package; import static java.lang.String.format; import; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert; import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions; /** * {@link RestApiResponse} specific assertions - Generated by CustomAssertionGenerator. */ public class RestApiResponseAssert extends AbstractAssert<RestApiResponseAssert, RestApiResponse> { /** * Creates a new </code>{@link RestApiResponseAssert}</code> to make assertions on actual RestApiResponse. * @param actual the RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on. */ public RestApiResponseAssert(RestApiResponse actual) { super(actual, RestApiResponseAssert.class); } /** * An entry point for RestApiResponseAssert to follow AssertJ standard <code>assertThat()</code> statements.<br> * With a static import, one's can write directly : <code>assertThat(myRestApiResponse)</code> and get specific assertion with code completion. * @param actual the RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on. * @return a new </code>{@link RestApiResponseAssert}</code> */ public static RestApiResponseAssert assertThat(RestApiResponse actual) { return new RestApiResponseAssert(actual); } /** * Verifies that the actual RestApiResponse's additionalCookies contains the given Cookie elements. * @param additionalCookies the given elements that should be contained in actual RestApiResponse's additionalCookies. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual RestApiResponse's additionalCookies does not contain all given Cookie elements. */ public RestApiResponseAssert hasAdditionalCookies(Cookie... additionalCookies) { // check that actual RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // check that given Cookie varargs is not null. if (additionalCookies == null) throw new AssertionError("Expecting additionalCookies parameter not to be null."); // check with standard error message (see commented below to set your own message). Assertions.assertThat(actual.getAdditionalCookies()).contains(additionalCookies); // uncomment the 4 lines below if you want to build your own error message : // WritableAssertionInfo assertionInfo = new WritableAssertionInfo(); // String errorMessage = "my error message"; // assertionInfo.overridingErrorMessage(errorMessage); // Iterables.instance().assertContains(assertionInfo, actual.getTeamMates(), teamMates); // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual RestApiResponse has no additionalCookies. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual RestApiResponse's additionalCookies is not empty. */ public RestApiResponseAssert hasNoAdditionalCookies() { // check that actual RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected :\n <%s>\nnot to have additionalCookies but had :\n <%s>", actual, actual.getAdditionalCookies()); // check if (!actual.getAdditionalCookies().isEmpty()) throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual RestApiResponse's additionalHeaders is equal to the given one. * @param additionalHeaders the given additionalHeaders to compare the actual RestApiResponse's additionalHeaders to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual RestApiResponse's additionalHeaders is not equal to the given one. */ public RestApiResponseAssert hasAdditionalHeaders(Map additionalHeaders) { // check that actual RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> additionalHeaders to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, additionalHeaders, actual.getAdditionalHeaders()); // check if (!actual.getAdditionalHeaders().equals(additionalHeaders)) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual RestApiResponse's characterSet is equal to the given one. * @param characterSet the given characterSet to compare the actual RestApiResponse's characterSet to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual RestApiResponse's characterSet is not equal to the given one. */ public RestApiResponseAssert hasCharacterSet(String characterSet) { // check that actual RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> characterSet to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, characterSet, actual.getCharacterSet()); // check if (!actual.getCharacterSet().equals(characterSet)) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual RestApiResponse's httpStatus is equal to the given one. * @param httpStatus the given httpStatus to compare the actual RestApiResponse's httpStatus to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual RestApiResponse's httpStatus is not equal to the given one. */ public RestApiResponseAssert hasHttpStatus(int httpStatus) { // check that actual RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> httpStatus to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, httpStatus, actual.getHttpStatus()); // check if (actual.getHttpStatus() != httpStatus) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual RestApiResponse's mediaType is equal to the given one. * @param mediaType the given mediaType to compare the actual RestApiResponse's mediaType to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual RestApiResponse's mediaType is not equal to the given one. */ public RestApiResponseAssert hasMediaType(String mediaType) { // check that actual RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> mediaType to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, mediaType, actual.getMediaType()); // check if (!actual.getMediaType().equals(mediaType)) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual RestApiResponse's response is equal to the given one. * @param response the given response to compare the actual RestApiResponse's response to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual RestApiResponse's response is not equal to the given one. */ public RestApiResponseAssert hasResponse(Serializable response) { // check that actual RestApiResponse we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we overrides the default error message with a more explicit one String errorMessage = format("\nExpected <%s> response to be:\n <%s>\n but was:\n <%s>", actual, response, actual.getResponse()); // check if (!actual.getResponse().equals(response)) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } }