package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Expression; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.LazySpecifierExpression; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Primary; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.SpecifierExpression; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.SpecifierStatement; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Statement; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.Term; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Visitor; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Class; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Constructor; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Function; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.FunctionOrValue; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Functional; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Scope; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Setter; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Value; /** * Determines if a value is "captured" by * block nested in the same containing scope. * * For example, a captured value in a class * body is an attribute. A captured value in * a method body can outlive the execution of * the method. * * @author Gavin King * */ public class MethodOrValueReferenceVisitor extends Visitor { private final TypedDeclaration declaration; private boolean inCapturingScope = false; private boolean inLazySpecifierExpression = false; private boolean defaultArgument; public MethodOrValueReferenceVisitor(TypedDeclaration declaration) { this.declaration = declaration; } private boolean enterCapturingScope() { boolean cs = inCapturingScope; inCapturingScope = true; return cs; } private void exitCapturingScope(boolean cs) { inCapturingScope = cs; } @Override public void visit(Tree.BaseMemberExpression that) { visitReference(that); /*if (that.getIdentifier()!=null) { TypedDeclaration d = (TypedDeclaration) getDeclaration(that.getScope(), that.getUnit(), that.getIdentifier(), context); visitReference(that, d); }*/ } private void visitReference(Tree.Primary that) { if (inCapturingScope) { capture(that); } } private void capture(Tree.Primary that) { capture(that, false); } private void capture(Tree.Primary that, boolean methodSpecifier) { if (that instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) { final Declaration decl = ((Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) that).getDeclaration(); if (!(decl instanceof TypedDeclaration)) { return; } TypedDeclaration d = (TypedDeclaration) decl; if (Decl.equal(d, declaration) || (d.isNativeHeader() && d.getOverloads().contains(declaration))) { d = declaration; if (Decl.isParameter(d)) { // a reference from a default argument // expression of the same parameter // list does not capture a parameter Scope s = that.getScope(); boolean sameScope = d.getContainer().equals(s) || (s instanceof Declaration && (Decl.isParameter((Declaration)s) || (s instanceof Value && !((Value)s).isTransient())) && d.getContainer().equals(s.getScope())) ; if (!sameScope || methodSpecifier || inLazySpecifierExpression) { ((FunctionOrValue)d).setCaptured(true); } // Accessing another instance's member passed to a class initializer if (that instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression) { if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration && ((TypedDeclaration)d).getOtherInstanceAccess()) { ((FunctionOrValue)d).setCaptured(true); } } if (isCapturableMplParameter(d)) { ((FunctionOrValue)d).setCaptured(true); } } else if (Decl.isValue(d) || Decl.isGetter(d)) { Value v = (Value) d; v.setCaptured(true); if (Decl.isObjectValue(d)){ v.setSelfCaptured(isSelfCaptured(that, d)); } if (v.getSetter() != null) { v.getSetter().setCaptured(true); } } else if (d instanceof Function) { ((Function) d).setCaptured(true); } /*if (d.isVariable() && !d.isClassMember() && !d.isToplevel()) { that.addError("access to variable local from capturing scope: " + declaration.getName()); }*/ } } } /** * Returns true if <code>that</code> is within the scope of the type of <code>d</code>, * which must be a value declaration for an object declaration. */ private boolean isSelfCaptured(Primary that, TypedDeclaration d) { TypeDeclaration type = d.getTypeDeclaration(); Scope scope = that.getScope(); while(scope != null && scope instanceof Package == false && !Decl.equalScopeDecl(scope, type)) { scope = scope.getScope(); } return Decl.equalScopeDecl(scope, type); } /** * Because methods with MPL use nested anonymous AbstractCallables * if the declaration is a parameter in all but the last parameter list * it should be captured. */ private boolean isCapturableMplParameter(Declaration d) { if (!