/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.history; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationHistoryListener; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IUndoableOperation; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryEvent; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryFactory; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.TriggeredOperations; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ProjectScope; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.ChangeDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.IRefactoringCoreStatusCodes; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringChangeDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringDescriptorProxy; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringSessionDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.IRefactoringExecutionListener; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.IRefactoringHistoryListener; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.IRefactoringHistoryService; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.RefactoringExecutionEvent; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.RefactoringHistory; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.RefactoringHistoryEvent; import org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.IRefactoringSerializationConstants; import org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.RefactoringCoreMessages; import org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.RefactoringCorePlugin; import org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.RefactoringPreferenceConstants; import org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.RefactoringSessionReader; import org.eclipse.ltk.internal.core.refactoring.UndoableOperation2ChangeAdapter; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Default implementation of a refactoring history service. * * @since 3.2 */ public final class RefactoringHistoryService implements IRefactoringHistoryService { /** The null refactoring history */ private static final class NullRefactoringHistory extends RefactoringHistory { /** The no proxies constant */ private static final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] NO_PROXIES= {}; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] getDescriptors() { return NO_PROXIES; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isEmpty() { return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory removeAll(final RefactoringHistory history) { return this; } } /** The singleton history */ private static RefactoringHistoryService fInstance= null; /** The refactoring history file */ public static final String NAME_HISTORY_FILE= "refactorings.history"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** The refactoring history folder */ public static final String NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER= ".refactorings"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** The refactoring history index file name */ public static final String NAME_INDEX_FILE= "refactorings.index"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** The name of the special workspace project */ public static final String NAME_WORKSPACE_PROJECT= ".workspace"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** The no history constant */ private static final NullRefactoringHistory NO_HISTORY= new NullRefactoringHistory(); /** * Filters the given array of refactoring proxies and returns the result in * the specified refactoring descriptor proxy set. * <p> * Clients wishing to benefit from the resolving of refactoring descriptors * to determine its flags can set resolve to <code>true</code> if they * would like to have resolved refactoring descriptor proxies as result. * </p> * * @param proxies * the refactoring descriptor proxies * @param set * the result set * @param resolve * <code>true</code> to return the filtered refactoring * descriptors as resolved refactoring proxies, * <code>false</code> otherwise * @param flags * the refactoring descriptor flags which must be present in * order to be returned in the refactoring history object * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use */ private static void filterRefactoringDescriptors(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies, final Set set, final boolean resolve, final int flags, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { Assert.isTrue(flags > RefactoringDescriptor.NONE); try { monitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_retrieving_history, proxies.length); for (int offset= 0; offset < proxies.length; offset++) { final RefactoringDescriptor descriptor= proxies[offset].requestDescriptor(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); if (descriptor != null) { final int filter= descriptor.getFlags(); if ((filter | flags) == filter) { if (resolve) set.add(new RefactoringDescriptorProxyAdapter(descriptor)); else set.add(proxies[offset]); } } } } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * Returns the singleton instance of the refactoring history. * * @return the singleton instance */ public static RefactoringHistoryService getInstance() { if (fInstance == null) fInstance= new RefactoringHistoryService(); return