package cgeo.geocaching.export; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheAttribute; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags; import cgeo.geocaching.location.Geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.log.LogEntry; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Geocache; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Trackable; import cgeo.geocaching.models.Waypoint; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.SynchronizedDateFormat; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.TextUtils; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.XmlUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; public final class GpxSerializer { private static final SynchronizedDateFormat dateFormatZ = new SynchronizedDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US); private static final String PREFIX_XSI = "xsi"; private static final String NS_XSI = ""; private static final String PREFIX_GPX = ""; private static final String NS_GPX = ""; private static final String GPX_SCHEMA = NS_GPX + "/gpx.xsd"; private static final String PREFIX_GROUNDSPEAK = "groundspeak"; private static final String NS_GROUNDSPEAK = ""; private static final String GROUNDSPEAK_SCHEMA = NS_GROUNDSPEAK + "/cache.xsd"; private static final String PREFIX_GSAK = "gsak"; private static final String NS_GSAK = ""; private static final String GSAK_SCHEMA = NS_GSAK + "/gsak.xsd"; private static final String PREFIX_CGEO = "cgeo"; private static final String NS_CGEO = ""; /** * During the export, only this number of geocaches is fully loaded into memory. */ public static final int CACHES_PER_BATCH = 100; /** * counter for exported caches, used for progress reporting */ private int countExported; private ProgressListener progressListener; private final XmlSerializer gpx = new KXmlSerializer(); protected interface ProgressListener { void publishProgress(int countExported); } public void writeGPX(@NonNull final List<String> allGeocodesIn, final Writer writer, final ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException { // create a copy of the geocode list, as we need to modify it, but it might be immutable final List<String> allGeocodes = new ArrayList<>(allGeocodesIn); this.progressListener = progressListener; gpx.setOutput(writer); gpx.startDocument(CharEncoding.UTF_8, true); gpx.setPrefix(PREFIX_GPX, NS_GPX); gpx.setPrefix(PREFIX_XSI, NS_XSI); gpx.setPrefix(PREFIX_GROUNDSPEAK, NS_GROUNDSPEAK); gpx.setPrefix(PREFIX_GSAK, NS_GSAK); gpx.setPrefix(PREFIX_CGEO, NS_CGEO); gpx.startTag(NS_GPX, "gpx"); gpx.attribute("", "version", "1.0"); gpx.attribute("", "creator", "c:geo -"); gpx.attribute(NS_XSI, "schemaLocation", NS_GPX + " " + GPX_SCHEMA + " " + NS_GROUNDSPEAK + " " + GROUNDSPEAK_SCHEMA + " " + NS_GSAK + " " + GSAK_SCHEMA); // Split the overall set of geocodes into small chunks. That is a compromise between memory efficiency (because // we don't load all caches fully into memory) and speed (because we don't query each cache separately). while (!allGeocodes.isEmpty()) { final List<String> batch = allGeocodes.subList(0, Math.min(CACHES_PER_BATCH, allGeocodes.size())); exportBatch(gpx, batch); batch.clear(); } gpx.endTag(NS_GPX, "gpx"); gpx.endDocument(); } private void exportBatch(final XmlSerializer gpx, @NonNull final Collection<String> geocodesOfBatch) throws IOException { final Set<Geocache> caches = DataStore.loadCaches(geocodesOfBatch, LoadFlags.LOAD_ALL_DB_ONLY); for (final Geocache cache : caches) { if (cache == null) { continue; } final Geopoint coords = cache.getCoords(); if (coords == null) { // Export would be invalid without coordinates. continue; } gpx.startTag(NS_GPX, "wpt"); gpx.attribute("", "lat", Double.toString(coords.getLatitude())); gpx.attribute("", "lon", Double.toString(coords.getLongitude())); final Date hiddenDate = cache.getHiddenDate(); if (hiddenDate != null) { XmlUtils.simpleText(gpx, NS_GPX, "time", dateFormatZ.format(hiddenDate)); } XmlUtils.multipleTexts(gpx, NS_GPX, "name", cache.getGeocode(), "desc", cache.getName(), "url", cache.getUrl(), "urlname", cache.getName(), "sym", cache.isFound() && Settings.getIncludeFoundStatus() ? "Geocache