/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.db; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.apache.cassandra.CleanupHelper; import org.apache.cassandra.Util; import org.apache.cassandra.config.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.IdentityQueryFilter; import org.apache.cassandra.io.SerDeUtils; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.OldNetworkTopologyStrategy; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.*; import org.junit.Test; import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.QueryFilter; import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.QueryPath; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.AddColumnFamily; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.AddKeyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.DropColumnFamily; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.DropKeyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.Migration; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.RenameColumnFamily; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.RenameKeyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.UpdateColumnFamily; import org.apache.cassandra.db.migration.UpdateKeyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.OldNetworkTopologyStrategy; import org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CfDef; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ColumnDef; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.IndexType; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.UUIDGen; import org.junit.Test; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; public class DefsTest extends CleanupHelper { @Test public void ensureStaticCFMIdsAreLessThan1000() { assert CFMetaData.StatusCf.cfId == 0; assert CFMetaData.HintsCf.cfId == 1; assert CFMetaData.MigrationsCf.cfId == 2; assert CFMetaData.SchemaCf.cfId == 3; } @Test public void testCFMetaDataApply() throws ConfigurationException { Map<ByteBuffer, ColumnDefinition> indexes = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, ColumnDefinition>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ByteBuffer name = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { (byte)i }); indexes.put(name, new ColumnDefinition(name, null, IndexType.KEYS, Integer.toString(i))); } CFMetaData cfm = new CFMetaData("Keyspace1", "TestApplyCFM_CF", ColumnFamilyType.Standard, BytesType.instance, null, "No comment", 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 100000, null, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500.0, indexes); // we'll be adding this one later. make sure it's not already there. assert cfm.getColumn_metadata().get(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 5 })) == null; org.apache.cassandra.avro.CfDef cfDef = CFMetaData.convertToAvro(cfm); // add one. org.apache.cassandra.avro.ColumnDef addIndexDef = new org.apache.cassandra.avro.ColumnDef(); addIndexDef.index_name = "5"; addIndexDef.index_type = org.apache.cassandra.avro.IndexType.KEYS; addIndexDef.name = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 5 }); addIndexDef.validation_class = BytesType.class.getName(); cfDef.column_metadata.add(addIndexDef); // remove one. org.apache.cassandra.avro.ColumnDef removeIndexDef = new org.apache.cassandra.avro.ColumnDef(); removeIndexDef.index_name = "0"; removeIndexDef.index_type = org.apache.cassandra.avro.IndexType.KEYS; removeIndexDef.name = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 0 }); removeIndexDef.validation_class = BytesType.class.getName(); assert cfDef.column_metadata.remove(removeIndexDef); cfm.apply(cfDef); for (int i = 1; i < indexes.size(); i++) assert cfm.getColumn_metadata().get(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 1 })) != null; assert cfm.getColumn_metadata().get(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 0 })) == null; assert cfm.getColumn_metadata().get(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 5 })) != null; } @Test public void testInvalidNames() throws IOException { String[] valid = {"1", "a", "_1", "b_", "__", "1_a"}; for (String s : valid) assert Migration.isLegalName(s); String[] invalid = {"b@t", "dash-y", "", " ", "dot.s", ".hidden"}; for (String s : invalid) assert !Migration.isLegalName(s); } @Test public void saveAndRestore() throws IOException { // verify dump and reload. UUID first = UUIDGen.makeType1UUIDFromHost(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()); DefsTable.dumpToStorage(first); List<KSMetaData> defs = new ArrayList<KSMetaData>(DefsTable.loadFromStorage(first)); assert defs.size() > 0; assert defs.size() == DatabaseDescriptor.getNonSystemTables().size(); for (KSMetaData loaded : defs) { KSMetaData defined = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(loaded.name); assert defined.equals(loaded); } } @Test public void addNewCfToBogusTable() throws InterruptedException { CFMetaData newCf = addTestCF("MadeUpKeyspace", "NewCF", "new cf"); try { new AddColumnFamily(newCf).apply(); throw new AssertionError("You shouldn't be able to do anything to a keyspace that doesn't exist."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { } catch (IOException unexpected) { throw new AssertionError("Unexpected exception."); } } @Test public void testMigrations() throws IOException, ConfigurationException { // do a save. make sure it doesn't mess with the defs version. UUID prior = DatabaseDescriptor.getDefsVersion(); UUID ver0 = UUIDGen.makeType1UUIDFromHost(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()); DefsTable.dumpToStorage(ver0); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getDefsVersion().equals(prior); // add a cf. CFMetaData newCf1 = addTestCF("Keyspace1", "MigrationCf_1", "Migration CF"); Migration m1 = new AddColumnFamily(newCf1); m1.apply(); UUID ver1 = m1.getVersion(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getDefsVersion().equals(ver1); // rename it. Migration m2 = new RenameColumnFamily("Keyspace1", "MigrationCf_1", "MigrationCf_2"); m2.apply(); UUID ver2 = m2.getVersion(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getDefsVersion().equals(ver2); // drop it. Migration m3 = new DropColumnFamily("Keyspace1", "MigrationCf_2"); m3.apply(); UUID ver3 = m3.getVersion(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getDefsVersion().equals(ver3); // now lets load the older migrations to see if that code works. Collection<IColumn> serializedMigrations = Migration.getLocalMigrations(ver1, ver3); assert serializedMigrations.size() == 3; // test deserialization of the migrations. Migration[] reconstituded = new Migration[3]; int i = 0; for (IColumn col : serializedMigrations) { UUID version = UUIDGen.getUUID(col.name()); reconstituded[i] = Migration.deserialize(col.value()); assert version.equals(reconstituded[i].getVersion()); i++; } assert m1.getClass().equals(reconstituded[0].getClass()); assert m2.getClass().equals(reconstituded[1].getClass()); assert m3.getClass().equals(reconstituded[2].getClass()); // verify that the row mutations are the same. rather than exposing the private fields, serialize and verify. assert m1.serialize().equals(reconstituded[0].serialize()); assert m2.serialize().equals(reconstituded[1].serialize()); assert m3.serialize().equals(reconstituded[2].serialize()); } @Test public void addNewCF() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { final String ks = "Keyspace1"; final String cf = "BrandNewCf"; KSMetaData original = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks); CFMetaData newCf = addTestCF(original.name, cf, "A New Column Family"); assert !DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks).cfMetaData().containsKey(newCf.cfName); new AddColumnFamily(newCf).apply(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks).cfMetaData().containsKey(newCf.cfName); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks).cfMetaData().get(newCf.cfName).equals(newCf); // now read and write to it. DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("key0"); RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(ks, dk.key); rm.add(new QueryPath(cf, null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0"), 1L); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(ks).getColumnFamilyStore(cf); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); ColumnFamily cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getNamesFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cf), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0"))); assert cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")) != null; IColumn col = cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")); assert ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0").equals(col.value()); } @Test public void dropCf() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("dropCf"); // sanity final KSMetaData ks = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace1"); assert ks != null; final CFMetaData cfm = ks.cfMetaData().get("Standard1"); assert cfm != null; // write some data, force a flush, then verify that files exist on disk. RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) rm.add(new QueryPath(cfm.cfName, null, ByteBuffer.wrap(("col" + i).getBytes())), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("anyvalue"), 1L); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(cfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(cfm.cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); store.getFlushPath(); assert DefsTable.getFiles(cfm.tableName, cfm.cfName).size() > 0; new DropColumnFamily(ks.name, cfm.cfName).apply(); assert !DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(cfm.cfName); // any write should fail. rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); boolean success = true; try { rm.add(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0"), 1L); rm.apply(); } catch (Throwable th) { success = false; } assert !success : "This mutation should have failed since the CF no longer exists."; // verify that the files are gone. for (File file : DefsTable.getFiles(cfm.tableName, cfm.cfName)) { if (file.getPath().endsWith("Data.db") && !new File(file.getPath().replace("Data.db", "Compacted")).exists()) throw new AssertionError("undeleted file " + file); } } @Test public void renameCf() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("key0"); final KSMetaData ks = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace2"); assert ks != null; final CFMetaData oldCfm = ks.cfMetaData().get("Standard1"); assert oldCfm != null; // write some data, force a flush, then verify that files exist on disk. RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) rm.add(new QueryPath(oldCfm.cfName, null, ByteBuffer.wrap(("col" + i).getBytes())), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("anyvalue"), 1L); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(oldCfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(oldCfm.cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); int fileCount = DefsTable.getFiles(oldCfm.tableName, oldCfm.cfName).size(); assert fileCount > 0; final String cfName = "St4ndard1Replacement"; new RenameColumnFamily(oldCfm.tableName, oldCfm.cfName, cfName).apply(); assert !DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(oldCfm.cfName); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(cfName); // verify that new files are there. assert DefsTable.getFiles(oldCfm.tableName, cfName).size() == fileCount; // do some reads. store = Table.open(oldCfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(cfName); assert store != null; ColumnFamily cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getSliceFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cfName), FBUtilities.