package io.github.resilience4j.metrics; import com.codahale.metrics.*; import io.github.resilience4j.retry.Retry; import io.github.resilience4j.retry.RetryRegistry; import io.vavr.collection.Array; import java.util.Map; import static; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; /** * An adapter which exports {@link Retry.Metrics} as Dropwizard Metrics Gauges. */ public class RetryMetrics implements MetricSet { private final MetricRegistry metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry(); private static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "resilience4j.retry"; private RetryMetrics(Iterable<Retry> retries){ this(DEFAULT_PREFIX, retries); } private RetryMetrics(String prefix, Iterable<Retry> retries){ requireNonNull(prefix); requireNonNull(retries); retries.forEach(retry -> { String name = retry.getName(); Retry.Metrics metrics = retry.getMetrics(); metricRegistry.register(name(prefix, name, "retry_max_ratio"), new RetryRatio(metrics.getNumAttempts(), metrics.getMaxAttempts())); }); } public static RetryMetrics ofRetryRegistry(String prefix, RetryRegistry retryRegistry) { return new RetryMetrics(prefix, retryRegistry.getAllRetries()); } public static RetryMetrics ofRetryRegistry(RetryRegistry retryRegistry) { return new RetryMetrics(retryRegistry.getAllRetries()); } public static RetryMetrics ofIterable(String prefix, Iterable<Retry> retries) { return new RetryMetrics(prefix, retries); } public static RetryMetrics ofIterable(Iterable<Retry> retries) { return new RetryMetrics(retries); } public static RetryMetrics ofRateLimiter(Retry retry) { return new RetryMetrics(Array.of(retry)); } @Override public Map<String, Metric> getMetrics() { return metricRegistry.getMetrics(); } /** * Implements a {@link RatioGauge} that represents the ratio between attempts made, and the maximum allowed retry attempts. */ private final class RetryRatio extends RatioGauge { private double numAttempts; private double maxAttempts; public RetryRatio(int numAttempts, int maxAttempts) { this.numAttempts = (double) numAttempts; this.maxAttempts = (double) maxAttempts; } @Override protected Ratio getRatio() { return Ratio.of(numAttempts, maxAttempts); } } }