package; import java.util.List; import net.bioclipse.cdk.domain.ICDKMolecule; import net.bioclipse.core.PublishedClass; import net.bioclipse.core.PublishedMethod; import net.bioclipse.core.Recorded; import net.bioclipse.core.TestClasses; import net.bioclipse.core.TestMethods; import; import net.bioclipse.core.domain.IMolecule; import net.bioclipse.core.domain.ISpecmol; import net.bioclipse.core.domain.ISpectrum; import; import; import org.xmlcml.cml.base.CMLElement; @PublishedClass("Contains Nmrshiftdb methods") @TestClasses( "," + "" ) public interface INmrshiftdbManager extends IBioclipseManager { @Recorded @PublishedMethod( params = "CMLElement cmlcml, String serverurl,"+ "String username, String password", methodSummary = "Submits a SpecMol file to NMRShiftDB at "+ "serverurl (must point to axis instance) using username" + "and password. The cml must adhere to NMRShiftDB "+ "convention at") @TestMethods("testSubmitSpecmol") public String submitSpecmol(CMLElement cmlcml, String serverurl, String username, String password) throws BioclipseException; public void submitSpecmol(CMLElement cmlcml, String serverurl, String username, String password, BioclipseUIJob<String> uiJob) throws BioclipseException; @Recorded @PublishedMethod( params = "ISpectrum cmlspectrum, boolean subortotal"+ ", String serverurl", methodSummary = "Does a search for spectra at "+ "serverurl (must point to axis instance)." + "Returns a list of molecules, the AtomContainers "+ "retrieved with getAtomContainer have a property " + "'similarity' set, which gives similarity in % as String") @TestMethods("testSearchBySpectrum") public List<ICDKMolecule> searchBySpectrum(ISpectrum cmlspectrum, boolean subortotal, String serverurl) throws BioclipseException; public void searchBySpectrum(ISpectrum cmlspectrum, boolean subortotal, String serverurl, BioclipseUIJob<List<ICDKMolecule>> uiJob) throws BioclipseException; @Recorded @PublishedMethod( params = "String searchstring, String searchtype, String searchfield"+ ", String serverurl", methodSummary = "Does a search for NMRShiftDB datasets at "+ "serverurl (must point to axis instance)." + "Returns a list of Assigned Spectra. Possible values for "+ "searchtype are 'exact', 'regular expression', 'fuzzy' "+ " and 'fragment'. Possible values for searchfield are "+ "'subspectrum search', 'total similarity spectrum search'"+ "'my spectra', 'molecular weight search', 'condition search', "+ "'molecule id', 'spectrum id', 'HOSE code', 'double bond equivalents', "+ "'number of rings in smallest set of smallest rings', 'double bond equivalents/smallest set of smallest rings' "+ "'similarity search', 'substructure search', 'identity search', '"+ "'search by molecule keyword', 'search by spectrum keyword', "+ "'search by molecule keyword fragements', 'search by spectrum keyword fragements', "+ "'literature/title', 'literature/author', 'comment', 'canonical name', "+ "'description of spectrum link', 'description of molecule link', 'molecule keyword', "+ "'spectrum keyword', 'CAS number', 'chemical name', 'chemical name using Pubchem', "+ "'chemical formula', 'chemical formula (with other elements)', 'multiplicities' or "+ "'potential multiplicities'. Searchstring must be a text, "+ "exept for 'similarity search', 'substructure search', 'identity search', "+ "where a CML structure is needed and 'subspectrum search'/'total similarity spectrum search'"+ "where a spectrum must given like TODO.") @TestMethods("testGeneralSearch") public List<ISpecmol> generalSearch(String searchstring, String searchtype, String searchfield, String serverurl) throws BioclipseException; public void generalSearch(String searchstring, String searchtype, String searchfield, String serverurl, BioclipseUIJob<List<ISpecmol>> uiJob) throws BioclipseException; @Recorded @PublishedMethod( params = "IMolecule molecule, String type, boolean useCalculated, boolean local,"+ "String serverurl", methodSummary = "Does a prediction for molecule. If local=true, "+ "local jar is used, else prediction is done using web service "+ "at serverurl. type gives the type for which to predict "+ "(use getPossibleTypes for finding out what they are). "+ "useCalculated says if calculated spectra are supposed to be included or not.") @TestMethods("testPredictLocal,testPredictRemote") public ISpectrum predictSpectrum(IMolecule molecule, String type, boolean useCalculated, boolean local, String serverurl) throws BioclipseException; public void predictSpectrum(IMolecule molecule, String type, boolean useCalculated, boolean local, String serverurl, BioclipseUIJob<ISpectrum> uiJob) throws BioclipseException; @Recorded @PublishedMethod( params = "String serverurl", methodSummary = "Tells you for which types a particular server can do predictions") @TestMethods("testGetSpectrumTypes") public String getSpectrumTypes(String serverurl) throws BioclipseException; }