Found" : "Geocache", "type", "Geocache|" + cache.getType().pattern); gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "cache"); gpx.attribute("", "id", cache.getCacheId()); gpx.attribute("", "available", !cache.isDisabled() ? "True" : "False"); gpx.attribute("", "archived", cache.isArchived() ? "True" : "False"); XmlUtils.multipleTexts(gpx, NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "name", cache.getName(), "placed_by", cache.getOwnerDisplayName(), "owner", cache.getOwnerUserId(), "type", cache.getType().pattern, "container", cache.getSize().id); writeAttributes(cache); XmlUtils.multipleTexts(gpx, NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "difficulty", integerIfPossible(cache.getDifficulty()), "terrain", integerIfPossible(cache.getTerrain()), "country", getCountry(cache), "state", getState(cache)); gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "short_description"); gpx.attribute("", "html", TextUtils.containsHtml(cache.getShortDescription()) ? "True" : "False"); gpx.text(cache.getShortDescription()); gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "short_description"); gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "long_description"); gpx.attribute("", "html", TextUtils.containsHtml(cache.getDescription()) ? "True" : "False"); gpx.text(cache.getDescription()); gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "long_description"); XmlUtils.simpleText(gpx, NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "encoded_hints", cache.getHint()); writeLogs(cache); writeTravelBugs(cache); gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "cache"); writeGsakExtensions(cache); gpx.endTag(NS_GPX, "wpt"); writeWaypoints(cache); countExported++; if (progressListener != null) { progressListener.publishProgress(countExported); } } } private void writeGsakExtensions(@NonNull final Geocache cache) throws IOException { gpx.startTag(NS_GSAK, "wptExtension"); XmlUtils.multipleTexts(gpx, NS_GSAK, "Watch", gpxBoolean(cache.isOnWatchlist()), "IsPremium", gpxBoolean(cache.isPremiumMembersOnly()), "FavPoints", Integer.toString(cache.getFavoritePoints()), "GcNote", StringUtils.trimToEmpty(cache.getPersonalNote())); gpx.endTag(NS_GSAK, "wptExtension"); } /** * @return XML schema compliant boolean representation of the boolean flag. This must be either true, false, 0 or 1, * but no other value (also not upper case True/False). */ private static String gpxBoolean(final boolean boolFlag) { return boolFlag ? "true" : "false"; } private void writeWaypoints(@NonNull final Geocache cache) throws IOException { final List<Waypoint> waypoints = cache.getWaypoints(); final List<Waypoint> ownWaypoints = new ArrayList<>(waypoints.size()); final List<Waypoint> originWaypoints = new ArrayList<>(waypoints.size()); int maxPrefix = 0; for (final Waypoint wp : cache.getWaypoints()) { // Retrieve numerical prefixes to have a basis for assigning prefixes to own waypoints final String prefix = wp.getPrefix(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prefix)) { try { final int numericPrefix = Integer.parseInt(prefix); maxPrefix = Math.max(numericPrefix, maxPrefix); } catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { // ignore non numeric prefix, as it should be unique in the list of non-own waypoints already } } if (wp.isUserDefined()) { ownWaypoints.add(wp); } else { originWaypoints.add(wp); } } for (final Waypoint wp : originWaypoints) { writeCacheWaypoint(wp); } // Prefixes must be unique. There use numeric strings as prefixes in OWN waypoints where they are missing for (final Waypoint wp : ownWaypoints) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(wp.getPrefix()) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Waypoint.PREFIX_OWN, wp.getPrefix())) { maxPrefix++; wp.setPrefix(StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(maxPrefix), 2, '0')); } writeCacheWaypoint(wp); } } /** * Writes one waypoint entry for cache waypoint. */ private void writeCacheWaypoint(@NonNull final Waypoint wp) throws IOException { final Geopoint coords = wp.getCoords(); // TODO: create some extension to GPX to include waypoint without coords if (coords != null) { gpx.startTag(NS_GPX, "wpt"); gpx.attribute("", "lat", Double.toString(coords.getLatitude())); gpx.attribute("", "lon", Double.toString(coords.getLongitude())); final String waypointTypeGpx = wp.getWaypointType().gpx; XmlUtils.multipleTexts(gpx, NS_GPX, "name", wp.getGpxId(), "cmt", wp.getNote(), "desc", wp.getName(), "sym", waypointTypeGpx, "type", "Waypoint|" + waypointTypeGpx); // add