package; import; import; public class HeadFinderContextGenerator implements ChunkerContextGenerator { @Override public String[] getContext(int index, TokenTag[] sequence, String[] priorDecisions, Object[] additionalContext) { return getContext(index, sequence, priorDecisions); } public String[] getContext(int index, TokenTag[] sequence, String[] priorDecisions) { String[] toks = new String[sequence.length]; String[] tags = new String[sequence.length]; String[] chunks = new String[sequence.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) { toks[i] = sequence[i].getToken(); String t = sequence[i].getTag(); int bar = t.indexOf("|"); tags[i] = t.substring(0, bar); chunks[i] = t.substring(bar+1); } return getContext(index, toks, tags, chunks, priorDecisions); } @Override public String[] getContext(int i, String[] toks, String[] tags, String[] preds) { return getContext(i, TokenTag.create(toks, tags), preds); } public String[] getContext(int i, String[] toks, String[] tags, String[] chks, String[] preds) { // Words in a 5-word window String w_2, w_1, w0, w1, w2; // Tags in a 5-word window String t_2, t_1, t0, t1, t2; // Chunks in a 5-word window String c_2, c_1, c0, c1, c2; // Previous predictions String p_2, p_1; if (i < 2) { w_2 = "w_2=bos"; t_2 = "t_2=bos"; c_2 = "c_2=bos"; p_2 = "p_2=bos"; } else { w_2 = "w_2=" + toks[i - 2]; t_2 = "t_2=" + tags[i - 2]; c_2 = "c_2=" + chks[i - 2]; p_2 = "p_2" + preds[i - 2]; } if (i < 1) { w_1 = "w_1=bos"; t_1 = "t_1=bos"; c_1 = "c_1=bos"; p_1 = "p_1=bos"; } else { w_1 = "w_1=" + toks[i - 1]; t_1 = "t_1=" + tags[i - 1]; c_1 = "c_1=" + chks[i - 1]; p_1 = "p_1=" + preds[i - 1]; } w0 = "w0=" + toks[i]; t0 = "t0=" + tags[i]; c0 = "c0=" + chks[i]; if (i + 1 >= toks.length) { w1 = "w1=eos"; t1 = "t1=eos"; c1 = "c1=eos"; } else { w1 = "w1=" + toks[i + 1]; t1 = "t1=" + tags[i + 1]; c1 = "c1=" + chks[i + 1]; } if (i + 2 >= toks.length) { w2 = "w2=eos"; t2 = "t2=eos"; c2 = "c2=eos"; } else { w2 = "w2=" + toks[i + 2]; t2 = "t2=" + tags[i + 2]; c2 = "c2=" + chks[i + 2]; } String[] features = new String[] { //add word features w_2, w_1, w0, w1, w2, w_1 + w0, w0 + w1, //add tag features t_2, t_1, t0, t1, t2, t_2 + t_1, t_1 + t0, t0 + t1, t1 + t2, t_2 + t_1 + t0, t_1 + t0 + t1, t0 + t1 + t2, //add chks features c_2, c_1, c0, c1, c2, c_2 + c_1, c_1 + c0, c0 + c1, c1 + c2, c_2 + c_1 + c0, c_1 + c0 + c1, c0 + c1 + c2, //add pred tags p_2, p_1, p_2 + p_1, //add pred and tag p_1 + t_2, p_1 + t_1, p_1 + t0, p_1 + t1, p_1 + t2, p_1 + t_2 + t_1, p_1 + t_1 + t0, p_1 + t0 + t1, p_1 + t1 + t2, p_1 + t_2 + t_1 + t0, p_1 + t_1 + t0 + t1, p_1 + t0 + t1 + t2, //add pred and chunk p_1 + c_2, p_1 + c_1, p_1 + c0, p_1 + c1, p_1 + c2, p_1 + c_2 + c_1, p_1 + c_1 + c0, p_1 + c0 + c1, p_1 + c1 + c2, p_1 + c_2 + c_1 + c0, p_1 + c_1 + c0 + c1, p_1 + c0 + c1 + c2, //add pred and word p_1 + w_2, p_1 + w_1, p_1 + w0, p_1 + w1, p_1 + w2, p_1 + w_1 + w0, p_1 + w0 + w1, // t_2 + c_2, t_1 + c_1, t0 + c0, t1 + c1, t2 + c2 }; return features; } }