package org.mortbay.ijetty.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.util.EncodingUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mortbay.ijetty.AppConstants; import org.mortbay.ijetty.IJetty; import; import; import; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import android.webkit.WebSettings; public class PlayListUtil { private final static String TAG = "PlayListUtil"; public static String playListVersion = ""; public static boolean isPlayListChanged = false; public static boolean isPlayListFileSynced = true; public static boolean isApkGetNeedConfirm = false; public static List<DownloadFile> mListDownloadFiles = new ArrayList<DownloadFile>(); //把字符串分成zone、set、time三部分 public static String playListFilePath = "file:///android_asset/example.txt"; private static String mStrPlayList, mStrNewPlayList; private static String mStrFileList; private static String mStrZoneDefine; private static List<PlayZone> mListPlayZone = new ArrayList<PlayZone>(); private static String mStrSetDefine; //会有多个SET域 private static List<String> mListSetDefine = new ArrayList<String>(); private static List<PlaySet> mListPlaySets = new ArrayList<PlaySet>(); private static String mStrTimeDefine;//会有多个PLAY域 private static List<String> mListPlayDefineList = new ArrayList<String>(); private static List<PlayTime> mListPlayTimes = new ArrayList<PlayTime>(); public static void getJsonPlayList() { InterfaceOp.protoPlayListGet(new IRequestListener() { public void onError(Exception e) { LogUtil.log("getPlayList onError " + e.getMessage()); } public void onComplete(boolean isError, String errMsg, JSONObject respObj) { if (respObj.optString("result","") == "false") { Log.e(TAG,respObj.optString("error","")); return; } if (respObj.optString("playlists","") == "") { mStrNewPlayList = "var programs = " + "{}" + ";"; } else { try { String playListMode=""; JSONObject oj = new JSONObject(respObj.optString("playlists","")); playListMode = oj.getString("mode"); if(playListMode.endsWith("code")) { // Log.i(TAG, "***************************************"); // Log.i(TAG, oj.getString("code")); // Log.i(TAG, "***************************************"); convertPlayList(oj.getString("code")); } else { mStrNewPlayList = "var programs = " + respObj.optString("playlists","") + ";"; } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } mStrPlayList = mStrNewPlayList; writeFile(IJetty.__JETTY_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__WEBAPP_DIR + "/console/demo/data/programs.js",mStrNewPlayList); //========================filelist========================== mStrFileList = respObj.optString("files",""); if(mStrFileList.isEmpty()) { Log.e(TAG, "mStrFileList is empty"); return; } Log.w("smallstar", mStrFileList); try { JSONArray jsonar = new JSONArray(mStrFileList); for (int i = 0; i < jsonar.length(); i++) { JSONObject oj = jsonar.getJSONObject(i); DownloadFile downloadFile = new DownloadFile(); Log.v("=====smallstar====", oj.getString("url")); downloadFile.url = oj.getString("url"); downloadFile.fileName = downloadFile.url.substring(downloadFile.url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); downloadFile.time = oj.getString("time"); downloadFile.size = oj.getString("size"); downloadFile.folder = oj.getString("folder"); mListDownloadFiles.add(downloadFile); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //isPlayListChanged = false; isPlayListFileSynced = false; AppConstants.URLPLAYLIST = ""; //IJetty.getInstance().clearFormData(); SystemClock.sleep(10 * 1000); //IJetty.getInstance().mWebView.getSettings().setCacheMode( WebSettings.LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK); //清除缓存,重新加载 IJetty.getInstance().mWebView.getSettings().setCacheMode(WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE);//LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK//LOAD_NO_CACHE