fInstance; } /** * Returns whether a project has a shared refactoring history. * * @param project * the project to test * @return <code>true</code> if the project has a shared project history, * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public static boolean hasSharedRefactoringHistory(final IProject project) { Assert.isNotNull(project); final IScopeContext[] contexts= new IScopeContext[] { new ProjectScope(project)}; final String preference= Platform.getPreferencesService().getString(RefactoringCorePlugin.getPluginId(), RefactoringPreferenceConstants.PREFERENCE_SHARED_REFACTORING_HISTORY, Boolean.FALSE.toString(), contexts); if (preference != null) return Boolean.valueOf(preference).booleanValue(); return false; } /** * Determines whether a project has a shared refactoring history. * <p> * If a shared refactoring history is enabled, refactorings executed on that * particular project are stored in a hidden refactoring history folder of * the project folder. If no shared refactoring history is enabled, all * refactorings are tracked as well, but persisted internally in a * plugin-specific way without altering the project. * </p> * <p> * Note: this method simply copies the content of the refactoring history * folder to the location corresponding to the shared history setting. * Clients wishing to programmatically change the refactoring history * location have to update the preference * {@link RefactoringPreferenceConstants#PREFERENCE_SHARED_REFACTORING_HISTORY} * located in the preference store of the * <code>org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring</code> plugin accordingly. * </p> * * @param project * the project to set the shared refactoring history property * @param enable * <code>true</code> to enable a shared refactoring history, * <code>false</code> otherwise * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use, or <code>null</code> * @throws CoreException * if an error occurs while changing the shared refactoring * history property. Reasons include: * <ul> * <li>An I/O error occurs while changing the shared * refactoring history property.</li> * </ul> */ public static void setSharedRefactoringHistory(final IProject project, final boolean enable, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(project); Assert.isTrue(project.isAccessible()); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask("", 300); //$NON-NLS-1$ final String name= project.getName(); final URI uri= project.getLocationURI(); if (uri != null) { try { final IFileStore history= EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(RefactoringCorePlugin.getDefault().getStateLocation()).getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER); if (enable) { final IFileStore source= history.getChild(name); if (source.fetchInfo(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)).exists()) { IFileStore destination= EFS.getStore(uri).getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER); if (destination.fetchInfo(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)).exists()) destination.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); destination.mkdir(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); source.copy(destination, EFS.OVERWRITE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); source.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); } } else { final IFileStore source= EFS.getStore(uri).getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER); if (source.fetchInfo(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)).exists()) { IFileStore destination= history.getChild(name); if (destination.fetchInfo(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)).exists()) destination.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); destination.mkdir(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); source.copy(destination, EFS.OVERWRITE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); source.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); } } } finally { if (enable) project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 30)); else { final IFolder folder= project.getFolder(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER); if (folder.exists()) folder.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 30)); } } } } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** The execution listeners */ private final ListenerList fExecutionListeners= new ListenerList(ListenerList.EQUALITY); /** The history listeners */ private final ListenerList fHistoryListeners= new ListenerList(ListenerList.EQUALITY); /** The operation listener, or <code>null</code> */ private IOperationHistoryListener fOperationListener= null; /** The override time stamp */ private long fOverrideTimeStamp= -1; /** The history reference count */ private int fReferenceCount= 0; /** The resource listener, or <code>null</code> */ private IResourceChangeListener fResourceListener= null; /** Maximal number of refactoring managers */ private static final int MAX_MANAGERS= 2; /** * The refactoring history manager cache (element type: * <code><IFileStore, RefactoringHistoryManager></code>) */ private final Map fManagerCache= new LinkedHashMap(MAX_MANAGERS, 0.75f, true) { private static final long serialVersionUID= 1L; protected