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, FBUtilities.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, false, 1000)); assert cfam.getSortedColumns().size() == 100; // should be good enough? // do some writes rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col5")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("updated"), 2L); rm.apply(); store.forceBlockingFlush(); cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getNamesFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cfName), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col5"))); assert cfam.getColumnCount() == 1; assert cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col5")).value().equals( ByteBufferUtil.bytes("updated")); } @Test public void addNewKS() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("key0"); CFMetaData newCf = addTestCF("NewKeyspace1", "AddedStandard1", "A new cf for a new ks"); KSMetaData newKs = new KSMetaData(newCf.tableName, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 5, newCf); new AddKeyspace(newKs).apply(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(newCf.tableName) != null; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(newCf.tableName) == newKs; // test reads and writes. RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(newCf.tableName, dk.key); rm.add(new QueryPath(newCf.cfName, null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0"), 1L); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(newCf.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(newCf.cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); ColumnFamily cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getNamesFilter(dk, new QueryPath(newCf.cfName), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0"))); assert cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")) != null; IColumn col = cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")); assert ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0").equals(col.value()); } @Test public void dropKS() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("dropKs"); // sanity final KSMetaData ks = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace1"); assert ks != null; final CFMetaData cfm = ks.cfMetaData().get("Standard2"); assert cfm != null; // write some data, force a flush, then verify that files exist on disk. RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) rm.add(new QueryPath(cfm.cfName, null, ByteBuffer.wrap(("col" + i).getBytes())), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("anyvalue"), 1L); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(cfm.tableName).getColumnFamilyStore(cfm.cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); assert DefsTable.getFiles(cfm.tableName, cfm.cfName).size() > 0; new DropKeyspace(ks.name).apply(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(ks.name) == null; // write should fail. rm = new RowMutation(ks.name, dk.key); boolean success = true; try { rm.add(new QueryPath("Standard1", null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0"), 1L); rm.apply(); } catch (Throwable th) { success = false; } assert !success : "This mutation should have failed since the CF no longer exists."; // reads should fail too. try { Table.open(ks.name); } catch (Throwable th) { // this is what has historically happened when you try to open a table that doesn't exist. assert th instanceof NullPointerException; } } @Test public void renameKs() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("renameKs"); final KSMetaData oldKs = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("Keyspace2"); assert oldKs != null; final String cfName = "Standard3"; assert oldKs.cfMetaData().containsKey(cfName); assert oldKs.cfMetaData().get(cfName).tableName.equals(oldKs.name); // write some data that we hope to read back later. RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(oldKs.name, dk.key); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null, ByteBuffer.wrap(("col" + i).getBytes())), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value"), 1L); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(oldKs.name).getColumnFamilyStore(cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); assert DefsTable.getFiles(oldKs.name, cfName).size() > 0; final String newKsName = "RenamedKeyspace2"; new RenameKeyspace(oldKs.name, newKsName).apply(); KSMetaData newKs = DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(newKsName); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(oldKs.name) == null; assert newKs != null; assert newKs.name.equals(newKsName); assert newKs.cfMetaData().containsKey(cfName); assert newKs.cfMetaData().get(cfName).tableName.equals(newKsName); assert DefsTable.getFiles(newKs.name, cfName).size() > 0; // read on old should fail. try { Table.open(oldKs.name); } catch (Throwable th) { assert th instanceof NullPointerException; } // write on old should fail. rm = new RowMutation(oldKs.name, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("any key will do")); boolean success = true; try { rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0"), 1L); rm.apply(); } catch (Throwable th) { success = false; } assert !success : "This mutation should have failed since the CF/Table no longer exists."; // write on new should work. rm = new