parent reference the GSAK-way gpx.startTag(NS_GSAK, "wptExtension"); gpx.startTag(NS_GSAK, "Parent"); gpx.text(wp.getGeocode()); gpx.endTag(NS_GSAK, "Parent"); gpx.endTag(NS_GSAK, "wptExtension"); if (wp.isVisited()) { gpx.startTag(NS_CGEO, "visited"); gpx.text("true"); gpx.endTag(NS_CGEO, "visited"); } if (wp.isUserDefined()) { gpx.startTag(NS_CGEO, "userdefined"); gpx.text("true"); gpx.endTag(NS_CGEO, "userdefined"); } gpx.endTag(NS_GPX, "wpt"); } } private void writeLogs(@NonNull final Geocache cache) throws IOException { final List<LogEntry> logs = cache.getLogs(); if (logs.isEmpty()) { return; } gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "logs"); for (final LogEntry log : logs) { gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "log"); gpx.attribute("", "id", Integer.toString(; XmlUtils.multipleTexts(gpx, NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "date", dateFormatZ.format(new Date(, "type", log.getType().type); gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "finder"); gpx.attribute("", "id", ""); gpx.text(; gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "finder"); gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "text"); gpx.attribute("", "encoded", "False"); try { gpx.text(log.log); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.e("GpxSerializer.writeLogs: cannot write log " + + " for cache " + cache.getGeocode(), e); gpx.text(" [end of log omitted due to an invalid character]"); } gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "text"); gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "log"); } gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "logs"); } private void writeTravelBugs(@NonNull final Geocache cache) throws IOException { final List<Trackable> inventory = cache.getInventory(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(inventory)) { return; } gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "travelbugs"); for (final Trackable trackable : inventory) { gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "travelbug"); // in most cases the geocode will be empty (only the guid is known). those travel bugs cannot be imported again! gpx.attribute("", "ref", trackable.getGeocode()); XmlUtils.simpleText(gpx, NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "name", trackable.getName()); gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "travelbug"); } gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "travelbugs"); } private void writeAttributes(@NonNull final Geocache cache) throws IOException { if (cache.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { return; } //TODO: Attribute conversion required: English verbose name, gpx-id gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "attributes"); for (final String attribute : cache.getAttributes()) { final CacheAttribute attr = CacheAttribute.getByRawName(CacheAttribute.trimAttributeName(attribute)); if (attr == null) { continue; } final boolean enabled = CacheAttribute.isEnabled(attribute); gpx.startTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "attribute"); gpx.attribute("", "id", Integer.toString(attr.gcid)); gpx.attribute("", "inc", enabled ? "1" : "0"); gpx.text(attr.getL10n(enabled)); gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "attribute"); } gpx.endTag(NS_GROUNDSPEAK, "attributes"); } static String getState(@NonNull final Geocache cache) { return getLocationPart(cache, 0); } private static String getLocationPart(@NonNull final Geocache cache, final int partIndex) { final String location = cache.getLocation(); if (StringUtils.contains(location, ", ")) { final String[] parts = StringUtils.split(location, ','); if (parts.length == 2) { return StringUtils.trim(parts[partIndex]); } } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } static String getCountry(@NonNull final Geocache cache) { final String country = getLocationPart(cache, 1); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(country)) { return country; } // fall back to returning everything, but only for the country return cache.getLocation(); } private static String integerIfPossible(final double value) { if (value == (long) value) { return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%d", (long) value); } return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s", value); } }