final boolean removeEldestEntry(final Map.Entry entry) { return size() > MAX_MANAGERS; } }; /** * Creates a new refactoring history. */ private RefactoringHistoryService() { // Do nothing } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void addExecutionListener(final IRefactoringExecutionListener listener) { Assert.isNotNull(listener); fExecutionListeners.add(listener); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void addHistoryListener(final IRefactoringHistoryListener listener) { Assert.isNotNull(listener); fHistoryListeners.add(listener); } /** * Adds the specified refactoring descriptor to the corresponding * refactoring history. * <p> * If a descriptor with the same timestamp already exists, nothing happens. * </p> * * @param proxy * the refactoring descriptor proxy * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use, or <code>null</code> */ public void addRefactoringDescriptor(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy proxy, IProgressMonitor monitor) { Assert.isNotNull(proxy); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { fireRefactoringHistoryEvent(proxy, RefactoringHistoryEvent.ADDED); } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void connect() { fReferenceCount++; if (fReferenceCount == 1) { fOperationListener= new IOperationHistoryListener() { public void historyNotification(final OperationHistoryEvent event) { performHistoryNotification(event); } }; OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().addOperationHistoryListener(fOperationListener); fResourceListener= new IResourceChangeListener() { public void resourceChanged(final IResourceChangeEvent event) { peformResourceChanged(event); } }; ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().addResourceChangeListener(fResourceListener, IResourceChangeEvent.PRE_CLOSE | IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE); } } /** * Deletes the specified refactoring descriptors from their associated * refactoring histories. * * @param proxies * the refactoring descriptor proxies * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use, or <code>null</code> * @throws CoreException * if an error occurs while deleting the refactoring * descriptors. Reasons include: * <ul> * <li>The refactoring history has an illegal format, contains * illegal arguments or otherwise illegal information.</li> * <li>An I/O error occurs while deleting the refactoring * descriptors from the refactoring history.</li> * </ul> * * @see IRefactoringCoreStatusCodes#REFACTORING_HISTORY_FORMAT_ERROR * @see IRefactoringCoreStatusCodes#REFACTORING_HISTORY_IO_ERROR */ public void deleteRefactoringDescriptors(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(proxies); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_deleting_refactorings, proxies.length + 300); final Map projects= new HashMap(); for (int index= 0; index < proxies.length; index++) { String project= proxies[index].getProject(); if (project == null || "".equals(project)) //$NON-NLS-1$ project= RefactoringHistoryService.NAME_WORKSPACE_PROJECT; Collection collection= (Collection) projects.get(project); if (collection == null) { collection= new ArrayList(); projects.put(project, collection); } collection.add(proxies[index]); monitor.worked(1); } final SubProgressMonitor subMonitor= new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 300); try { final Set entries= projects.entrySet(); subMonitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_deleting_refactorings, entries.size()); for (final Iterator iterator= entries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { final Map.Entry entry= (Map.Entry) iterator.next(); final Collection collection= (Collection) entry.getValue(); String project= (String) entry.getKey(); if (project.equals(RefactoringHistoryService.NAME_WORKSPACE_PROJECT)) project= null; final RefactoringHistoryManager manager= getManager(project); if (manager != null) manager.removeRefactoringDescriptors((RefactoringDescriptorProxy[]) collection.toArray(new RefactoringDescriptorProxy[collection.size()]), new SubProgressMonitor(subMonitor, 1), RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_deleting_refactorings); else subMonitor.worked(1); } } finally { subMonitor.done(); } } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * Deletes the specified refactoring descriptors from their associated * refactoring histories. * * @param proxies * the refactoring descriptor proxies * @param query * the refactoring descriptor delete query to use * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use, or <code>null</code> * @throws CoreException * if an error occurs while deleting the refactoring * descriptors. Reasons include: * <ul> * <li>The refactoring history has an illegal format, contains * illegal arguments or otherwise illegal information.</li> * <li>An I/O error occurs while deleting the refactoring * descriptors from the refactoring history.