package; import java.util.*; import; import; public class DomainModel implements Serializable { protected Map<String, ValueType> valueTypes = new HashMap<String, ValueType>(); protected Map<String, DomainEntity> external = new HashMap<String, DomainEntity>(); protected Map<String, DomainClass> classes = new HashMap<String, DomainClass>(); protected Map<String, DomainRelation> relations = new HashMap<String, DomainRelation>(); protected Map<String, List<AnnotatedSlot>> annotatedSlots = new HashMap<String, List<AnnotatedSlot>>(); private boolean finalized = false; public DomainModel() { initializeBuiltinValueTypes(); initializeBuiltinEntities(); } private static String[] NON_NULLABLE_TYPES = { "boolean", "byte", "char", "short", "int", "float", "long", "double" }; public static boolean isNullableType(ValueType vt) { String vtFullName = vt.getFullname(); for (String nonNullableType : NON_NULLABLE_TYPES) { if (nonNullableType.equals(vtFullName)) { return false; } } return true; } public static boolean isNullableTypeFullName(String vtFullName) { for (String nonNullableType : NON_NULLABLE_TYPES) { if (nonNullableType.equals(vtFullName)) { return false; } } return true; } private static String[][] builtinValueTypes = { /* { fullname, alias } */ // primitive types { "boolean", "boolean" }, { "byte", "byte" }, { "char", "char" }, { "short", "short" }, { "int", "int" }, { "float", "float" }, { "long", "long" }, { "double", "double" }, // their wrappers { "java.lang.Boolean", "Boolean" }, { "java.lang.Byte", "Byte" }, { "java.lang.Character", "Character" }, { "java.lang.Short", "Short" }, { "java.lang.Integer", "Integer" }, { "java.lang.Float", "Float" }, { "java.lang.Long", "Long" }, { "java.lang.Double", "Double" }, // String is, of course, essential { "java.lang.String", "String" }, // we need something binary, also { "byte[]", "bytearray" }, // JodaTime types { "org.joda.time.DateTime", "DateTime" }, { "org.joda.time.LocalDate", "LocalDate" }, { "org.joda.time.LocalTime", "LocalTime" }, { "org.joda.time.Partial", "Partial" }, // also anything Serializable is acceptable { "", "Serializable" } }; protected void initializeBuiltinValueTypes() { for (String[] valueType : builtinValueTypes) { newValueType(valueType[1], valueType[0]); } // // primitive types // newValueType("boolean", "boolean"); // newValueType("byte", "byte"); // newValueType("char", "char"); // newValueType("short", "short"); // newValueType("int", "int"); // newValueType("float", "float"); // newValueType("long", "long"); // newValueType("double", "double"); // // their wrappers // newValueType("Boolean", "java.lang.Boolean"); // newValueType("Byte", "java.lang.Byte"); // newValueType("Character", "java.lang.Character"); // newValueType("Short", "java.lang.Short"); // newValueType("Integer", "java.lang.Integer"); // newValueType("Float", "java.lang.Float"); // newValueType("Long", "java.lang.Long"); // newValueType("Double", "java.lang.Double"); // // String is, of course, essential // newValueType("String", "java.lang.String"); // // we need something binary, also // newValueType("bytearray", "byte[]"); // // JodaTime types // newValueType("DateTime", "org.joda.time.DateTime"); // newValueType("LocalDate", "org.joda.time.LocalDate"); // newValueType("LocalTime", "org.joda.time.LocalTime"); // newValueType("Partial", "org.joda.time.Partial"); // // also anything Serializable is acceptable // newValueType("Serializable", ""); } public static boolean isBuiltinValueTypeFullName(String name) { for (String[] valueType : builtinValueTypes) { if (valueType[0].equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; } private static String[][] builtinEntities = { /* { fullname, alias } */ { "", "DomainObject" }, { "", "AbstractDomainObject" } }; protected void initializeBuiltinEntities() { for (String[] entity : builtinEntities) { addExternalEntity(null, entity[0], entity[1]); } } protected boolean isBuiltinEntity(String name) { for (String[] entity : builtinEntities) { if (entity[0].equals(name) || entity[1].equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; } public DomainEntity findClassOrExternal(String name) { DomainEntity domClass = findClass(name); if (domClass == null) { domClass = external.get(name); } return domClass; } public DomainClass findClass(String name) { return classes.get(name); } public DomainRelation findRelation(String name) { return relations.get(name); } public void addClass(DomainClass domClass) { checkNotFinalized(); checkNameUnique(domClass.getFullName()); classes.put(domClass.getFullName(), domClass); } public void addRelation(DomainRelation domRelation) { checkNotFinalized(); checkNameUnique(domRelation.getFullName()); relations.put(domRelation.getFullName(), domRelation); } public void addExternalEntity(URL sourceFile, String