IJetty.getInstance().mWebView.clearHistory(); IJetty.getInstance().mWebView.clearFormData(); IJetty.getInstance().mWebView.clearCache(true); IJetty.getInstance().mWebView.loadUrl(AppConstants.CLIENT_DEFAULT2_PLAYURL); //IJetty.getInstance().mWebView.reload(); } }); } public static class DownloadFile { String url; String fileName; String time; String size; String folder; } //确认 public static void confirmGetPlayListFiles() { InterfaceOp.protoPlayListConfirm(new IRequestListener() { public void onError(Exception e) { LogUtil.log("confirmGetPlayListFiles onError " + e.getMessage()); } public void onComplete(boolean isError, String errMsg, JSONObject respObj) { if (respObj.optString("result","").equals("false")) { Log.e(TAG,respObj.optString("error","")); return; } } }); } public static boolean syncPlayListFiles2() { boolean filesDownloadFinished = false; File uploadDir = new File(IJetty.__JETTY_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__WEBAPP_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__UPLOAD_DIR); if (!uploadDir.exists()) { boolean made = uploadDir.mkdirs(); Log.i(TAG,"Made " + uploadDir + ": " + made); } if (mListDownloadFiles.isEmpty()) { filesDownloadFinished = true; return filesDownloadFinished; } int i = 0; for (DownloadFile downloadFile : mListDownloadFiles) { //判断文件夹是否存在 File downloadFolder = new File(IJetty.__JETTY_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__WEBAPP_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__UPLOAD_DIR + "/" + downloadFile.folder); if (!downloadFolder.exists()) { boolean made = downloadFolder.mkdirs(); Log.i(TAG,"Made " + downloadFolder + ": " + made); } //判断文件是否存在 File file = new File(IJetty.__JETTY_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__WEBAPP_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__UPLOAD_DIR + "/" + downloadFile.folder + "/" + downloadFile.fileName); if (!file.exists()) {//文件不存在下载 NetworkUtil.requestDownload(downloadFile.url,IJetty.__JETTY_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__WEBAPP_DIR + "/" + IJetty.__UPLOAD_DIR + "/" + downloadFile.folder); } else {//文件存在,从mListDownloadFiles移除 mListDownloadFiles.remove(i); break; } i++; } return filesDownloadFinished; } public static boolean syncPlayListFiles() { //获取本地所有文件总大小,判断是否有文件需要删除 //获取所有本地资源文件列表 //获取所有播单资源列表 //取播单资源文件,在本地资源里表里面查找判断是否存在 //不存在则添加到下载列表里面去 List<String> localFilesNameList = FileUtil.getSrcFileNameList(); boolean filesAllEqure = true; for (final PlaySet set : mListPlaySets) { for (final PlaySetUnit setUnit : set.listPlaySetUnits) { //setUnit.fileName实际上是一个link String tempFileName = setUnit.fileName.substring(setUnit.fileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (localFilesNameList.indexOf(tempFileName) < 0) { //文件不存在就申请下载 NetworkUtil.requestDownload(setUnit.fileName); filesAllEqure = false; } } } if (filesAllEqure) { InterfaceOp.protoPlayListConfirm(new IRequestListener() { public void onError(Exception e) { LogUtil.log("protoPlayListConfirm onError: " + e.getMessage()); } public void onComplete(boolean isError, String errMsg, JSONObject respObj) { //Log.e("smallstar", "heartbeat onComplete=>isError: " + isError + " respObj:" + respObj); if (isError || (respObj == null)) { //节目单推送完成确认失败,强制重新同步 PlayListUtil.isPlayListFileSynced = false; return; } String result = respObj.optString("result",""); Log.w("protoPlayListConfirm return",result); if (!result.equals("true")) { //节目单推送完成确认失败,强制重新同步 PlayListUtil.isPlayListFileSynced = false; } } }); } return filesAllEqure; } /* * For Brandon Project * */ public static boolean convertPlayList(String playList) { mStrPlayList = playList; if (!initDomain(mStrPlayList)) { return false; } initPlayZones(mStrZoneDefine); initSetDefine(mListSetDefine); initTimeDefine(mListPlayDefineList); mStrNewPlayList = "var programs = " + "{" + "\"name\": \"测试节目1\"," + "\"screen\": \"1280*720\"," + "\"time_start\": 1356969600," + "\"time_end\": 1420041600," + "\"scenes\": [{" + "\"id\": 0," + "\"mode\": \"\","+ "\"name\": \"测试节目1\"," + "\"time_start\": 1356969600," + "\"t_start\": \"\"," + "\"time_end\": 