</li> * </ul> * * @see IRefactoringCoreStatusCodes#REFACTORING_HISTORY_FORMAT_ERROR * @see IRefactoringCoreStatusCodes#REFACTORING_HISTORY_IO_ERROR */ public void deleteRefactoringDescriptors(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies, final IRefactoringDescriptorDeleteQuery query, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(proxies); Assert.isNotNull(query); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_deleting_refactorings, proxies.length + 300); final Set set= new HashSet(proxies.length); for (int index= 0; index < proxies.length; index++) { if (query.proceed(proxies[index]).isOK()) set.add(proxies[index]); monitor.worked(1); } if (!set.isEmpty()) { final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] delete= (RefactoringDescriptorProxy[]) set.toArray(new RefactoringDescriptorProxy[set.size()]); deleteRefactoringDescriptors(delete, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 300)); for (int index= 0; index < delete.length; index++) fireRefactoringHistoryEvent(delete[index], RefactoringHistoryEvent.DELETED); } } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * Deletes the refactoring history of a project. Refactorings associated * with the workspace are not deleted. * <p> * If a refactoring history is deleted, all files stored in the hidden * refactoring history folder of the project folder are removed. If no * shared refactoring history is enabled, the refactoring history * information is removed from the internal workspace refactoring history. * </p> * * @param project * the project to delete its history * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use, or <code>null</code> * @throws CoreException * if an error occurs while deleting the refactoring history. * Reasons include: * <ul> * <li>An I/O error occurs while deleting the refactoring * history.</li> * </ul> */ public void deleteRefactoringHistory(final IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(project); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_deleting_refactorings, 100); final String name= project.getName(); final IFileStore stateStore= EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(RefactoringCorePlugin.getDefault().getStateLocation()); if (name.equals(NAME_WORKSPACE_PROJECT)) { final IFileStore metaStore= stateStore.getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER).getChild(name); metaStore.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 100)); } else { final URI uri= project.getLocationURI(); if (uri != null && project.isAccessible()) { try { final IFileStore metaStore= stateStore.getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER).getChild(name); metaStore.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); final IFileStore projectStore= EFS.getStore(uri).getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER); projectStore.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); } finally { project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 60)); } } } } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void disconnect() { if (fReferenceCount > 0) { fManagerCache.clear(); fReferenceCount--; } if (fReferenceCount == 0) { if (fOperationListener != null) OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory().removeOperationHistoryListener(fOperationListener); if (fResourceListener != null) ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().removeResourceChangeListener(fResourceListener); fOperationListener= null; } } private void fireRefactoringExecutionEvent(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy proxy, final int eventType) { Assert.isNotNull(proxy); final Object[] listeners= fExecutionListeners.getListeners(); for (int index= 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { final IRefactoringExecutionListener listener= (IRefactoringExecutionListener) listeners[index]; SafeRunner.run(new ISafeRunnable() { public void handleException(final Throwable throwable) { RefactoringCorePlugin.log(throwable); } public void run() throws Exception { listener.executionNotification(new RefactoringExecutionEvent(RefactoringHistoryService.this, eventType, proxy)); } }); } } private void fireRefactoringHistoryEvent(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy proxy, final int eventType) { Assert.isNotNull(proxy); final Object[] listeners= fHistoryListeners.getListeners(); for (int index= 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { final IRefactoringHistoryListener listener= (IRefactoringHistoryListener) listeners[index]; SafeRunner.run(new ISafeRunnable() { public void handleException(final Throwable throwable) { RefactoringCorePlugin.log(throwable); } public void run() throws Exception { listener.historyNotification(new RefactoringHistoryEvent(RefactoringHistoryService.this, eventType, proxy)); } }); } } private boolean checkDescriptor(RefactoringDescriptor descriptor, IUndoableOperation operation) { Assert.isNotNull(descriptor); try { final Map arguments= RefactoringHistoryManager.getArgumentMap(descriptor); if (arguments != null) RefactoringHistoryManager.checkArgumentMap(arguments); } catch (CoreException exception) { final IStatus status= exception.getStatus(); if (status.getCode() == IRefactoringCoreStatusCodes.REFACTORING_HISTORY_FORMAT_ERROR) { final String time= DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date(descriptor.getTimeStamp())); final String message= "The refactoring executed at " + time + " contributed a refactoring descriptor with invalid format:"; //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ final IStatus