package org.buddycloud.channelserver.pubsub.model.impl; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.buddycloud.channelserver.pubsub.model.GlobalItemID; import org.xmpp.packet.JID; /** * Basic implementation of {@link GlobalItemID} */ public class GlobalItemIDImpl implements GlobalItemID { private static final Pattern STRING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^tag:([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)$"); /** * Creates a new global item ID * * @param service the JID of the pubsub service hosting the node * @param nodeID the id of the node containing the item * @param itemID the id of the item */ public GlobalItemIDImpl(JID service, String nodeID, String itemID) { this.service = service; this.nodeID = nodeID; this.itemID = itemID; } private JID service; private String nodeID; private String itemID; @Override public JID getService() { return service; } @Override public String getNodeID() { return nodeID; } @Override public String getItemID() { return itemID; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (service != null) { builder.append("tag:"); builder.append(service.toString()); builder.append(","); } builder.append(nodeID); builder.append(","); builder.append(itemID); return builder.toString(); } /** * Creates a new {@link GlobalItemID} from a tag string which looks a bit like: <blockquote> * <code>,a/node/id,an/item/id</code> </blockquote> * * @param str The tag string * @return the {@link GlobalItemID} */ public static GlobalItemID fromString(final String str) { Matcher matcher = STRING_PATTERN.matcher(str); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(str + " is not a valid GlobalItemID String. Expected something like ',node,item'."); } JID service = new JID(; // Handle an issue with certain clients if ((service.getNode() != null) && service.getNode().equals("null")) { service = new JID(null, service.getDomain(), service.getResource()); } return new GlobalItemIDImpl(service,,; } public static GlobalItemID fromBuddycloudString(String itemId) { String[] splittedItemId = itemId.split(","); if (splittedItemId.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal format for buddycloud global id"); } if (splittedItemId.length == 3) { return fromString(itemId); } return new GlobalItemIDImpl(null, splittedItemId[0], splittedItemId[1]); } public static String toLocalId(String itemId) { if (itemId == null) { return null; } String[] splittedItemId = itemId.split(","); if (splittedItemId.length == 1) { // Already a local id return itemId; } return fromBuddycloudString(itemId).getItemID(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((itemID == null) ? 0 : itemID.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((nodeID == null) ? 0 : nodeID.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((service == null) ? 0 : service.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof GlobalItemID)) { return false; } GlobalItemID other = (GlobalItemID) obj; if (itemID == null) { if (other.getItemID() != null) { return false; } } else if (!itemID.equals(other.getItemID())) { return false; } if (nodeID == null) { if (other.getNodeID() != null) { return false; } } else if (!nodeID.equals(other.getNodeID())) { return false; } if (service == null) { if (other.getService() != null) { return false; } } else if (!service.equals(other.getService())) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean isGlobalId(String id) { Matcher matcher = STRING_PATTERN.matcher(id); if (!matcher.matches()) { return false; } return true; } }