") && curTgtTableValues.size() > 0) { skipThisValue = true; break; } if (option.getType().equals("inner")) { // option is inner but there is no match in this target table for this key if (curTgtTableValues.size() == 0) { skipThisValue = true; break; } else { // inner join sb.append(JoinOptionUtils.DELIMETER).append(curTgtTableValues.get(0)); } } if (option.getType().equals("outer")) { sb.append(JoinOptionUtils.DELIMETER).append( curTgtTableValues.size() > 0 ? curTgtTableValues.get(0) : defaultValue); } if (option.getType().equals("sub")) { if (curTgtTableValues.size() == 0) { skipThisValue = true; break; } else { for (int j = 0; j < option.getSourceTableKeyIndexs().size(); j++) { int srcIdx = option.getSourceTableKeyIndexs().get(j); if (srcIdx >= 0 && srcIdx < valueTokens.length) { valueTokens[srcIdx] = curTgtTableValues.get(j); } } } } } if (!skipThisValue) { String necessaryStr = joinTokens(valueTokens); String extraStr = sb.toString(); if (extraStr.length() > 0) { outValue.set(necessaryStr + extraStr); } else { outValue.set(necessaryStr); } ctx.write(NullWritable.get(), outValue); } } } public static class RepartitionJoinMapper extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, NullWritable, Text> { private static List<Integer> srcKeyIndexs; private static List<Integer> srcValueIndexs; private static List<JoinOption> tgtOptions; private static List<Map<String, String>> tgtTableCaches; private static Text outValue = new Text(); private static String defaultValue = "null"; @Override protected void setup(Context ctx) throws IOException, InterruptedException { //srcTableName = ctx.getConfiguration().get(SRC_TABLE); srcKeyIndexs = OptionParseUtil.decode(ctx.getConfiguration().get(SRC_KEY_INDEX), JoinOption.INNER_DELIMETER); //srcValueIndexs = OptionParseUtil.decode(ctx.getConfiguration().get(SRC_VALUE_INDEX), JoinOption.INNER_DELIMETER); tgtOptions = JoinOptionUtils.parseOptionStrings(ctx.getConfiguration().get(TGT_TABLE_OPTIONS)); defaultValue = ctx.getConfiguration().get(DEFAULT_VALUE); tgtTableCaches = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < tgtOptions.size(); i++) { Path curPath = new Path(tgtOptions.get(i).getTable()); Map<String, String> cache = JoinUtils.fetchTextFiles(ctx, curPath, DELIMETER, tgtOptions.get(i).getTargetTableKeyIndexs(), tgtOptions.get(i).getTargetTableValueIndexs()); tgtTableCaches.add(cache); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper#map(KEYIN, VALUEIN, org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context) */ @Override protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context ctx) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String[] tokens = JoinOptionUtils.splitPrefTokens(value.toString()); if (srcValueIndexs == null) { srcValueIndexs = getAllColumnIndexs(tokens); } String srcTableKey = JoinOptionUtils.fetchFileds(tokens, srcKeyIndexs); String srcTableValue = JoinOptionUtils.fetchFileds(tokens, srcValueIndexs); boolean skipThisValue = false; //System.err.println("key: " + key.toString() + "\tvalue: " + value.toString()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //sb.append(value.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < tgtOptions.size(); i++) { JoinOption option = tgtOptions.get(i); Map<String, String> curTgtTableCache = tgtTableCaches.get(i); if (option.getType().equals("filter") && curTgtTableCache.containsKey(srcTableKey)) { skipThisValue = true; break; } if (option.getType().equals("inner")) { if (!curTgtTableCache.containsKey(srcTableKey)) { skipThisValue = true; break; } sb.append(JoinOptionUtils.DELIMETER).append(curTgtTableCache.get(srcTableKey)); } if (option.getType().equals("outer")) { sb.append(JoinOptionUtils.DELIMETER).append( curTgtTableCache.containsKey(srcTableKey) ? curTgtTableCache.get(srcTableKey) : defaultValue); } if (option.getType().equals("sub")) { if (!curTgtTableCache.containsKey(srcTableKey)) { skipThisValue = true; break; } String[] tgtTableValues = curTgtTableCache.get(srcTableKey).split(DELIMETER); for (int j = 0; j < option.getSourceTableKeyIndexs().size(); j++) { int srcIdx = option.getSourceTableKeyIndexs().get(j); if (srcIdx >= 0 && srcIdx < tokens.length) { tokens[srcIdx] = tgtTableValues[j]; } } } } //System.err.println("extra: " + sb.toString()); if (!skipThisValue) { String neccessary = joinTokens(tokens); String extra = sb.toString(); if (extra.length() > 0) { outValue.set(neccessary + extra); } else { outValue.set(neccessary); } //System.err.println("output: " + outValue.toString()); //outValue.set(sb.toString()); ctx.write(NullWritable.get(), outValue); } } } }