comment= new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RefactoringCorePlugin.getPluginId(), descriptor.getComment()); RefactoringCorePlugin.log(new MultiStatus(RefactoringCorePlugin.getPluginId(), 0, new IStatus[] { comment}, message, null)); } RefactoringCorePlugin.log(exception); if (operation instanceof TriggeredOperations) { operation= ((TriggeredOperations) operation).getTriggeringOperation(); } if (operation instanceof UndoableOperation2ChangeAdapter) { ((UndoableOperation2ChangeAdapter) operation).setChangeDescriptor(null); } return false; } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory getProjectHistory(final IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor) { return getProjectHistory(project, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, RefactoringDescriptor.NONE, monitor); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory getProjectHistory(final IProject project, final long start, final long end, final int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) { Assert.isNotNull(project); Assert.isTrue(project.exists()); Assert.isTrue(start >= 0); Assert.isTrue(end >= 0); Assert.isTrue(flags >= RefactoringDescriptor.NONE); if (project.isOpen()) { if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_retrieving_history, 120); final String name= project.getName(); final RefactoringHistoryManager manager= getManager(name); if (manager != null) { RefactoringHistory history= manager.readRefactoringHistory(start, end, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); if (flags > RefactoringDescriptor.NONE) { final Set set= new HashSet(); filterRefactoringDescriptors(history.getDescriptors(), set, false, flags, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 100)); history= new RefactoringHistoryImplementation((RefactoringDescriptorProxy[]) set.toArray(new RefactoringDescriptorProxy[set.size()])); } return history; } } finally { monitor.done(); } } return NO_HISTORY; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory getRefactoringHistory(final IProject[] projects, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { return getRefactoringHistory(projects, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, RefactoringDescriptor.NONE, monitor); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory getRefactoringHistory(final IProject[] projects, final long start, final long end, final int flags, IProgressMonitor monitor) { Assert.isNotNull(projects); Assert.isTrue(start >= 0); Assert.isTrue(end >= start); Assert.isTrue(flags >= RefactoringDescriptor.NONE); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_retrieving_history, 3 * projects.length); final Set set= new HashSet(); if (flags > RefactoringDescriptor.NONE) { for (int index= 0; index < projects.length; index++) { final IProject project= projects[index]; if (project.isAccessible()) { final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies= getProjectHistory(project, start, end, flags, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)).getDescriptors(); filterRefactoringDescriptors(proxies, set, false, flags, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 2)); } } } else { for (int index= 0; index < projects.length; index++) { final IProject project= projects[index]; if (project.isAccessible()) { final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies= getProjectHistory(project, start, end, RefactoringDescriptor.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 3)).getDescriptors(); for (int offset= 0; offset < proxies.length; offset++) set.add(proxies[offset]); } } } final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies= new RefactoringDescriptorProxy[set.size()]; set.toArray(proxies); return new RefactoringHistoryImplementation(proxies); } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory getWorkspaceHistory(IProgressMonitor monitor) { return getWorkspaceHistory(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, monitor); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory getWorkspaceHistory(final long start, final long end, IProgressMonitor monitor) { return getRefactoringHistory(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects(), start, end, RefactoringDescriptor.NONE, monitor); } /** * Reads refactoring descriptor proxies from the input stream. * <p> * Note that calling this method with a flag argument unequal to * <code>RefactoringDescriptor#NONE</code> may result in a performance * degradation, since the actual descriptors have to be eagerly resolved. * This in turn results in faster execution of any subsequent calls to * {@link RefactoringDescriptorProxy#requestDescriptor(IProgressMonitor)} * which try to request a descriptor from the returned refactoring history. * </p> * * @param stream * the input stream to read from * @return the refactoring descriptor proxies * @throws CoreException * if an error occurs while reading the refactoring descriptor * proxies */ public RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] readRefactoringDescriptorProxies(final InputStream stream) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(stream); try { return RefactoringHistoryManager.readRefactoringDescriptorProxies(stream, null, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, RefactoringCorePlugin.getPluginId(), 