package; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class BaseFormatter implements Formatter { private final Pattern formatted; private final String formattedReplacement; private final Pattern unformatted; private final String unformattedReplacement; @Override public String format(String value) throws IllegalArgumentException { String result; if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value may not be null."); } Matcher matcher = unformatted.matcher(value); result = matchAndReplace(matcher, formattedReplacement); return result; } @Override public String unformat(String value) throws IllegalArgumentException { String result; if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value may not be null."); } Matcher unformattedMatcher = unformatted.matcher(value); if(unformattedMatcher.matches()){ return value; } Matcher matcher = formatted.matcher(value); result = matchAndReplace(matcher, unformattedReplacement); return result; } @Override public boolean isFormatted(String value) { return formatted.matcher(value).matches(); } @Override public boolean canBeFormatted(String value) { return unformatted.matcher(value).matches(); } private String matchAndReplace(Matcher matcher, String replacement) { String result = null; if (matcher.matches()) { result = matcher.replaceAll(replacement); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value is not properly formatted."); } return result; } public BaseFormatter(Pattern formatted, String formattedReplacement, Pattern unformatted, String unformattedReplacement) { super(); this.formatted = formatted; this.formattedReplacement = formattedReplacement; this.unformatted = unformatted; this.unformattedReplacement = unformattedReplacement; } }