package; import; import; import; /** * An implementation of the TLS 1.0 record layer. */ public class RecordStream { private TlsProtocolHandler handler; private InputStream is; private OutputStream os; protected CombinedHash hash1; protected CombinedHash hash2; protected TlsCipherSuite readSuite = null; protected TlsCipherSuite writeSuite = null; protected RecordStream(TlsProtocolHandler handler, InputStream is, OutputStream os) { this.handler = handler; = is; this.os = os; hash1 = new CombinedHash(); hash2 = new CombinedHash(); this.readSuite = new TlsNullCipherSuite(); this.writeSuite = this.readSuite; } public void readData() throws IOException { short type = TlsUtils.readUint8(is); TlsUtils.checkVersion(is, handler); int size = TlsUtils.readUint16(is); byte[] buf = decodeAndVerify(type, is, size); handler.processData(type, buf, 0, buf.length); } protected byte[] decodeAndVerify(short type, InputStream is, int len) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[len]; TlsUtils.readFully(buf, is); byte[] result = readSuite.decodeCiphertext(type, buf, 0, buf.length, handler); return result; } protected void writeMessage(short type, byte[] message, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (type == 22) // TlsProtocolHandler.RL_HANDSHAKE { hash1.update(message, offset, len); hash2.update(message, offset, len); } byte[] ciphertext = writeSuite.encodePlaintext(type, message, offset, len); byte[] writeMessage = new byte[ciphertext.length + 5]; TlsUtils.writeUint8(type, writeMessage, 0); TlsUtils.writeUint8((short)3, writeMessage, 1); TlsUtils.writeUint8((short)1, writeMessage, 2); TlsUtils.writeUint16(ciphertext.length, writeMessage, 3); System.arraycopy(ciphertext, 0, writeMessage, 5, ciphertext.length); os.write(writeMessage); os.flush(); } protected void close() throws IOException { IOException e = null; try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { e = ex; } try { os.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { e = ex; } if (e != null) { throw e; } } protected void flush() throws IOException { os.flush(); } }