0, exception.getLocalizedMessage(), null)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public RefactoringHistory readRefactoringHistory(final InputStream stream, final int flags) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(stream); Assert.isTrue(flags >= RefactoringDescriptor.NONE); final List list= new ArrayList(); final RefactoringSessionDescriptor descriptor= new RefactoringSessionReader(false, null).readSession(new InputSource(stream)); if (descriptor != null) { final RefactoringDescriptor[] descriptors= descriptor.getRefactorings(); if (flags > RefactoringDescriptor.NONE) { for (int index= 0; index < descriptors.length; index++) { final int current= descriptors[index].getFlags(); if ((current | flags) == current) list.add(descriptors[index]); } } else list.addAll(Arrays.asList(descriptors)); } final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies= new RefactoringDescriptorProxy[list.size()]; for (int index= 0; index < list.size(); index++) proxies[index]= new RefactoringDescriptorProxyAdapter((RefactoringDescriptor) list.get(index)); return new RefactoringHistoryImplementation(proxies); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removeExecutionListener(final IRefactoringExecutionListener listener) { Assert.isNotNull(listener); fExecutionListeners.remove(listener); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removeHistoryListener(final IRefactoringHistoryListener listener) { Assert.isNotNull(listener); fHistoryListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Returns the resolved refactoring descriptor associated with the specified * proxy. * <p> * The refactoring history must be in connected state. * </p> * * @param proxy * the refactoring descriptor proxy * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use, or <code>null</code> * * @return the resolved refactoring descriptor, or <code>null</code> */ public RefactoringDescriptor requestDescriptor(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy proxy, IProgressMonitor monitor) { Assert.isNotNull(proxy); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { final RefactoringHistoryManager manager= getManager(proxy.getProject()); if (manager != null) return manager.requestDescriptor(proxy, monitor); } finally { monitor.done(); } return null; } /** * Sets the override time stamp for the next refactoring performed. * * @param stamp * the override time stamp, or <code>-1</code> to clear it */ public void setOverrideTimeStamp(final long stamp) { Assert.isTrue(stamp == -1 || stamp >= 0); fOverrideTimeStamp= stamp; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void writeRefactoringDescriptors(final RefactoringDescriptorProxy[] proxies, final OutputStream stream, final int flags, final boolean time, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(proxies); Assert.isNotNull(stream); Assert.isTrue(flags >= RefactoringDescriptor.NONE); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask("", 100 * proxies.length); //$NON-NLS-1$ connect(); final List list= new ArrayList(proxies.length); for (int index= 0; index < proxies.length; index++) { final RefactoringDescriptor descriptor= proxies[index].requestDescriptor(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 100)); if (descriptor != null) { final int current= descriptor.getFlags(); if ((current | flags) == current) list.add(descriptor); } } final RefactoringDescriptor[] descriptors= new RefactoringDescriptor[list.size()]; list.toArray(descriptors); RefactoringHistoryManager.writeRefactoringSession(stream, new RefactoringSessionDescriptor(descriptors, IRefactoringSerializationConstants.CURRENT_VERSION, null), time); } finally { disconnect(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void writeRefactoringSession(final RefactoringSessionDescriptor descriptor, final OutputStream stream, final boolean time) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(descriptor); Assert.isNotNull(stream); RefactoringHistoryManager.writeRefactoringSession(stream, descriptor, time); } /** * Moves the project history from the old project to the new one. * * @param oldProject * the old project, which does not exist anymore * @param newProject * the new project, which already exists * @param monitor * the progress monitor to use */ private void moveHistory(final IProject oldProject, final IProject newProject, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { monitor.beginTask(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringHistoryService_updating_history, 60); final IFileStore historyStore= EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(RefactoringCorePlugin.getDefault().getStateLocation()).getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER); final String oldName= oldProject.getName(); final String newName= newProject.getName(); final IFileStore oldStore= historyStore.getChild(oldName); if (oldStore.fetchInfo(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 10, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)).exists()) { final IFileStore newStore= historyStore.getChild(newName); if (newStore.fetchInfo(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 10, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)).exists()) newStore.delete(EFS.NONE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)); oldStore.move(newStore, EFS.OVERWRITE, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)); } } catch (CoreException exception) { RefactoringCorePlugin.log(exception); } finally { monitor.done(); } } private void peformResourceChanged(final IResourceChangeEvent event) { final int type= event.getType(); if ((type & IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE) != 0) { final IResourceDelta delta= event.getDelta(); if (delta != null) { final IResourceDelta[] deltas= delta.getAffectedChildren(); if (deltas.length == 2) { final IPath toPath= deltas[0].getMovedToPath(); final IPath fromPath= deltas[1].getMovedFromPath(); if (fromPath != null && toPath != null) { final IResource oldResource= deltas[0].getResource(); final IResource newResource= deltas[1].getResource(); if (oldResource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT && newResource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) moveHistory((IProject) oldResource, (IProject) newResource, new NullProgressMonitor()); } else { if (deltas[0].getKind() == IResourceDelta.ADDED && deltas[1].getKind() == IResourceDelta.REMOVED) { final IResource newResource= deltas[0].getResource(); final IResource oldResource= deltas[1].getResource(); if (oldResource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT && newResource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) moveHistory((IProject) oldResource, (IProject) newResource, new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } } } } private RefactoringDescriptor getRefactoringDescriptor(IUndoableOperation operation) { if (operation instanceof TriggeredOperations) { operation= ((TriggeredOperations) operation).getTriggeringOperation(); } if (operation instanceof UndoableOperation2ChangeAdapter) { ChangeDescriptor changeDescriptor= ((UndoableOperation2ChangeAdapter) operation).getChangeDescriptor(); if (changeDescriptor instanceof RefactoringChangeDescriptor) { return ((RefactoringChangeDescriptor) changeDescriptor).getRefactoringDescriptor(); } } return null; } private void performHistoryNotification(final OperationHistoryEvent event) { RefactoringDescriptor descriptor= getRefactoringDescriptor(event.getOperation()); if (descriptor != null) { RefactoringDescriptorProxyAdapter proxy= new RefactoringDescriptorProxyAdapter(descriptor); switch (event.getEventType()) { case OperationHistoryEvent.ABOUT_TO_EXECUTE: { if (checkDescriptor(descriptor, event.getOperation())) { fireRefactoringExecutionEvent(proxy, RefactoringExecutionEvent.ABOUT_TO_PERFORM); } break; } case OperationHistoryEvent.DONE: { if (!RefactoringDescriptor.ID_UNKNOWN.equals(descriptor.getID())) { long timeStamp= fOverrideTimeStamp >= 0 ? fOverrideTimeStamp : System.currentTimeMillis(); descriptor.setTimeStamp(timeStamp); } fireRefactoringHistoryEvent(proxy, RefactoringHistoryEvent.PUSHED); fireRefactoringExecutionEvent(proxy, RefactoringExecutionEvent.PERFORMED); break; } case OperationHistoryEvent.ABOUT_TO_UNDO: { fireRefactoringExecutionEvent(proxy, RefactoringExecutionEvent.ABOUT_TO_UNDO); break; } case OperationHistoryEvent.UNDONE: { fireRefactoringHistoryEvent(proxy, RefactoringHistoryEvent.POPPED); fireRefactoringExecutionEvent(proxy, RefactoringExecutionEvent.UNDONE); break; } case OperationHistoryEvent.ABOUT_TO_REDO: { fireRefactoringExecutionEvent(proxy, RefactoringExecutionEvent.ABOUT_TO_REDO); break; } case OperationHistoryEvent.REDONE: { fireRefactoringHistoryEvent(proxy, RefactoringHistoryEvent.PUSHED); fireRefactoringExecutionEvent(proxy, RefactoringExecutionEvent.REDONE); break; } } } } /** * Returns the refactoring history manager corresponding to the project * with the specified name. * * @param name * the name of the project, or <code>null</code> for the * workspace * @return the refactoring history manager, or <code>null</code> */ private RefactoringHistoryManager getManager(final String name) { final IFileStore store= EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(RefactoringCorePlugin.getDefault().getStateLocation()).getChild(NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER); if (name != null && !"".equals(name)) {//$NON-NLS-1$ try { final IProject project= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name); if (project.isAccessible()) { if (hasSharedRefactoringHistory(project)) { final URI uri= project.getLocationURI(); if (uri != null) return getManager(EFS.getStore(uri).getChild(RefactoringHistoryService.NAME_HISTORY_FOLDER), name); } else return getManager(store.getChild(name), name); } } catch (CoreException exception) { // Do nothing } } else return getManager(store.getChild(NAME_WORKSPACE_PROJECT), null); return null; } /** * Returns the cached refactoring history manager for the specified * history location. * * @param store * the file store describing the history location * @param name * the non-empty project name, or <code>null</code> for the * workspace * @return the refactoring history manager */ private RefactoringHistoryManager getManager(final IFileStore store, final String name) { Assert.isNotNull(store); RefactoringHistoryManager manager= (RefactoringHistoryManager) fManagerCache.get(store); if (manager == null) { manager= new RefactoringHistoryManager(store, name); fManagerCache.put(store, manager); } return manager; } }