1420041600," + "\"t_end\": \"\"," + "\"widget\": [{" + "\"id\": 62," + "\"col\": 6," + "\"row\": 2," + "\"size_x\": 1," + "\"size_y\": 4," + "\"type\": \"weather\"" + "}, {" + "\"id\": 73," + "\"col\": 6," + "\"row\": 1," + "\"size_x\": 1," + "\"size_y\": 1," + "\"type\": \"time\"" + "}, {" + "\"id\": 74," + "\"col\": 6," + "\"row\": 6," + "\"size_x\": 1," + "\"size_y\": 1," + "\"type\": \"image\"" + "}, {" + "\"id\": 127," + "\"col\": 1," + "\"row\": 2," + "\"size_x\": 5," + "\"size_y\": 5," + "\"type\": \"video\"" + "}, {" + "\"id\": 147," + "\"col\": 1," + "\"row\": 1," + "\"size_x\": 5," + "\"size_y\": 1," + "\"type\": \"text\"" + "}]," + "\"play_task\": {" + "\"widget_127\": [{" + "\"taskId\": 70," + "\"time_start\": 1356969600," + "\"t_start\": \"\"," + "\"time_end\": 1420041600," + "\"t_end\": \"\"," + "\"play_list\": \"play_70\"" + "}]," + "\"widget_147\": [{" + "\"taskId\": 84," + "\"time_start\": 1356969600," + "\"t_start\": \"\"," + "\"time_end\": 1420041600," + "\"t_end\": \"\"," + "\"play_list\": \"play_84\"" + "}]," + "\"widget_62\": [{" + "\"taskId\": 33," + "\"time_start\": 1356969600," + "\"t_start\": \"\"," + "\"time_end\": 1420041600," + "\"t_end\": \"\"," + "\"play_list\": \"play_33\"" + "}]," + "\"widget_73\": [{" + "\"taskId\": 44," + "\"time_start\": 1356969600," + "\"t_start\": \"\"," + "\"time_end\": 1420041600," + "\"t_end\": \"\"," + "\"play_list\": \"play_44\"" + "}]," + "\"widget_74\": [{" + "\"taskId\": 40," + "\"time_start\": 1356969600," + "\"t_start\": \"\"," + "\"time_end\": 1420041600," + "\"t_end\": \"\"," + "\"play_list\": \"play_40\"" + "}]" + "}," + "\"play_list\": {" + "\"play_33\": {" + "\"lists\": null" + "}," + "\"play_40\": {" + "\"lists\": [{" + "\"text\": \"\"," + "\"url\": \"upload/201404/1397745729.jpg\"" + "}]" + "}," + "\"play_44\": {" + "\"lists\": null" + "}," + "\"play_70\": {" + "\"lists\": [{" + "\"text\": \"\"," + "\"url\": \"upload/201405/1399519563.avi\"" + "}, {" + "\"text\": \"\"," + "\"url\": \"upload/201404/1398323444.mp4\"" + "}]" + "}," + "\"play_84\": {" + "\"lists\": [{" + "\"text\": \"新华网内比都5月19日电 赴缅甸出席中国-东盟国防部长会晤的国务委员兼国防部长常万全19日下午在内比都会见了越南国防部长冯光青。\"," + "\"url\": \"\"" + "}, {" + "\"text\": \"国家主席习近平20日上午在上海与应邀来华进行国事访问并出席亚信上海峰会的俄罗斯总统普京举行会谈。会谈前,习近平为普京举行欢迎仪式。\"," + "\"url\": \"\"" + "}]" + "}" + "}" + "}]" + "}" + ";"; return true; } /** * init Domains in playList: mStrZoneDefine, mStrSetDefine, mStrTimeDefine * * @param playList * //完整的播放清单字符串 * @return * */ private static boolean initDomain(String playList) { //START_ZONES开头 playList = StringUtils.replaceBlank(playList); if (!playList.startsWith("DEFINE_ZONES")) { Log.e(TAG,"playList String not start with START_ZONES"); return false; } int Index = playList.indexOf("END_ZONES"); if (Index < 0) { Log.e(TAG,"playList String have no END_ZONES"); return false; } else { mStrZoneDefine = playList.substring(0,Index + "END_ZONES".length()); } playList = playList.substring(Index + "END_ZONES".length(),playList.length()); if (!playList.startsWith("DEFINE_SET")) { Log.e(TAG,"playList Second String not start with DEFINE_SET"); return false; } Index = playList.lastIndexOf("END_SET"); if (Index < 0) { Log.e(TAG,"playList String have no END_SET"); return false; } else { mStrSetDefine = playList.substring(0,Index + "END_SET".length()); //获取set字符串列表 String temp = mStrSetDefine; String subTempStr; for (int i = temp.indexOf("END_SET"); i > 0; i = temp.indexOf("END_SET")) { subTempStr = temp.substring(0,i + "END_SET".length()); temp = temp.substring(i + "END_SET".length()); mListSetDefine.add(subTempStr); } } playList = playList.substring(Index + "END_SET".length(),playList.length()); if (!playList.startsWith("PLAY")) { Log.e(TAG,"playList Second String not start with PLAY"); return false; } else { mStrTimeDefine = playList; //获取play字符串列表 String temp = mStrTimeDefine; String subTempStr; for (int i = temp.indexOf(")"); i > 0; i = temp.indexOf(")")) { subTempStr = temp.substring(0,i + ")".length()); temp = temp.substring(i + ")".length()); mListPlayDefineList.add(subTempStr); } } return true; } private static void initPlayZones(String zoneDefine) { int index; Log.i(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); Log.i(TAG, zoneDefine); Log.i(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); //去掉START_ZONES与END_ZONES if (!zoneDefine.startsWith("DEFINE_ZONES")) { Log.e(TAG,"zoneDefine String not start with START_ZONES"); return; } String temp = zoneDefine.substring("DEFINE_ZONES".length()); index = temp.indexOf("END_ZONES"); temp = temp.substring(0,index); Log.i(TAG, temp); Log.i(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); for (index = temp.indexOf(";"); index > 0; index = temp.indexOf(";")) { String zoneSubString; int pointValues[] = new int[4]; PlayZone playZone = new PlayZone(); zoneSubString = temp.substring(1, index-1); //去掉() temp = temp.substring(index+1); Log.i(TAG, zoneSubString); Log.i(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); for(int i=zoneSubString.indexOf(','), j=-1; i>0; i=zoneSubString.indexOf(',')) { if(j<0) { playZone.zoneName = zoneSubString.substring(0,i); zoneSubString = zoneSubString.substring(i+1); } else { pointValues[j] = Integer.parseInt(zoneSubString.substring(0,i)); zoneSubString = zoneSubString.substring(i+1); if(j==2) {pointValues[j+1] = Integer.parseInt(zoneSubString);} } Log.i(TAG+"-j", String.valueOf(j)); Log.i(TAG+"-zoneSubString", zoneSubString); j++; } playZone.zoneValue = pointValues; mListPlayZone.add(playZone); } Log.i(TAG, "======================================="); for(int i=0; i<mListPlayZone.size(); i++) { Log.i(TAG, mListPlayZone.get(i).zoneName); for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { Log.i(TAG, String.valueOf(mListPlayZone.get(i).zoneValue[j])); } } Log.i(TAG, "========================================"); } private static void initSetDefine(List<String> setList) { String setTemp; for (int i = 0; i < setList.size(); i++) { setTemp = setList.get(i); //DEFINE_SET END_SET setTemp = setTemp.substring("DEFINE_SET".length(),setTemp.indexOf("END_SET")); PlaySet playSet = new PlaySet(); playSet.setName = setTemp.substring("(".length(),setTemp.indexOf(")")); //Log.i(TAG,playSet.setName); setTemp = setTemp.substring(setTemp.indexOf(")") + 1); String strPlaySetUnit; String strKeys[] = new String[7]; for (int j = setTemp.indexOf(';'); j > 0; j = setTemp.indexOf(';')) { strPlaySetUnit = setTemp.substring(0,j); setTemp = setTemp.substring(j + 1); //Log.i(TAG, strPlaySetUnit); for (int k = strPlaySetUnit.indexOf(','), l = 0; k > 0; k = strPlaySetUnit.indexOf(',')) { strKeys[l] = strPlaySetUnit.substring(0,k); strPlaySetUnit = strPlaySetUnit.substring(k + 1); l++; if (l == 6) { strKeys[l] = strPlaySetUnit; } } PlaySetUnit playSetUnit = new PlaySetUnit(); playSetUnit.fileName = strKeys[0]; playSetUnit.playRegions = strKeys[1]; playSetUnit.playMode = strKeys[2]; playSetUnit.playDuration = strKeys[3]; playSetUnit.playTransition = strKeys[4]; playSetUnit.startTime = strKeys[5]; playSetUnit.endTime = strKeys[6]; // Log.w(TAG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); // Log.w(TAG, playSetUnit.fileName + playSetUnit.playRegions + playSetUnit.playMode + // playSetUnit.playDuration + playSetUnit.playTransition); // Log.w(TAG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); playSet.listPlaySetUnits.add(playSetUnit); } mListPlaySets.add(playSet); } } private static void initTimeDefine(List<String> timeList) { String timeTemp; for (int i = 0; i < timeList.size(); i++) { PlayTime playTime = new PlayTime(); timeTemp = timeList.get(i); timeTemp = timeTemp.substring(timeTemp.indexOf("(") + 1,timeTemp.indexOf(")")); Log.i(TAG, timeTemp); String strKeys[] = new String[7]; for (int j = timeTemp.indexOf(','), k = 0; k<6; j = timeTemp.indexOf(',')) { Log.i(TAG + "-j", String.valueOf(j)); strKeys[k] = timeTemp.substring(0,j); timeTemp = timeTemp.substring(j + 1); k++; strKeys[k] = timeTemp; if (k == 5) { strKeys[k+1] = timeTemp; } } playTime.playContent = strKeys[0]; playTime.endMode = strKeys[1]; playTime.startDate = strKeys[2]; playTime.endDate = strKeys[3]; playTime.startTime = strKeys[4]; playTime.endTime = strKeys[5]; playTime.days = strKeys[6]; Log.w(TAG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); Log.w(TAG, playTime.playContent + playTime.days + playTime.startDate + playTime.endDate + playTime.startTime+ playTime.endTime + playTime.endMode); Log.w(TAG, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); mListPlayTimes.add(playTime); } } public static class PlayZone { String zoneName; int zoneValue[];//xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd; } public static class PlaySet { public String setName; List<PlaySetUnit> listPlaySetUnits = new ArrayList<PlaySetUnit>(); } public static class PlaySetUnit { String fileName; String playRegions; String playMode;//S = Stretch (fill in region) String playDuration;//seconds, duration (0)= length of video //I = transition is INSTANT, //U= transition is scroll UP, //L = transition is scroll LEFT //F = transition is FADE IN //R = transition is RANDOM //T = transition is TWIST String playTransition; String startTime; String endTime; } public static class PlayTime { String playContent; String endMode; String startDate; String endDate; String startTime; String endTime; String days; } public static String playZones2Json() { String JsonString; PlayZone playZone; JsonString = "'ZONES':{"; for (int i = 0; i < mListPlayZone.size(); i++) { playZone = mListPlayZone.get(i); JsonString = JsonString + "'" + playZone.zoneName + "':[" + "'" + String.valueOf(playZone.zoneValue[0]) + "'," + "'" + String.valueOf(playZone.zoneValue[1]) + "'," + "'" + String.valueOf(playZone.zoneValue[2]) + "'," + "'" + String.valueOf(playZone.zoneValue[3]) + "'"; if ((i + 1) == mListPlayZone.size()) JsonString += "]"; else JsonString += "],"; } JsonString += "}"; return JsonString; } public static String setDefine2Json() { String JsonString; PlaySet playSet; PlaySetUnit playSetUnit; //Log.w(TAG, String.valueOf(mListPlaySets.size())); JsonString = "'DEFINE_SET':{"; for (int i = 0; i < mListPlaySets.size(); i++) { playSet = mListPlaySets.get(i); JsonString = JsonString + "'" + playSet.setName + "':{"; for (int j = 0; j < playSet.listPlaySetUnits.size(); j++) { playSetUnit = playSet.listPlaySetUnits.get(j); JsonString = JsonString + "[" + "'" + playSetUnit.fileName + "'," + "'" + playSetUnit.playRegions + "'," + "'" + playSetUnit.playMode + "'," + "'" + playSetUnit.playDuration + "'," + "'" + playSetUnit.playTransition + "'"; if ((j + 1) == playSet.listPlaySetUnits.size()) JsonString += "]"; else JsonString += "],"; } if ((i + 1) == mListPlaySets.size()) JsonString += "}"; else JsonString += "},"; } JsonString += "}"; return JsonString; } public static String playTime2Json() { String JsonString; PlayTime playTime; JsonString = "'PLAY':{"; for (int i = 0; i < mListPlayTimes.size(); i++) { playTime = mListPlayTimes.get(i); JsonString = JsonString + "[" + "'" + playTime.playContent + "'," + "'" + playTime.days + "'," + "'" + playTime.startDate + "'," + "'" + playTime.endDate + "'," + "'" + playTime.startTime + "'," + "'" + playTime.endTime + "'"; if ((i + 1) == mListPlayTimes.size()) JsonString += "]"; else JsonString += "],"; } JsonString += "}"; return JsonString; } public static void writePlayList2JsonFile() { Log.w(TAG,playZones2Json()); Log.w(TAG,"********************************************************"); Log.w(TAG,setDefine2Json()); Log.w(TAG,"********************************************************"); Log.w(TAG,playTime2Json()); } public static void writeFile(String fileName, String message) { try { FileOutputStream overWrite = new FileOutputStream(fileName,false); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(overWrite,"UTF-8"); osw.write(message); osw.flush(); overWrite.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }