package com.bosi.chineseclass.views.paint; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.interfaces.PaintViewCallBack; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.interfaces.Shapable; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.interfaces.ShapesInterface; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.interfaces.ToolInterface; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.interfaces.UndoCommand; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.painttools.Eraser; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.painttools.PlainPen; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.painttools.BlurPen; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.painttools.EmbossPen; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.shapes.Circle; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.shapes.Curv; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.shapes.Line; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.shapes.Oval; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.shapes.Rectangle; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.shapes.Square; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.utils.BitMapUtils; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.utils.PaintConstants.ERASER_SIZE; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.utils.PaintConstants.PEN_SIZE; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.utils.PaintConstants.PEN_TYPE; import com.firstpeople.paintpad.utils.PaintConstants.SHAP; import static com.firstpeople.paintpad.utils.PaintConstants.*; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; public class PaintView extends View implements UndoCommand { boolean canvasIsCreated = false; private Canvas mCanvas = null; private ToolInterface mCurrentPainter = null; private Bitmap mBitmap = null; private Bitmap mOrgBitMap = null; private int mBitmapWidth = 0; private int mBitmapHeight = 0; private int mBackGroundColor = DEFAULT.BACKGROUND_COLOR; private Paint mBitmapPaint = null; private paintPadUndoStack mUndoStack = null; private int mPenColor = DEFAULT.PEN_COLOR;; private int mPenSize = PEN_SIZE.SIZE_1 ; private int mEraserSize = ERASER_SIZE.SIZE_1; int mPaintType = PEN_TYPE.PLAIN_PEN; private PaintViewCallBack mCallBack = null; private int mCurrentShapeType = 0; private ShapesInterface mCurrentShape = null; private Paint.Style mStyle = Paint.Style.STROKE; private boolean isTouchUp = false; private int mStackedSize = UNDO_STACK_SIZE; public PaintView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public PaintView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(); } public PaintView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); init(); } /** * ��ʼ�� */ private void init() { mCanvas = new Canvas(); mBitmapPaint = new Paint(Paint.DITHER_FLAG); mUndoStack = new paintPadUndoStack(this, mStackedSize); mPaintType = PEN_TYPE.PLAIN_PEN; mCurrentShapeType = SHAP.CURV; creatNewPen(); } public void setCallBack(PaintViewCallBack callBack) { mCallBack = callBack; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { float x = event.getX(); float y = event.getY(); isTouchUp = false; switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mCanvas.setBitmap(mBitmap); creatNewPen(); mCurrentPainter.touchDown(x, y); mUndoStack.clearRedo(); mCallBack.onTouchDown(); invalidate(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: mCurrentPainter.touchMove(x, y); if (mPaintType == PEN_TYPE.ERASER) { mCurrentPainter.draw(mCanvas); } invalidate(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: if (mCurrentPainter.hasDraw()) { mUndoStack.push(mCurrentPainter); if (mCallBack != null) { // ����undo\redo����ʵ mCallBack.onHasDraw(); } } mCurrentPainter.touchUp(x, y); mCurrentPainter.draw(mCanvas); invalidate(); isTouchUp = true; break; } return true; } /** */ private void setShape() { if (mCurrentPainter instanceof Shapable) { switch (mCurrentShapeType) { case SHAP.CURV: mCurrentShape = new Curv((Shapable) mCurrentPainter); break; case SHAP.LINE: mCurrentShape = new Line((Shapable) mCurrentPainter); break; case SHAP.SQUARE: mCurrentShape = new Square((Shapable) mCurrentPainter); break; case SHAP.RECT: mCurrentShape = new Rectangle((Shapable) mCurrentPainter); break; case SHAP.CIRCLE: mCurrentShape = new Circle((Shapable) mCurrentPainter); break; case SHAP.OVAL: mCurrentShape = new Oval((Shapable) mCurrentPainter); break; default: break; } ((Shapable) mCurrentPainter).setShap(mCurrentShape); } } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas cv) { cv.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmapPaint); if (!isTouchUp) { if (mPaintType != PEN_TYPE.ERASER) { mCurrentPainter.draw(cv); } } } /** */ void creatNewPen() { ToolInterface tool = null; switch (mPaintType) { case PEN_TYPE.PLAIN_PEN: tool = new PlainPen(mPenSize, mPenColor, mStyle); break; case PEN_TYPE.ERASER: tool = new Eraser(mEraserSize); break; case PEN_TYPE.BLUR: tool = new BlurPen(mPenSize, mPenColor, mStyle); break; case PEN_TYPE.EMBOSS: tool = new EmbossPen(mPenSize, mPenColor, mStyle); break; default: break; } mCurrentPainter = tool; setShape(); } /** */ @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); if (!canvasIsCreated) { mBitmapWidth = w; mBitmapHeight = h; creatCanvasBitmap(w, h); canvasIsCreated = true; } } /** */ public void setForeBitMap(Bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap != null) { recycleMBitmap(); recycleOrgBitmap(); } mBitmap = BitMapUtils.duplicateBitmap(bitmap, getWidth(), getHeight()); mOrgBitMap = BitMapUtils.duplicateBitmap(mBitmap); if (bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled()) { bitmap.recycle(); bitmap = null; } invalidate(); } /** * ����ԭʼͼƬ */ private void recycleOrgBitmap() { if (mOrgBitMap != null && !mOrgBitMap.isRecycled()) { mOrgBitMap.recycle(); mOrgBitMap = null; } } /** * ����ͼƬ */ private void recycleMBitmap() { if (mBitmap != null && !mBitmap.isRecycled()) { mBitmap.recycle(); mBitmap = null; } } /** */ public Bitmap getSnapShoot() { setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); buildDrawingCache(true); Bitmap bitmap = getDrawingCache(true); Bitmap bmp = BitMapUtils.duplicateBitmap(bitmap); if (bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled()) { bitmap.recycle(); bitmap = null; } setDrawingCacheEnabled(false); return bmp; } /** */ public void clearAll() { recycleMBitmap(); recycleOrgBitmap(); mUndoStack.clearAll(); creatCanvasBitmap(mBitmapWidth, mBitmapHeight); invalidate(); } /** */ private void creatCanvasBitmap(int w, int h) { mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mCanvas.setBitmap(mBitmap); } /** */ public void setCurrentPainterType(int type) { switch (type) { case PEN_TYPE.BLUR: case PEN_TYPE.PLAIN_PEN: case PEN_TYPE.EMBOSS: case PEN_TYPE.ERASER: mPaintType = type; break; default: mPaintType = PEN_TYPE.PLAIN_PEN; break; } } /** * �ı䵱ǰ��Shap */ public void setCurrentShapType(int type) { switch (type) { case SHAP.CURV: case SHAP.LINE: case SHAP.RECT: case SHAP.CIRCLE: case SHAP.OVAL: case SHAP.SQUARE: mCurrentShapeType = type; break; default: mCurrentShapeType = SHAP.CURV; break; } } public int getCurrentPainter() { return mPaintType; } /** */ public void setPenSize(int size) { mPenSize = size; } /** */ public void setEraserSize(int size) { mEraserSize = size; } /** */ public int getPenSize() { return mPenSize; } /** */ public void