// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.content.browser; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative; import org.chromium.base.JNINamespace; import org.chromium.content.common.TraceEvent; import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid; /*** * This view is used by a ContentView to render its content. * Call {@link #setCurrentContentView(ContentView)} with the contentView that should be displayed. * Note that only one ContentView can be shown at a time. */ @JNINamespace("content") public class ContentViewRenderView extends FrameLayout { private static final int MAX_SWAP_BUFFER_COUNT = 2; // The native side of this object. private long mNativeContentViewRenderView; private final SurfaceHolder.Callback mSurfaceCallback; private final SurfaceView mSurfaceView; private final VSyncAdapter mVSyncAdapter; private int mPendingRenders; private int mPendingSwapBuffers; private boolean mNeedToRender; private ContentView mCurrentContentView; private final Runnable mRenderRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { render(); } }; /** * Constructs a new ContentViewRenderView that should be can to a view hierarchy. * Native code should add/remove the layers to be rendered through the ContentViewLayerRenderer. * @param context The context used to create this. */ public ContentViewRenderView(Context context, WindowAndroid rootWindow) { super(context); assert rootWindow != null; mNativeContentViewRenderView = nativeInit(rootWindow.getNativePointer()); assert mNativeContentViewRenderView != 0; mSurfaceView = createSurfaceView(getContext()); mSurfaceCallback = new SurfaceHolder.Callback() { @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { assert mNativeContentViewRenderView != 0; nativeSurfaceSetSize(mNativeContentViewRenderView, width, height); if (mCurrentContentView != null) { mCurrentContentView.getContentViewCore().onPhysicalBackingSizeChanged( width, height); } } @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { assert mNativeContentViewRenderView != 0; nativeSurfaceCreated(mNativeContentViewRenderView, holder.getSurface()); onReadyToRender(); } @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { assert mNativeContentViewRenderView != 0; nativeSurfaceDestroyed(mNativeContentViewRenderView); } }; mSurfaceView.getHolder().addCallback(mSurfaceCallback); setSurfaceViewBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); mVSyncAdapter = new VSyncAdapter(getContext()); addView(mSurfaceView, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); } private class VSyncAdapter implements VSyncManager.Provider, VSyncMonitor.Listener { private final VSyncMonitor mVSyncMonitor; private boolean mVSyncNotificationEnabled; private VSyncManager.Listener mVSyncListener; // The VSyncMonitor gives the timebase for the actual vsync, but we don't want render until // we have had a chance for input events to propagate to the compositor thread. This takes // 3 ms typically, so we adjust the vsync timestamps forward by a bit to give input events a // chance to arrive. private static final long INPUT_EVENT_LAG_FROM_VSYNC_MICROSECONDS = 3200; VSyncAdapter(Context context) { mVSyncMonitor = new VSyncMonitor(context, this); } @Override public void onVSync(VSyncMonitor monitor, long vsyncTimeMicros) { if (mNeedToRender) { if (mPendingSwapBuffers + mPendingRenders <= MAX_SWAP_BUFFER_COUNT) { mNeedToRender = false; mPendingRenders++; render(); } else { TraceEvent.instant("ContentViewRenderView:bail"); } } if (mVSyncListener != null) { if (mVSyncNotificationEnabled) { mVSyncListener.onVSync(vsyncTimeMicros); mVSyncMonitor.requestUpdate(); } else { // Compensate for input event lag. Input events are delivered immediately on // pre-JB releases, so this adjustment is only done for later versions. if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { vsyncTimeMicros += INPUT_EVENT_LAG_FROM_VSYNC_MICROSECONDS; } mVSyncListener.updateVSync(vsyncTimeMicros, mVSyncMonitor.getVSyncPeriodInMicroseconds()); } } } @Override public void registerVSyncListener(VSyncManager.Listener listener) { if (!mVSyncNotificationEnabled) mVSyncMonitor.requestUpdate(); mVSyncNotificationEnabled = true; } @Override public void unregisterVSyncListener(VSyncManager.Listener listener) { mVSyncNotificationEnabled = false; } void setVSyncListener(VSyncManager.Listener listener) { mVSyncListener = listener; if (mVSyncListener != null) mVSyncMonitor.requestUpdate(); } void requestUpdate() { mVSyncMonitor.requestUpdate(); } } /** * Sets the background color of the surface view. This method is necessary because the * background color of ContentViewRenderView itself is covered by the background of * SurfaceView. * @param color The color of the background. */ public void setSurfaceViewBackgroundColor(int color) { if (mSurfaceView != null) { mSurfaceView.setBackgroundColor(color); } } /** * Should be called when the ContentViewRenderView is not needed anymore so its associated * native resource can be freed. */ public void destroy() { mSurfaceView.getHolder().removeCallback(mSurfaceCallback); nativeDestroy(mNativeContentViewRenderView); mNativeContentViewRenderView = 0; } /** * Makes the passed ContentView the one displayed by this ContentViewRenderView. */ public void setCurrentContentView(ContentView contentView) { assert mNativeContentViewRenderView != 0; mCurrentContentView = contentView; ContentViewCore contentViewCore = contentView != null ? contentView.getContentViewCore() : null; nativeSetCurrentContentView(mNativeContentViewRenderView, contentViewCore != null ? contentViewCore.getNativeContentViewCore() : 0); if (contentViewCore != null) { contentViewCore.onPhysicalBackingSizeChanged(getWidth(), getHeight()); mVSyncAdapter.setVSyncListener(contentViewCore.getVSyncListener(mVSyncAdapter)); } } /** * This method should be subclassed to provide actions to be performed once the view is ready to * render. */ protected void onReadyToRender() { mPendingSwapBuffers = 0; mPendingRenders = 0; } /** * This method could be subclassed optionally to provide a custom SurfaceView object to * this ContentViewRenderView. * @param context The context used to create the SurfaceView object. * @return The created SurfaceView object. */ protected SurfaceView createSurfaceView(Context context) { return new SurfaceView(context) { @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // We only need to draw to software canvases, which are used for taking screenshots. if (canvas.isHardwareAccelerated()) return; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(getWidth(), getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); if (nativeCompositeToBitmap(mNativeContentViewRenderView, bitmap)) { canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, null); } } }; } /** * @return whether the surface view is initialized and ready to render. */ public boolean isInitialized() { return mSurfaceView.getHolder().getSurface() != null; } @CalledByNative private void requestRender() { ContentViewCore contentViewCore = mCurrentContentView != null ? mCurrentContentView.getContentViewCore() : null; boolean rendererHasFrame = contentViewCore != null && contentViewCore.consumePendingRendererFrame(); if (rendererHasFrame && mPendingSwapBuffers + mPendingRenders < MAX_SWAP_BUFFER_COUNT) { TraceEvent.instant("requestRender:now"); mNeedToRender = false; mPendingRenders++; // The handler can be null if we are detached from the window. Calling // {@link View#post(Runnable)} properly handles this case, but we lose the front of // queue behavior. That is okay for this edge case. Handler handler = getHandler(); if (handler != null) { handler.postAtFrontOfQueue(mRenderRunnable); } else { post(mRenderRunnable); } mVSyncAdapter.requestUpdate(); } else if (mPendingRenders <= 0) { assert mPendingRenders == 0; TraceEvent.instant("requestRender:later"); mNeedToRender = true; mVSyncAdapter.requestUpdate(); } } @CalledByNative private void onSwapBuffersCompleted() { TraceEvent.instant("onSwapBuffersCompleted"); if (mPendingSwapBuffers == MAX_SWAP_BUFFER_COUNT && mNeedToRender) requestRender(); if (mPendingSwapBuffers > 0) mPendingSwapBuffers--; } private void render() { if (mPendingRenders > 0) mPendingRenders--; // Waiting for the content view contents to be ready avoids compositing // when the surface texture is still empty. if (mCurrentContentView == null) return; ContentViewCore contentViewCore = mCurrentContentView.getContentViewCore(); if (contentViewCore == null || !contentViewCore.isReady()) { return; } boolean didDraw = nativeComposite(mNativeContentViewRenderView); if (didDraw) { mPendingSwapBuffers++; if (mSurfaceView.getBackground() != null) { post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mSurfaceView.setBackgroundResource(0); } }); } } } private native long nativeInit(long rootWindowNativePointer); private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeContentViewRenderView); private native void nativeSetCurrentContentView(long nativeContentViewRenderView, long nativeContentView); private native void nativeSurfaceCreated(long nativeContentViewRenderView, Surface surface); private native void nativeSurfaceDestroyed(long nativeContentViewRenderView); private native void nativeSurfaceSetSize(long nativeContentViewRenderView, int width, int height); private native boolean nativeComposite(long nativeContentViewRenderView); private native boolean nativeCompositeToBitmap(long nativeContentViewRenderView, Bitmap bitmap); }