package org.gbif.nub.lookup.similarity; // Copyright (c) 2011, Commonwealth of Australia // Copied and adapted from ALA: // import java.util.Arrays; public class ModifiedDamerauLevenshtein implements StringSimilarity { private final int pBlockLimit; // this variable holds a shared array, to reduce heap use // we use a little synchronisation to manage the space, but // synchronisation is reasonably quick these days. private static volatile int[] a_matrix = new int[64 * 64]; private static final Object mutex = new Object(); /** * A default MDL with a block limit of just 2 edits. */ public ModifiedDamerauLevenshtein() { this.pBlockLimit = 2; } /** * @param limit the maximum allowed distance */ public ModifiedDamerauLevenshtein(int limit) { this.pBlockLimit = limit; } @Override public double getSimilarity(String x1, String x2) { return DistanceUtils.convertEditDistanceToSimilarity(getEditDistance(x1, x2), x1, x2); } public final int getEditDistance(final String s1, final String s2) { if (s1.equals(s2)) { return 0; } else if (s1.isEmpty() || s2.isEmpty()) { return Math.max(s1.length(), s2.length()); } else if (s1.length() == 1 && s2.length() == 1) { return 1; } final char[] t1; final char[] t2; { StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(s1); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(s2); // these hold the index of the last character. int l1 = sb1.length()-1; int l2 = sb2.length()-1; while (l1>=0 && l2>=0 && sb1.charAt(0) == sb2.charAt(0)) { sb1.deleteCharAt(0); sb2.deleteCharAt(0); l1--; l2--; } while (l1>=0 && l2>=0 && sb1.charAt(l1) == sb2.charAt(l2)) { sb1.deleteCharAt(l1--); sb2.deleteCharAt(l2--); } l1++; l2++; if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) return Math.max(l1, l2); else if (l1 == 1 && l2 == 1) return 1; t1 = sb1.toString().toCharArray(); t2 = sb2.toString().toCharArray(); } final int temp1Len = t1.length; final int temp2Len = t2.length; // using a 1-dimensional array with bit fiddling to get to the elements // saves about 12-15% off the running time. // so, we replace matrix[a][b] with matrix[((a)<<6)|(b)] // this limits us to 64-character words, which should be plenty. I hope. final int[] matrix; synchronized (mutex) { if (a_matrix == null) { matrix = new int[64 * 64]; } else { matrix = a_matrix; a_matrix = null; Arrays.fill(matrix, 0); } } for (int i = 0; i <= temp1Len; i++) { matrix[i << 6] = i; } for (int i = 0; i <= temp2Len; i++) { matrix[i] = i; } for (int i = 1; i <= temp1Len; i++) { matrix[i << 6] = i; for (int j = 1; j <= temp2Len; j++) { int cost; if (t1[i - 1] == t2[j - 1]) { cost = 0; } else { cost = 1; } int temp_block_length = Math.max(// Math.min(temp1Len / 2, // Math.min(temp2Len / 2, // Math.max(pBlockLimit, 1))), // 1); while (temp_block_length >= 1) { final int sub1 = i - ((temp_block_length * 2) - 1); final int sub2 = j - (temp_block_length - 1); final int sub3 = i - (temp_block_length - 1); final int sub4 = j - ((temp_block_length * 2) - 1); if (i >= (temp_block_length * 2) && j >= (temp_block_length * 2) && substreq(t1, sub1, t2, sub2, temp_block_length) && substreq(t1, sub3, t2, sub4, temp_block_length)) { final int ins = matrix[((i) << 6) | (j - 1)] + 1; final int del = matrix[((i - 1) << 6) | j] + 1; final int tran = matrix[((i - (temp_block_length * 2)) << 6) | (j - (temp_block_length * 2))] + cost + (temp_block_length - 1); matrix[(i << 6) | j] = minimum(ins, del, tran); temp_block_length = 0; } else if (temp_block_length == 1) { final int del = matrix[((i - 1) << 6) | j] + 1; final int ins = matrix[(i << 6) | (j - 1)] + 1; final int sub = matrix[((i - 1) << 6) | (j - 1)] + cost; matrix[(i << 6) | j] = minimum(ins, del, sub); } temp_block_length--; } } } int ret = matrix[(temp1Len << 6) | temp2Len]; a_matrix = matrix; // does not need to be synchronized, it is atomic return ret; } // The compiler inlines these, I think. private final static int minimum(int d, int i, int s) { return d < i ? (d < s ? d : s) : (i < s ? i : s); } private final static boolean substreq(char[] src1, int start1, char[] src2, int start2, int length) { int at1 = start1 >= 0 ? start1 - 1 : src1.length + start1; int at2 = start2 >= 0 ? start2 - 1 : src2.length + start2; while (length-- > 0) { if (src1[at1++] != src2[at2++]) return false; } return true; } }