resetState() { setCurrentPainterType(PEN_TYPE.PLAIN_PEN); setPenColor(DEFAULT.PEN_COLOR); setBackGroundColor(DEFAULT.BACKGROUND_COLOR); mUndoStack.clearAll(); } /** */ public void setBackGroundColor(int color) { mBackGroundColor = color; invalidate(); } /** */ public int getBackGroundColor() { return mBackGroundColor; } /** */ public void setPenColor(int color) { mPenColor = color; } /** */ public int getPenColor() { return mPenColor; } /** */ protected void setTempForeBitmap(Bitmap tempForeBitmap) { if (null != tempForeBitmap) { recycleMBitmap(); mBitmap = BitMapUtils.duplicateBitmap(tempForeBitmap); if (null != mBitmap && null != mCanvas) { mCanvas.setBitmap(mBitmap); invalidate(); } } } public void setPenStyle(Style style) { mStyle = style; } public byte[] getBitmapArry() { return BitMapUtils.bitampToByteArray(mBitmap); } @Override public void undo() { if (null != mUndoStack) { mUndoStack.undo(); } } @Override public void redo() { if (null != mUndoStack) { mUndoStack.redo(); } } @Override public boolean canUndo() { return mUndoStack.canUndo(); } @Override public boolean canRedo() { return mUndoStack.canRedo(); } @Override public String toString() { return "mPaint" + mCurrentPainter + mUndoStack; } /* * ===================================�ڲ��࿪ʼ================================= */ public class paintPadUndoStack { private int m_stackSize = 0; private PaintView mPaintView = null; private ArrayList<ToolInterface> mUndoStack = new ArrayList<ToolInterface>(); private ArrayList<ToolInterface> mRedoStack = new ArrayList<ToolInterface>(); private ArrayList<ToolInterface> mOldActionStack = new ArrayList<ToolInterface>(); public paintPadUndoStack(PaintView paintView, int stackSize) { mPaintView = paintView; m_stackSize = stackSize; } /** */ public void push(ToolInterface penTool) { if (null != penTool) { if (mUndoStack.size() == m_stackSize && m_stackSize > 0) { ToolInterface removedTool = mUndoStack.get(0); mOldActionStack.add(removedTool); mUndoStack.remove(0); } mUndoStack.add(penTool); } } /** */ public void clearAll() { mRedoStack.clear(); mUndoStack.clear(); mOldActionStack.clear(); } /** * undo */ public void undo() { if (canUndo() && null != mPaintView) { ToolInterface removedTool = mUndoStack .get(mUndoStack.size() - 1); mRedoStack.add(removedTool); mUndoStack.remove(mUndoStack.size() - 1); if (null != mOrgBitMap) { // Set the temporary fore bitmap to canvas. mPaintView.setTempForeBitmap(mPaintView.mOrgBitMap); } else { mPaintView.creatCanvasBitmap(mPaintView.mBitmapWidth, mPaintView.mBitmapHeight); } Canvas canvas = mPaintView.mCanvas; // First draw the removed tools from undo stack. for (ToolInterface paintTool : mOldActionStack) { paintTool.draw(canvas); } for (ToolInterface paintTool : mUndoStack) { paintTool.draw(canvas); } mPaintView.invalidate(); } } /** * redo */ public void redo() { if (canRedo() && null != mPaintView) { ToolInterface removedTool = mRedoStack .get(mRedoStack.size() - 1); mUndoStack.add(removedTool); mRedoStack.remove(mRedoStack.size() - 1); if (null != mOrgBitMap) { // Set the temporary fore bitmap to canvas. mPaintView.setTempForeBitmap(mPaintView.mOrgBitMap); } else { // Create a new bitmap and set to canvas. mPaintView.creatCanvasBitmap(mPaintView.mBitmapWidth, mPaintView.mBitmapHeight); } Canvas canvas = mPaintView.mCanvas; // First draw the removed tools from undo stack. for (ToolInterface sketchPadTool : mOldActionStack) { sketchPadTool.draw(canvas); } for (ToolInterface sketchPadTool : mUndoStack) { sketchPadTool.draw(canvas); } mPaintView.invalidate(); } } public boolean canUndo() { return (mUndoStack.size() > 0); } public boolean canRedo() { return (mRedoStack.size() > 0); } public void clearRedo() { mRedoStack.clear(); } @Override public String toString() { return "canUndo" + canUndo(); } } }