package org.camunda.bpm.camel.component.externaltasks; import static org.camunda.bpm.camel.component.CamundaBpmConstants.EXCHANGE_HEADER_ATTEMPTSSTARTED; import static org.camunda.bpm.camel.component.CamundaBpmConstants.EXCHANGE_HEADER_RETRIESLEFT; import static org.camunda.bpm.camel.component.CamundaBpmConstants.EXCHANGE_HEADER_TASK; import static org.camunda.bpm.camel.component.CamundaBpmConstants.EXCHANGE_HEADER_TASKID; import static org.camunda.bpm.camel.component.CamundaBpmConstants.EXCHANGE_RESPONSE_IGNORE; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Message; import org.apache.camel.Processor; import org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException; import org.apache.camel.spi.Synchronization; import org.camunda.bpm.camel.common.CamundaUtils; import org.camunda.bpm.camel.component.CamundaBpmEndpoint; import org.camunda.bpm.engine.ExternalTaskService; import org.camunda.bpm.engine.externaltask.ExternalTask; import org.camunda.bpm.engine.externaltask.LockedExternalTask; public class TaskProcessor implements Processor { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TaskProcessor.class.getCanonicalName()); private final CamundaBpmEndpoint camundaEndpoint; // parameters private final int retries; private final long retryTimeout; private final long[] retryTimeouts; private final boolean completeTask; private final boolean onCompletion; private final String topic; private final String workerId; public TaskProcessor(final CamundaBpmEndpoint endpoint, final String topic, final int retries, final long retryTimeout, final long[] retryTimeouts, final boolean completeTask, final boolean onCompletion, final String workerId) { this.camundaEndpoint = endpoint; this.retries = retries; this.retryTimeout = retryTimeout; this.retryTimeouts = retryTimeouts; this.completeTask = completeTask; this.onCompletion = onCompletion; this.workerId = workerId; this.topic = topic; } private ExternalTaskService getExternalTaskService() { return camundaEndpoint.getProcessEngine().getExternalTaskService(); } @Override public void process(final Exchange exchange) { if (!onCompletion) { internalProcessing(exchange); } else { // set headers only for "on-completion" processing because // otherwise the service doing something is already done // and therefore cannot use this in-headers any more. setInHeaders(exchange); final TaskProcessor taskProcessor = this; exchange.addOnCompletion(new Synchronization() { @Override public void onFailure(final Exchange exchange) { taskProcessor.internalProcessing(exchange); } @Override public void onComplete(final Exchange exchange) { taskProcessor.internalProcessing(exchange); } }); } } private void setInHeaders(final Exchange exchange) { final Message in = getInMessage(exchange); final String taskId = getExternalTaskId(in); final ExternalTask task = getExternalTask(taskId); final SetExternalTaskRetries annotation = findAnnotationByException(exchange.getException()); final int retries = retriesLeft(task.getRetries(), annotation); final int attemptsStarted = attemptsStarted(task.getRetries(), annotation); in.setHeader(EXCHANGE_HEADER_RETRIESLEFT, retries); in.setHeader(EXCHANGE_HEADER_ATTEMPTSSTARTED, attemptsStarted); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void internalProcessing(final Exchange exchange) { final Message in = getInMessage(exchange); final String taskId = getExternalTaskId(in); final ExternalTask task = getExternalTask(taskId); final ExternalTaskService externalTaskService = getExternalTaskService(); final Message out; if (onCompletion) { // 'process-externalTask' at the end of a route does not have any // output // - only input which was any proceeder's output. out = exchange.getOut(); } else { out = in; } // failure if (exchange.isFailed()) { if (task == null) { logger.warning( "Processing failed but the task seems to be already processed - will do nothing! Camnda external task id: '" + taskId + "'"); return; } final Exception exception = exchange.getException(); final SetExternalTaskRetries annotation = findAnnotationByException(exchange.getException()); final int retries = retriesLeft(task.getRetries(), annotation); final long calculatedTimeout = calculateTimeout(task.getRetries(), annotation); CamundaUtils.retryIfOptimisticLockingException(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() { externalTaskService.handleFailure(task.getId(), task.getWorkerId(), exception != null ? exception.getMessage() : "task failed", retries, calculatedTimeout); return null; } }); } else // bpmn error if ((out != null) && (out.getBody() != null) && (out.getBody() instanceof String)) { final String errorCode = out.getBody(String.class); if (task == null) { logger.warning("Should complete the external task with BPM error '" + errorCode + "' but the task seems to be already processed - will do nothing! Camnda external task id: '" + taskId + "'"); return; } // Ignore if service advises us to do so. if (errorCode.equals(EXCHANGE_RESPONSE_IGNORE)) { return; } CamundaUtils.retryIfOptimisticLockingException(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() { externalTaskService.handleBpmnError(task.getId(), task.getWorkerId(), errorCode); return null; } }); } else // success if (completeTask) { if (task == null) { logger.warning("Should complete the external task but the task seems to be " + "already processed - will do nothing! Camnda external task id: '" + taskId + "'"); return; } final Map<String, Object> variablesToBeSet; if ((out != null) && (out.getBody() != null) && (out.getBody() instanceof Map)) { variablesToBeSet = out.getBody(Map.class); } else { variablesToBeSet = null; } CamundaUtils.retryIfOptimisticLockingException(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() { if (variablesToBeSet != null) { externalTaskService.complete(task.getId(), task.getWorkerId(), variablesToBeSet); } else { externalTaskService.complete(task.getId(), task.getWorkerId()); } return null; } }); } } private Message getInMessage(final Exchange exchange) { final Message in = exchange.getIn(); if (in == null) { throw new RuntimeCamelException("Unexpected exchange: in is null!"); } return in; } private ExternalTask getExternalTask(final String taskId) { final ExternalTask task = getExternalTaskService().createExternalTaskQuery().externalTaskId( taskId).singleResult(); if (task != null) { if ((task.getWorkerId() != null) && (workerId != null) && !task.getWorkerId().equals(workerId)) { throw new RuntimeCamelException( "Unexpected exchange: the external task '" + taskId + "' is locked for worker '" + task.getWorkerId() + "' which differs from the configured worker '" + workerId + "!"); } if ((task.getTopicName() != null) && (topic != null) && !task.getTopicName().equals(topic)) { throw new RuntimeCamelException( "Unexpected exchange: the external task '" + taskId + "' is from topic '" + task.getWorkerId() + "' which differs from the configured topic '" + topic + "!"); } } else { throw new NoSuchExternalTaskException("The referenced external task '" + taskId + "' is not available any more. For details see '" + "'."); } return task; } private String getExternalTaskId(final Message in) { final LockedExternalTask lockedTask = in.getHeader(EXCHANGE_HEADER_TASK, LockedExternalTask.class); final String lockedTaskId = in.getHeader(EXCHANGE_HEADER_TASKID, String.class); final String taskId; if (lockedTask != null) { taskId = lockedTask.getId(); } else if (lockedTaskId != null) { taskId = lockedTaskId; } else { throw new RuntimeCamelException("Unexpected exchange: in-header '" + EXCHANGE_HEADER_TASK + "' and '" + EXCHANGE_HEADER_TASKID + "' is null!"); } return taskId; } public int retriesLeft(final Integer taskRetries, final SetExternalTaskRetries annotation) { final int currentRetries; final boolean decreaseCurrentRetriesByOne; if (taskRetries == null) { currentRetries = this.retries; decreaseCurrentRetriesByOne = false; } else { currentRetries = taskRetries; decreaseCurrentRetriesByOne = true; } return findRetriesByAnnotation(annotation, currentRetries, decreaseCurrentRetriesByOne); } private SetExternalTaskRetries findAnnotationByException(final Throwable e) { if (e == null) { return null; } final SetExternalTaskRetries annotation = e.getClass().getAnnotation(SetExternalTaskRetries.class); if (annotation != null) { return annotation; } return findAnnotationByException(e.getCause()); } private int findRetriesByAnnotation(final SetExternalTaskRetries annotation, final int currentRetries, final boolean decreaseCurrentRetriesByOne) { if (annotation == null) { if (decreaseCurrentRetriesByOne) { return currentRetries - 1; } else { return currentRetries; } } if (annotation.relative()) { return currentRetries + annotation.retries(); } else { return annotation.retries(); } } public int attemptsStarted(final Integer taskRetries, final SetExternalTaskRetries annotation) { final int retriesLeft = retriesLeft(taskRetries, annotation); return this.retries - retriesLeft; } private long calculateTimeout(final Integer taskRetries, final SetExternalTaskRetries annotation) { final int currentTry = attemptsStarted(taskRetries, annotation); if (retries < 1) { return 0; } else if ((retryTimeouts != null) && (currentTry < retryTimeouts.length)) { return retryTimeouts[currentTry]; } else { return retryTimeout; } } }