(d instanceof FunctionOrValue)) { return false; } com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Parameter param = ((FunctionOrValue)d).getInitializerParameter(); if (param == null) { return false; } Declaration paramDecl = param.getDeclaration(); if (paramDecl instanceof Functional) { List<com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ParameterList> parameterLists = ((Functional)paramDecl).getParameterLists(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterLists.size()-1; i++) { if (parameterLists.get(i).getParameters().contains(param)) { return true; } } } return false; } boolean invocationPrimary; @Override public void visit(Tree.InvocationExpression that) { boolean pip = this.invocationPrimary; this.invocationPrimary = true; that.getPrimary().visit(this); this.invocationPrimary = pip; if (that.getPositionalArgumentList() != null) { that.getPositionalArgumentList().visit(this); } if (that.getNamedArgumentList() != null) { that.getNamedArgumentList().visit(this); } } @Override public void visit(Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression that) { boolean cs = false; boolean isCallableReference = !invocationPrimary && that.getDeclaration() instanceof Functional; if (isCallableReference) { cs = enterCapturingScope(); } super.visit(that); if (isSelfReference(that.getPrimary())) { visitReference(that); } else { capture(that); } if (isCallableReference) { exitCapturingScope(cs); } } private boolean isSelfReference(Tree.Primary that) { return that instanceof Tree.This || that instanceof Tree.Outer; } @Override public void visit(Tree.Declaration that) { Declaration dm = that.getDeclarationModel(); if (dm==declaration.getContainer() || (Decl.equal(dm, declaration) && !isClassWithConstructorMember(declaration)) || (dm instanceof Setter && ((Setter) dm).getGetter()==declaration)) { if (!isCapturableMplParameter(declaration)) { this.inCapturingScope = false; } } super.visit(that); } private boolean isClassWithConstructorMember(TypedDeclaration decl) { return decl.isClassMember() && ((Class)decl.getContainer()).hasConstructors(); } static class ConstructorPlan { public List<Tree.Statement> before = new LinkedList<>(); public List<Tree.Statement> after = new LinkedList<>(); public boolean isDelegate; public Tree.Constructor constructor; public ConstructorPlan delegate; } @Override public void visit(Tree.ClassDefinition that) { if (!that.getDeclarationModel().hasConstructors()) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } else { // super special case for unshared members when we have constructors if(!declaration.isCaptured() && declaration instanceof FunctionOrValue && declaration.isClassMember()){ Map<Constructor,ConstructorPlan> constructorPlans = new HashMap<Constructor,ConstructorPlan>(); List<Tree.Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>(that.getClassBody().getStatements().size()); // find every constructor, and build a model of how they delegate for (Tree.Statement stmt : that.getClassBody().getStatements()) { if (stmt instanceof Tree.Constructor) { Tree.Constructor ctor = (Tree.Constructor)stmt; // build a new plan for it ConstructorPlan plan = new ConstructorPlan(); plan.constructor = ctor; constructorPlans.put(ctor.getConstructor(), plan); // find every constructor which delegates to another constructor if (ctor.getDelegatedConstructor() != null && ctor.getDelegatedConstructor().getInvocationExpression() != null) { if (ctor.getDelegatedConstructor().getInvocationExpression().getPrimary() instanceof Tree.ExtendedTypeExpression) { Tree.ExtendedTypeExpression ete = (Tree.ExtendedTypeExpression)ctor.getDelegatedConstructor().getInvocationExpression().getPrimary(); // are we delegating to a constructor (not a supertype) of the same class (this class)? if (Decl.isConstructor(ete.getDeclaration()) && Decl.getConstructedClass(ete.getDeclaration()).equals(that.getDeclarationModel())) { // remember the delegation Constructor delegate = Decl.getConstructor(ete.getDeclaration()); ConstructorPlan delegatePlan = constructorPlans.get(delegate); plan.delegate = delegatePlan; // mark the delegate as delegated delegatePlan.isDelegate = true; // we have all the statements before us and after our delegate plan.before.addAll(delegatePlan.after); } } } // if we have no delegate, we start with every common statement if(plan.delegate == null) plan.before.addAll(statements); // also add all the constructor's statements if (ctor.getBlock() != null) { plan.before.addAll(ctor.getBlock().getStatements()); } }else{ statements.add(stmt); // make sure all existing constructors get this statement too for(ConstructorPlan constructorPlan : constructorPlans.values()) constructorPlan.after.add(stmt); } } // try every constructor plan and see if it's used in two methods for(ConstructorPlan constructorPlan : constructorPlans.values()){ visitConstructorPlan(constructorPlan); // are we done? if(declaration.isCaptured()) break; } } // do regular capturing after that (for members), if required if(!declaration.isCaptured()) super.visit(that); } } /** * Marks declarations as captured if they are used in more than one generated constructor, according * to the given plan and knowledge on how we split up constructor delegates. */ private void visitConstructorPlan(ConstructorPlan constructorPlan) { // if there is no delegation all statements are put in the same method so we can't capture if(constructorPlan.delegate == null && !constructorPlan.isDelegate) return; boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); int useCount = usedIn(constructorPlan, false); FunctionOrValue fov = ((FunctionOrValue)declaration); fov.setCaptured(useCount > 1); if(fov instanceof Value){ Value val = (Value) fov; if(val.getSetter() != null) val.getSetter().setCaptured(useCount > 1); } exitCapturingScope(cs); } /** * Count the number of different methods the declaration is captured in, for the given constructor * plan. * @param onlyBefore true if we only want to check the before statements (in case of delegation) */ private int usedIn(ConstructorPlan constructorPlan, boolean onlyBefore) { int delegateCount = 0; if(constructorPlan.delegate != null) delegateCount = usedIn(constructorPlan.delegate, true); int usedBefore = usedIn(constructorPlan.before); int usedAfter = onlyBefore ? 