/* This file is part of Reactive Cascade which is released under The MIT License. See license.md , https://github.com/futurice/cascade and http://reactivecascade.com for details. This is open source for the common good. Please contribute improvements by pull request or contact paulirotta@gmail.com */ package com.reactivecascade.i; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * A lambda-friendly functional interface for continuation actions that receive no parameters * split return one result. * * @param <OUT> */ public interface IActionR<OUT> extends Callable<OUT>, IBaseAction<OUT> { /** * Execute the action * * @return the result of the action * @throws Exception to transition to {@link com.reactivecascade.i.IAltFuture.StateError} * @throws java.util.concurrent.CancellationException to {@link com.reactivecascade.i.IAltFuture.StateCancelled} */ @Override // Callable @NonNull OUT call() throws Exception; }