// // Diese Datei wurde mit der JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.7 generiert // Siehe <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a> // Änderungen an dieser Datei gehen bei einer Neukompilierung des Quellschemas verloren. // Generiert: 2016.08.10 um 09:13:50 PM CEST // package net.opengis.gml; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue; import org.w3._1999.xlink.ActuateType; import org.w3._1999.xlink.ShowType; import org.w3._1999.xlink.TypeType; /** * This type is available wherever there is a need for a "text" type property. It is of string type, so the text can be included inline, but the value can also be referenced remotely via xlinks from the AssociationAttributeGroup. If the remote reference is present, then the value obtained by traversing the link should be used, and the string content of the element can be used for an annotation. * * <p>Java-Klasse für StringOrRefType complex type. * * <p>Das folgende Schemafragment gibt den erwarteten Content an, der in dieser Klasse enthalten ist. * * <pre> * <complexType name="StringOrRefType"> * <simpleContent> * <extension base="<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>string"> * <attGroup ref="{http://www.opengis.net/gml}AssociationAttributeGroup"/> * </extension> * </simpleContent> * </complexType> * </pre> * * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "StringOrRefType", propOrder = { "value" }) public class StringOrRefType { @XmlValue protected String value; @XmlAttribute(name = "remoteSchema", namespace = "http://www.opengis.net/gml") @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI") protected String remoteSchema; @XmlAttribute(name = "type", namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") protected TypeType type; @XmlAttribute(name = "href", namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") protected String href; @XmlAttribute(name = "role", namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") protected String role; @XmlAttribute(name = "arcrole", namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") protected String arcrole; @XmlAttribute(name = "title", namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") protected String title; @XmlAttribute(name = "show", namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") protected ShowType show; @XmlAttribute(name = "actuate", namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") protected ActuateType actuate; /** * Ruft den Wert der value-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getValue() { return value; } /** * Legt den Wert der value-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } public boolean isSetValue() { return (this.value!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der remoteSchema-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getRemoteSchema() { return remoteSchema; } /** * Legt den Wert der remoteSchema-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setRemoteSchema(String value) { this.remoteSchema = value; } public boolean isSetRemoteSchema() { return (this.remoteSchema!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der type-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link TypeType } * */ public TypeType getType() { if (type == null) { return TypeType.SIMPLE; } else { return type; } } /** * Legt den Wert der type-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link TypeType } * */ public void setType(TypeType value) { this.type = value; } public boolean isSetType() { return (this.type!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der href-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getHref() { return href; } /** * Legt den Wert der href-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setHref(String value) { this.href = value; } public boolean isSetHref() { return (this.href!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der role-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getRole() { return role; } /** * Legt den Wert der role-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setRole(String value) { this.role = value; } public boolean isSetRole() { return (this.role!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der arcrole-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getArcrole() { return arcrole; } /** * Legt den Wert der arcrole-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setArcrole(String value) { this.arcrole = value; } public boolean isSetArcrole() { return (this.arcrole!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der title-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * Legt den Wert der title-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; } public boolean isSetTitle() { return (this.title!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der show-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link ShowType } * */ public ShowType getShow() { return show; } /** * Legt den Wert der show-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link ShowType } * */ public void setShow(ShowType value) { this.show = value; } public boolean isSetShow() { return (this.show!= null); } /** * Ruft den Wert der actuate-Eigenschaft ab. * * @return * possible object is * {@link ActuateType } * */ public ActuateType getActuate() { return actuate; } /** * Legt den Wert der actuate-Eigenschaft fest. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link ActuateType } * */ public void setActuate(ActuateType value) { this.actuate = value; } public boolean isSetActuate() { return (this.actuate!= null); } }