name) { addExternalEntity(sourceFile, name, name); } public void addExternalEntity(URL sourceFile, String name, String aliasName) { if (aliasName == null) { aliasName = name; } checkNotFinalized(); DomainExternalEntity ent = new DomainExternalEntity(sourceFile, name); external.put(aliasName, ent); if (!aliasName.equals(name)) { external.put(name, ent); } } public Iterator<DomainClass> getClasses() { return classes.values().iterator(); } public Collection<DomainClass> getDomainClasses() { return classes.values(); } public Iterator<DomainRelation> getRelations() { return relations.values().iterator(); } public Collection<DomainRelation> getDomainRelations() { return relations.values(); } public Map<String, List<AnnotatedSlot>> getAnnotatedSlots() { return annotatedSlots; } public void newValueType(String domainName, String fullName) { ValueType valueType = new PlainValueType(fullName); newValueType(domainName, valueType); } public void newValueType(String domainName, ValueType valueType) { if (domainName == null) { domainName = valueType.getFullname(); } valueType.getBaseType().setDomainName(domainName); checkValueTypeName(domainName); valueTypes.put(domainName, valueType); } public void newEnumType(String domainName, String fullName) { if (domainName == null) { domainName = fullName; } checkValueTypeName(domainName); valueTypes.put(domainName, new EnumValueType(domainName, fullName)); } public Collection<ValueType> getAllValueTypes() { return valueTypes.values(); } public ValueType findValueType(String name) { return valueTypes.get(name); } public boolean isEnumType(String valueTypeName) { ValueType vt = findValueType(valueTypeName); return ((vt != null) && vt.isEnum()); } public void finalizeDomain() { finalizeDomain(false); } public void finalizeDomain(boolean checkForMissingExternals) { // go through each of the relations and add their slots to the // corresponding classes... for (DomainRelation rel : relations.values()) { List<Role> roles = rel.getRoles(); int numRoles = roles.size(); if (numRoles != 2) { if (numRoles > 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't handle with more than two roles yet!"); } } Role r0 = roles.get(0); Role r1 = roles.get(1); r0.getType().addRoleSlot(r1); r1.getType().addRoleSlot(r0); } checkForRepeatedSlots(); registerAnnotatedSlots(); if (checkForMissingExternals) { for (String externalName : external.keySet()) { if (!isBuiltinEntity(externalName) && !classes.containsKey(externalName)) { throw new RuntimeException(externalName + " was defined as an external entity but there is no concrete definition of it!"); } } } finalized = true; } private void registerAnnotatedSlots() { for (DomainClass domClass : classes.values()) { for (Slot slot : domClass.getSlotsList()) { for (Annotation ann : slot.getAnnotations()) { List<AnnotatedSlot> annotatedSlotsList = this.annotatedSlots.get(ann.getName()); if (annotatedSlotsList == null) { annotatedSlotsList = new ArrayList<AnnotatedSlot>(); this.annotatedSlots.put(ann.getName(), annotatedSlotsList); } annotatedSlotsList.add(new AnnotatedSlot(domClass, slot)); } } } } protected void checkForRepeatedSlots() { for (DomainClass domClass : classes.values()) { DomainEntity superDomClass = domClass.getSuperclass(); if (superDomClass != null) { for (Slot slot : domClass.getSlotsList()) { if (superDomClass.findSlot(slot.getName()) != null) { System.err.printf("WARNING: Slot named '%s' in class '%s' already exists in a superclass\n", slot .getName(), domClass.getName()); } if (superDomClass.findRoleSlot(slot.getName()) != null) { System.err.printf("WARNING: Slot named '%s' in class '%s' already exists in a superclass as role slot\n", slot.getName(), domClass.getName()); } } for (Role role : domClass.getRoleSlotsList()) { if (superDomClass.findSlot(role.getName()) != null) { System.err.printf( "WARNING: Role slot named '%s' in class '%s' already exists in a superclass as a slot\n", role .getName(), domClass.getName()); } if (superDomClass.findRoleSlot(role.getName()) != null) { System.err.printf( "WARNING: Role slot named '%s' in class '%s' already exists in a superclass as role slot\n", role .getName(), domClass.getName()); } } } } } public String toString() { return "{ classes = " + classes + ", relations = " + relations + " }"; } private void checkNotFinalized() { if (finalized) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot change Domain after finalization"); } } private void checkValueTypeName(String name) { if (valueTypes.containsKey(name)) { throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate name for value type: " + name); } } private void checkNameUnique(String name) { if (classes.containsKey(name) || relations.containsKey(name)) { throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate name: " + name); } } }