RowMutation(newKsName, dk.key); rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("newvalue"), 2L); rm.apply(); store = Table.open(newKs.name).getColumnFamilyStore(cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); // read on new should work. SortedSet<ByteBuffer> cols = new TreeSet<ByteBuffer>(BytesType.instance); cols.add(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")); cols.add(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col1")); ColumnFamily cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getNamesFilter(dk, new QueryPath(cfName), cols)); assert cfam.getColumnCount() == cols.size(); // tests new write. ByteBuffer val = cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")).value(); assertEquals( new String(val.array(),val.position(),val.remaining()), "newvalue"); // tests old write. val = cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col1")).value(); assertEquals( new String(val.array(),val.position(),val.remaining()), "value"); } @Test public void createEmptyKsAddNewCf() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("EmptyKeyspace") == null; KSMetaData newKs = new KSMetaData("EmptyKeyspace", SimpleStrategy.class, null, 5); new AddKeyspace(newKs).apply(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition("EmptyKeyspace") != null; CFMetaData newCf = addTestCF("EmptyKeyspace", "AddedLater", "A new CF to add to an empty KS"); //should not exist until apply assert !DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(newKs.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(newCf.cfName); //add the new CF to the empty space new AddColumnFamily(newCf).apply(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(newKs.name).cfMetaData().containsKey(newCf.cfName); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(newKs.name).cfMetaData().get(newCf.cfName).equals(newCf); // now read and write to it. DecoratedKey dk = Util.dk("key0"); RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(newKs.name, dk.key); rm.add(new QueryPath(newCf.cfName, null, ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0"), 1L); rm.apply(); ColumnFamilyStore store = Table.open(newKs.name).getColumnFamilyStore(newCf.cfName); assert store != null; store.forceBlockingFlush(); ColumnFamily cfam = store.getColumnFamily(QueryFilter.getNamesFilter(dk, new QueryPath(newCf.cfName), ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0"))); assert cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")) != null; IColumn col = cfam.getColumn(ByteBufferUtil.bytes("col0")); assert ByteBufferUtil.bytes("value0").equals(col.value()); } @Test public void testUpdateKeyspace() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { // create a keyspace to serve as existing. CFMetaData cf = addTestCF("UpdatedKeyspace", "AddedStandard1", "A new cf for a new ks"); KSMetaData oldKs = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 5, cf); new AddKeyspace(oldKs).apply(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) != null; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) == oldKs; // anything with cf defs should fail. CFMetaData cf2 = addTestCF(cf.tableName, "AddedStandard2", "A new cf for a new ks"); KSMetaData newBadKs = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 4, cf2); try { new UpdateKeyspace(newBadKs).apply(); throw new AssertionError("Should not have been able to update a KS with a KS that described column families."); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { // expected. } // names should match. KSMetaData newBadKs2 = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName + "trash", SimpleStrategy.class, null, 4); try { new UpdateKeyspace(newBadKs2).apply(); throw new AssertionError("Should not have been able to update a KS with an invalid KS name."); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { // expected. } KSMetaData newKs = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, OldNetworkTopologyStrategy.class, null, 1); new UpdateKeyspace(newKs).apply(); KSMetaData newFetchedKs = DatabaseDescriptor.getKSMetaData(newKs.name); assert newFetchedKs.replicationFactor == newKs.replicationFactor; assert newFetchedKs.replicationFactor != oldKs.replicationFactor; assert newFetchedKs.strategyClass.equals(newKs.strategyClass); assert !newFetchedKs.strategyClass.equals(oldKs.strategyClass); } @Test public void testUpdateColumnFamilyNoIndexes() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { // create a keyspace with a cf to update. CFMetaData cf = addTestCF("UpdatedCfKs", "Standard1added", "A new cf that will be updated"); KSMetaData ksm = new KSMetaData(cf.tableName, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 1, cf); new AddKeyspace(ksm).apply(); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) != null; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getTableDefinition(cf.tableName) == ksm; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName) != null; // updating certain fields should fail. org.apache.cassandra.avro.CfDef cf_def = CFMetaData.convertToAvro(cf); cf_def.row_cache_size = 43.3; cf_def.column_metadata = new ArrayList<org.apache.cassandra.avro.ColumnDef>(); cf_def.default_validation_class ="BytesType"; cf_def.min_compaction_threshold = 5; cf_def.max_compaction_threshold = 31; // test valid operations. cf_def.comment = "Modified comment"; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); // doesn't get set back here. cf_def.row_cache_size = 2d; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); cf_def.key_cache_size = 3d; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); cf_def.read_repair_chance = 0.23; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); cf_def.gc_grace_seconds = 12; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); cf_def.default_validation_class = "UTF8Type"; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); cf_def.min_compaction_threshold = 3; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); cf_def.max_compaction_threshold = 33; new UpdateColumnFamily(cf_def).apply(); // can't test changing the reconciler because there is only one impl. // check the cumulative affect. assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName).getComment().equals(cf_def.comment); assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName).getRowCacheSize() == cf_def.row_cache_size; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName).getKeyCacheSize() == cf_def.key_cache_size; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName).getReadRepairChance() == cf_def.read_repair_chance; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName).getGcGraceSeconds() == cf_def.gc_grace_seconds; assert DatabaseDescriptor.getCFMetaData(cf.tableName, cf.cfName).getDefaultValidator() == UTF8Type.instance; // todo: we probably don't need to reset old values in the catches anymore. // make sure some invalid operations fail. int oldId = cf_def.id; try { cf_def.id++; cf.apply(cf_def); throw new AssertionError("Should have blown up when you used a different id."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { cf_def.id = oldId; } CharSequence oldStr = cf_def.name; try { cf_def.name = cf_def.name + "_renamed"; cf.apply(cf_def); throw new AssertionError("Should have blown up when you used a different name."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { cf_def.name = oldStr; } oldStr = cf_def.keyspace; try { cf_def.keyspace = oldStr + "_renamed"; cf.apply(cf_def); throw new AssertionError("Should have blown up when you used a different keyspace."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { cf_def.keyspace = oldStr; } try { cf_def.column_type = ColumnFamilyType.Super.name(); cf.apply(cf_def); throw new AssertionError("Should have blwon up when you used a different cf type."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { cf_def.column_type = ColumnFamilyType.Standard.name(); } oldStr = cf_def.comparator_type; try { cf_def.comparator_type = BytesType.class.getSimpleName(); cf.apply(cf_def); throw new AssertionError("Should have blown up when you used a different comparator."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { cf_def.comparator_type = UTF8Type.class.getSimpleName(); } try { cf_def.min_compaction_threshold = 34; cf.apply(cf_def); throw new AssertionError("Should have blown up when min > max."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { cf_def.min_compaction_threshold = 3; } try { cf_def.max_compaction_threshold = 2; cf.apply(cf_def); throw new AssertionError("Should have blown up when max > min."); } catch (ConfigurationException expected) { cf_def.max_compaction_threshold = 33; } } @Test public void testUpdateColumnFamilyKeysIndex() throws Exception { testUpdateColumnFamilyIndex("KeysIndexedCf", org.apache.cassandra.avro.IndexType.KEYS_BITMAP); } @Test public void testUpdateColumnFamilyKeysBitmapIndex() throws Exception { testUpdateColumnFamilyIndex("KeysBitmapIndexedCf", org.apache.cassandra.avro.IndexType.KEYS_BITMAP); } private void testUpdateColumnFamilyIndex(final String cf, org.apache.cassandra.avro.IndexType type) throws Exception { final String ks = "Ks_" + cf; final String indexname = "year"; final String key = "thekey"; // create unindexed cf CFMetaData baseCf = addTestCF(ks, cf, "A New Column Family"); KSMetaData baseKs = new KSMetaData(ks, SimpleStrategy.class, null, 5, baseCf); new AddKeyspace(baseKs).apply(); // add some data that should be indexed RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(ks, Util.bytes(key)); rm.add(new QueryPath(cf, null, Util.bytes(indexname)), Util.bytes("1970"), 1L); rm.apply(); // 'just' add an index org.apache.cassandra.avro.ColumnDef index = new org.apache.cassandra.avro.ColumnDef(); index.name = Util.bytes(indexname); index.validation_class = UTF8Type.class.getCanonicalName(); index.index_type = type; index.index_name = indexname; org.apache.cassandra.avro.CfDef upCf = baseCf.deflate(); upCf.column_metadata = SerDeUtils.createArray(1, index.SCHEMA$); upCf.column_metadata.add(index); new UpdateColumnFamily(upCf).apply(); // check that data that should be indexed, is Table table = Table.open(ks); IndexExpression expr = new IndexExpression(Util.bytes(indexname), IndexOperator.EQ, Util.bytes("1970")); IndexClause clause = new IndexClause(Arrays.asList(expr), FBUtilities.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, 100); List<Row> rows = table.getColumnFamilyStore(cf).scan(clause, Util.range("", ""), new IdentityQueryFilter()); assert rows.size() == 1 : rows.toString(); assert Arrays.equals(key.getBytes(), rows.get(0).key.key.array()); } private CFMetaData addTestCF(String ks, String cf, String comment) { return new CFMetaData(ks, cf, ColumnFamilyType.Standard, UTF8Type.instance, null, comment, 0, 1.0, 0, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_GC_GRACE_SECONDS, BytesType.instance, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_MIN_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_MAX_COMPACTION_THRESHOLD, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_ROW_CACHE_SAVE_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_KEY_CACHE_SAVE_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_MEMTABLE_LIFETIME_IN_MINS, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_MEMTABLE_THROUGHPUT_IN_MB, CFMetaData.DEFAULT_MEMTABLE_OPERATIONS_IN_MILLIONS, Collections.<ByteBuffer, ColumnDefinition>emptyMap()); } }