/* * Copyright (c) 2006, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wso2.carbon.registry.cmis; //import edu.emory.mathcs.backport.java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.data.ContentStream; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.data.Properties; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.Action; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConstraintException; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisObjectNotFoundException; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisRuntimeException; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisStorageException; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.PropertiesImpl; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.server.ObjectInfoImpl; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.cmis.util.CMISConstants; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Registry; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Resource; import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Instances of this class represent a versionable cmis:document and its versions backed by an underlying * Registry <code>Node</code>. */ public abstract class RegistryVersionBase extends RegistryDocument { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RegistryVersionBase.class); protected RegistryVersionBase(Registry repository, Resource node, RegistryTypeManager typeManager, PathManager pathManager) { super(repository, node, typeManager, pathManager); } /** * See CMIS 1.0 section getAllVersions */ public Iterator<RegistryVersion> getVersions() { try { String[] versionArray = getRepository().getVersions(getNode().getPath()); List<String> versions; if(versionArray.length == 0){ //Get the base node versions = new ArrayList<String>(); versions.add(getNode().getPath()); } else { //int endIndex = versionArray.length-1; //skip base node //versionArray = (String [])Arrays.copyOfRange(versionArray, 0, endIndex-1); versions = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(versionArray) ); } //Collections.reverse(versions); //sort(); final Iterator<String> iterator = versions.iterator(); return new Iterator<RegistryVersion>() { public boolean hasNext() { return iterator.hasNext(); } public RegistryVersion next() { String nextVersion = iterator.next(); try { return new RegistryVersion(getRepository(), getRepository().get(nextVersion), nextVersion, typeManager, pathManager); } catch (RegistryException e) { throw new CmisRuntimeException("Error iterating over versions"); } } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Failed to get versions"; log.error(msg, e); throw new CmisRuntimeException(msg, e); } } @Override public void delete(boolean allVersions, boolean isPwc) { Resource node = getNode(); try { //2nd condition exists to check whether this is the original doc or the pwc //Also checks for a Doc created AS a PWC if (isCheckedOut(node) && !node.getPath().endsWith("_pwc")) { if (isPwc) { cancelCheckout(getRepository(), node); } else { throw new CmisStorageException("Cannot delete checked out document: " + node.getId()); } } else if (allVersions) { //checkout(getRepository(), node); String path = node.getPath(); //delete all versions String[] versions = getRepository().getVersions(path); if(versions!=null){ for(String version: versions){ int beginIndex = version.indexOf(":")+1; int endIndex = version.length(); String versionNumber = version.substring(beginIndex,endIndex); long snapshotId = Long.parseLong(versionNumber); getRepository().removeVersionHistory(path, snapshotId); } } //Delete major resource TODO- check whether this has to execute getRepository().delete(path); } else { //Delete the specific version //Permanent path = /abc/def/resourceName;version=xxxx String resourcePath = node.getPath(); String permanentPath = node.getPermanentPath(); int beginIndex = permanentPath.indexOf(":")+1; int endIndex = permanentPath.length(); String versionNumber = permanentPath.substring(beginIndex,endIndex); long snapshotId = Long.parseLong(versionNumber); getRepository().removeVersionHistory(resourcePath, snapshotId); } } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Failed to delete the node with path " + node.getPath(); log.error(msg, e); throw new CmisRuntimeException(msg, e); } } /** * See CMIS 1.0 section checkOut * * @throws CmisRuntimeException */ public RegistryPrivateWorkingCopy checkout() { Resource node = getNode(); try { if (isCheckedOut(node)) { throw new CmisConstraintException("Document is already checked out " + node.getId()); } return getPwc(checkout(getRepository(), node)); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Failed checkout the node with path " + node.getPath(); log.error(msg, e); throw new CmisRuntimeException(msg, e); } } /** * See CMIS 1.0 section checkedIn * * @throws CmisRuntimeException */ public RegistryVersion checkin(Properties properties, ContentStream contentStream, String checkinComment) { Resource node = getNode(); try { if (!isCheckedOut(node)) { throw new CmisStorageException("Not checked out: " + node.getId()); } if (properties != null && !properties.getPropertyList().isEmpty()) { updateProperties(properties); } if (contentStream != null) { setContentStream(contentStream, true); } // todo handle checkinComment Resource resource = checkin(); String pathOfLatestVersion = getRepository().getVersions(resource.getPath())[0]; return