package com.lushprojects.circuitjs1.client; public class ImportFromDropbox { static CirSim sim; ImportFromDropbox( CirSim asim ){ sim=asim; // CirSim.console("importing"); doDropboxImport(); // CirSim.console("returned"); } static public final native boolean isSupported() /*-{ try { // Bug in firefox prevents Dropbox dialog working properly in this application // even though Dropbox chooser supports firefox // See if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) return false; return !!($wnd.Dropbox.isBrowserSupported()); } catch(err) { return false; } }-*/; static public void doLoadCallback(String s) { sim.pushUndo(); sim.readSetup(s, true); } public final native void doDropboxImport() /*-{ var options = { // Required. Called when a user selects an item in the Chooser. success: function(files) { try { //console.log("Here's the file link: " + files[0].link); if (files[0].bytes < 100000) { var xhr= new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener("load", function reqListener() { // console.log(xhr.responseText); var text = xhr.responseText; @com.lushprojects.circuitjs1.client.ImportFromDropbox::doLoadCallback(Ljava/lang/String;)(text); }); }"GET", files[0].link, false); xhr.send(); } catch(err) { } }, // Optional. Called when the user closes the dialog without selecting a file // and does not include any parameters. // cancel: function() { //}, // Optional. "preview" (default) is a preview link to the document for sharing, // "direct" is an expiring link to download the contents of the file. For more // information about link types, see Link types below. linkType: "direct", // "preview" or "direct" // Optional. A value of false (default) limits selection to a single file, while // true enables multiple file selection. multiselect: false, // or true // Optional. This is a list of file extensions. If specified, the user will // only be able to select files with these extensions. You may also specify // file types, such as "video" or "images" in the list. For more information, // see File types below. By default, all extensions are allowed. // extensions: ['.pdf', '.doc', '.docx'], }; $wnd.Dropbox.choose(options); }-*/; }