0 : usedIn(constructorPlan.after); if(constructorPlan.isDelegate){ // we have a split between the before/after statements return delegateCount + usedBefore + usedAfter; }else{ // before and after are in the same method, so cap it to 1 return delegateCount + Math.min(usedBefore + usedAfter, 1); } } /** * Returns 1 if the declaration is captured in the given statements, 0 otherwise. */ private int usedIn(List<Statement> stmts) { for(Tree.Statement stmt : stmts){ // count declarations as usage if(stmt instanceof Tree.TypedDeclaration && ((Tree.TypedDeclaration) stmt).getDeclarationModel() == declaration) return 1; stmt.visit(this); if(declaration.isCaptured()) break; } boolean used = declaration.isCaptured(); FunctionOrValue fov = ((FunctionOrValue)declaration); fov.setCaptured(false); if(fov instanceof Value){ Value val = (Value) fov; if(val.getSetter() != null) val.getSetter().setCaptured(false); } return used ? 1 : 0; } @Override public void visit(Tree.ObjectDefinition that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.MethodDefinition that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); if (Decl.withinClass(that)) { // This is a HACK to make sure that method definitions // are always seen as captured and can't be confused // for being part of the initializer. This is because // uncaptured method *declarations* can and will be // made local to the class initializer, but if the only // thing you've got is a Function you can't know the // difference between a definition and a declaration, // that's why we set the captured flag here. that.getDeclarationModel().setCaptured(true); } exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.AttributeDeclaration that) { super.visit(that); final SpecifierOrInitializerExpression specifier = that.getSpecifierOrInitializerExpression(); if (specifier != null && specifier instanceof Tree.LazySpecifierExpression) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); specifier.visit(this); exitCapturingScope(cs); } } @Override public void visit(Tree.AttributeGetterDefinition that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.AttributeSetterDefinition that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.ObjectArgument that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.MethodArgument that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.AttributeArgument that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } /*@Override public void visit(Tree.FunctionalParameterDeclaration that) { defaultArgument = true; super.visit(that); defaultArgument = false; }*/ @Override public void visit(Tree.ValueParameterDeclaration that) { defaultArgument = true; super.visit(that); defaultArgument = false; } /*@Override public void visit(Tree.InitializerParameter that) { defaultArgument = true; super.visit(that); defaultArgument = false; }*/ @Override public void visit(Tree.SpecifierOrInitializerExpression that) { boolean cs = false; // Things in specifiers or initializers are only captured if they are // specifiers or initializers of parameters if (defaultArgument || inLazySpecifierExpression) { cs = enterCapturingScope(); } super.visit(that); if (defaultArgument || inLazySpecifierExpression) { exitCapturingScope(cs); } } @Override public void visit(Tree.FunctionArgument that) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.MethodDeclaration that) { super.visit(that); final SpecifierExpression specifier = that.getSpecifierExpression(); if (specifier != null && specifier instanceof Tree.LazySpecifierExpression) { boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); specifier.visit(this); exitCapturingScope(cs); } } @Override public void visit(Tree.Comprehension that) { super.visit(that); boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); that.getInitialComprehensionClause().visit(this); exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(Tree.ForComprehensionClause that) { super.visit(that); final SpecifierExpression specifier = that.getForIterator().getSpecifierExpression(); if (specifier != null) { final Expression expr = specifier.getExpression(); final Term term = expr.getTerm(); if (term instanceof Tree.Primary) { capture((Tree.Primary)term, true); } } that.getComprehensionClause().visit(this); } @Override public void visit(Tree.IfComprehensionClause that) { super.visit(that); //that.getCondition().visit(this); that.getComprehensionClause().visit(this); } @Override public void visit(Tree.ExpressionComprehensionClause that) { super.visit(that); visitReference(that.getExpression()); } @Override public void visit(SpecifierStatement that) { boolean cs = inCapturingScope; // refining specifiers do capture, as opposed to regular constructor specifiers if(that.getRefinement()) enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); if(that.getRefinement()) exitCapturingScope(cs); } @Override public void visit(LazySpecifierExpression that) { boolean lse = inLazySpecifierExpression; inLazySpecifierExpression = true; super.visit(that); inLazySpecifierExpression = lse; } @Override public void visit(Tree.SequencedArgument that) { // Because a SequenceArgument requires an anonymous class // enumerated the expressions are in a different scope boolean cs = enterCapturingScope(); super.visit(that); exitCapturingScope(cs); } }