new RegistryVersion(getRepository(), resource, pathOfLatestVersion, typeManager, pathManager); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Failed checkin"; log.error(msg, e); throw new CmisRuntimeException(msg, e); } } /** * See CMIS 1.0 section cancelCheckout * * @throws CmisRuntimeException */ public void cancelCheckout() { Resource node = getNode(); try { //TODO If node is the original copy then the pwc has to be passed! cancelCheckout(getRepository(),node); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Failed cancelling the checkout"; log.error(msg, e); throw new CmisRuntimeException(msg, e); } } /** * Get the private working copy of the versions series or throw an exception if not checked out. * * @return a {@link RegistryPrivateWorkingCopy} instance * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException if not checked out * @throws CmisRuntimeException */ public RegistryPrivateWorkingCopy getPwc(Resource node) { if (node.getPath().endsWith("_pwc")) { return new RegistryPrivateWorkingCopy(getRepository(), node, typeManager, pathManager); } else { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Not checked out document has no private working copy"); } } public RegistryPrivateWorkingCopy getPwc() { Resource node = getNode(); if (isCheckedOut(node)) { return new RegistryPrivateWorkingCopy(getRepository(), node, typeManager, pathManager); } else { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Not checked out document has no private working copy"); } } /** * Get a specific version by name * @param name name of the version to get * @return a {@link RegistryVersion} instance for <code>name</code> * @throws CmisObjectNotFoundException if a version <code>name</code> does not exist * @throws CmisRuntimeException */ public RegistryVersion getVersion(String name) { try { Resource node = getNode(); String[] versions = getRepository().getVersions(node.getPath()); if(versions == null){ throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("No versions exist"); } String gotVersion = null; for (String version: versions){ if(version.equals(name)){ gotVersion = version; } } if(gotVersion == null){ throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("No version found"); } return new RegistryVersion(getRepository(), node, gotVersion, typeManager, pathManager); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Unable to get the version for " + name; log.error(msg, e); throw new CmisRuntimeException(msg, e); } } /** * @return Id of the version representing the base of this versions series * @throws RegistryException */ protected String getBaseNodeId() throws RegistryException { String[] versions = getRepository().getVersions(getNode().getPath()); return (versions.length != 0 ? versions[versions.length-1] : getNode().getPath()); } /** * @return Id of the private working copy of this version series * @throws RegistryException */ protected String getPwcId() throws RegistryException { return null; //// WHAT the heck we return } @Override protected void compileProperties(PropertiesImpl properties, Set<String> filter, ObjectInfoImpl objectInfo) throws RegistryException { super.compileProperties(properties, filter, objectInfo); objectInfo.setWorkingCopyOriginalId(getBaseNodeId()); objectInfo.setWorkingCopyId(getPwcId()); } @Override protected Set<Action> compileAllowableActions(Set<Action> aas) { Set<Action> result = super.compileAllowableActions(aas); setAction(result, Action.CAN_GET_ALL_VERSIONS, true); try { if(isCheckedOut()){ setAction(result, Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT, true); setAction(result, Action.CAN_CHECK_IN, true); setAction(result, Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT, false); } else{ //setAction(result, Action.CAN_CANCEL_CHECK_OUT, false); //setAction(result, Action.CAN_CHECK_IN, false); setAction(result, Action.CAN_CHECK_OUT, true); } } catch (RegistryException e) { log.error("Failed compiling allowable actions ", e); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } return result; } @Override protected String getTypeIdInternal() { return RegistryTypeManager.DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID; } @Override protected boolean isCheckedOut() throws RegistryException { return isCheckedOut(getNode()); } @Override protected String getCheckedOutId() throws RegistryException { if (isCheckedOut()){ String property = getNode().getProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_CREATED_AS_PWC); if(property != null && property.equals("true")){ return getVersionSeriesId(); } else { return getVersionSeriesId() + CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX; } } return null; } @Override protected String getCheckedOutBy() throws RegistryException { return isCheckedOut() ? getNode().getProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_BY) : null; } public static Resource checkout(Registry repository, Resource node) throws RegistryException { /* * When checked out, the file structure is as below * * Original Document: /abc/def/resourceName * Checked out Doc : /abc/def/resourceName_pwc * * */ //TODO get User Name from context object node.setProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_BY, "user"); repository.put(node.getPath(), node); //Make a private working copy (/resourceName_pwc) String destPath = node.getPath() + CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX; repository.copy(node.getPath(), destPath); node.setProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_IS_CHECKED_OUT, "true"); repository.put(node.getPath(), node); //put the checked out doc path in checkedOut tracker Resource resource = null; if(repository.resourceExists(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_TRACKER)){ resource = repository.get(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_TRACKER); } else{ resource = repository.newResource(); //Have to set content, otherwise Greg will throw exception when browsing this file in Workbench resource.setContent(CMISConstants.TEMP_CONTENT); } resource.setProperty(destPath, "true"); repository.put(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_TRACKER, resource); return repository.get(destPath); } //------------------------------------------< private >--- // TODO REPLACE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ private static String getResourceName(String path) { if(path.equals("/")){ return "/"; } String[] parts = path.split("/"); if (parts == null) { return path; } else{ return parts[parts.length-1]; } } private Resource checkin() throws RegistryException { getNode().setProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_IS_CHECKED_OUT, "false"); if(getNode().getProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_BY) != null ){ getNode().removeProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_BY); } getRepository().put(getNode().getPath(), getNode()); String nodePath = getNode().getPath(); if(nodePath.endsWith(CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX)){ //Remove checkedOut doc from tracker Resource resource = getRepository().resourceExists(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_TRACKER) ? getRepository().get(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_TRACKER) : null; if(resource!=null){ if(resource.getProperty(nodePath)!=null){ resource.removeProperty(nodePath); getRepository().put(resource.getPath(), resource); } else{ throw new CmisRuntimeException("Checked out doc not in tracker!"); } } else{ throw new CmisRuntimeException("Tracker not found"); } String destPath = nodePath.substring(0, nodePath.indexOf(CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX)); getRepository().move(nodePath, destPath); //Create a version getRepository().createVersion(destPath); //get the latest version String pathOfLatestVersion = getRepository().getVersions(destPath)[0]; return getRepository().get(pathOfLatestVersion); } else{ //This code is run when a newly created document is checked in //create base version getRepository().createVersion(getNode().getPath()); //String pathOfLatestVersion = getRepository().getVersions(getNode().getPath())[0]; return getNode(); } } private static void cancelCheckout(Registry repository, Resource node) throws RegistryException { /* * cancelCheckOut Description: Reverses the effect of a check-out. Removes the private working copy of the checked-out document, allowing other documents in the version series to be checked out again. If the private working copy has been created by createDocument, cancelCheckOut MUST delete the created document. * * TODO Think on this later */ //Remove from tracker //Remove checkedOut doc from tracker Resource tracker = repository.resourceExists(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_TRACKER) ? repository.get(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_TRACKER) : null; if(tracker!=null){ if(tracker.getProperty(node.getPath())!=null){ tracker.removeProperty(node.getPath()); repository.put(tracker.getPath(), tracker); } else{ throw new CmisRuntimeException("Checked out doc not in tracker!"); } } else{ throw new CmisRuntimeException("Tracker not found"); } if(node.getPath().endsWith(CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX)){ /* * Path of original copy : /abc/def/resourceName * Path of checked out copy : /abc/def/resourceName_pwc * * node==checked out doc * */ //Get the original copy String pathOfPwc = node.getPath(); String pathOfOriginalCopy = pathOfPwc.substring(0, pathOfPwc.indexOf(CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX)); Resource resource = repository.get(pathOfOriginalCopy); //Reset properties //Allow the version series to be checked out again resource.setProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_IS_CHECKED_OUT, "false"); if(resource.getProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_BY) != null ){ resource.removeProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_CHECKED_OUT_BY); } repository.put(pathOfOriginalCopy, resource); //delete the pwc repository.delete(node.getPath()); } else{ //Document created as a pwc repository.delete(node.getPath()); } } //----Checks if isCheckedOut property exists and true private boolean isCheckedOut(Resource node){ if(node.getPath().endsWith(CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX)){ String path = node.getPath(); try { node = getRepository().get( path.substring(0, path.indexOf(CMISConstants.PWC_SUFFIX))); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Failed to retrieve the resource at " + path; log.error(msg, e); throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException(msg, e); } } String property = node.getProperty(CMISConstants.GREG_IS_CHECKED_OUT); return (property != null && property.equals("true")); } }