package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.ApplicationException; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.WritableApplicationService; import gov.nih.nci.system.query.hibernate.HQLCriteria; public class ClinicWrapper extends ClinicBaseWrapper { private static final String STUDY_COLLECTION_CACHE_KEY = "studyCollection"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public ClinicWrapper(WritableApplicationService appService) { super(appService); } public ClinicWrapper(WritableApplicationService appService, Clinic wrappedObject) { super(appService, wrappedObject); setSendsShipments(getSendsShipments() == null ? false : getSendsShipments()); } /** * Search for a contact in the clinic with the given name */ public ContactWrapper getContact(String contactName) { List<ContactWrapper> contacts = getContactCollection(false); if (contacts != null) for (ContactWrapper contact : contacts) if (contact.getName().equals(contactName)) return contact; return null; } @SuppressWarnings("nls") private static final String STUDY_COLLECTION_QUERY = "select distinct studies from " + Contact.class.getName() + " as contacts inner join contacts." + ContactPeer.STUDIES.getName() + " as studies where contacts." + Property.concatNames(ContactPeer.CLINIC, ClinicPeer.ID) + " = ? order by studies.nameShort"; @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<StudyWrapper> getStudyCollection() { List<StudyWrapper> studyCollection = (List<StudyWrapper>) cache .get(STUDY_COLLECTION_CACHE_KEY); if (studyCollection == null) { studyCollection = new ArrayList<StudyWrapper>(); HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(STUDY_COLLECTION_QUERY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId() })); List<Study> collection; try { collection = appService.query(c); for (Study study : collection) { studyCollection.add(new StudyWrapper(appService, study)); } cache.put(STUDY_COLLECTION_CACHE_KEY, studyCollection); } catch (ApplicationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return studyCollection; } @Override public int compareTo(ModelWrapper<Clinic> wrapper) { if (wrapper instanceof ClinicWrapper) { String myName = wrappedObject.getName(); String wrapperName = wrapper.wrappedObject.getName(); return NullHelper.safeCompareTo(myName, wrapperName); } return 0; } @SuppressWarnings("nls") public static final String PATIENT_COUNT_QRY = "select count(distinct patients) from " + Clinic.class.getName() + " as clinic join clinic." + ClinicPeer.ORIGIN_INFOS.getName() + " as oi join oi." + OriginInfoPeer.SPECIMENS.getName() + " as spcs join spcs." + SpecimenPeer.COLLECTION_EVENT.getName() + " as cevents join cevents." + CollectionEventPeer.PATIENT.getName() + " as patients where clinic." + ClinicPeer.ID.getName() + "=?"; /** * return number of patients that came for a visit in this clinic */ public Long getPatientCount() throws BiobankException, ApplicationException { HQLCriteria criteria = new HQLCriteria(PATIENT_COUNT_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId() })); return getCountResult(appService, criteria); } @SuppressWarnings("nls") public static final String PATIENT_COUNT_FOR_STUDY_QRY = "select count(distinct patients) from " + Clinic.class.getName() + " as clinic join clinic." + ClinicPeer.ORIGIN_INFOS.getName() + " as oi join oi." + OriginInfoPeer.SPECIMENS.getName() + " as spcs join spcs." + SpecimenPeer.COLLECTION_EVENT.getName() + " as cevents join cevents." + CollectionEventPeer.PATIENT.getName() + " as patients where clinic." + ClinicPeer.ID.getName() + "=? and patients." + Property.concatNames(PatientPeer.STUDY, StudyPeer.ID) + "=?"; public long getPatientCountForStudy(StudyWrapper study) throws ApplicationException, BiobankException { HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(PATIENT_COUNT_FOR_STUDY_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId(), study.getId() })); return getCountResult(appService, c); } @SuppressWarnings("nls") private static final String ALL_CLINICS_QRY = "from " + Clinic.class.getName(); public static List<ClinicWrapper> getAllClinics( WritableApplicationService appService) throws ApplicationException { List<ClinicWrapper> wrappers = new ArrayList<ClinicWrapper>(); HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(ALL_CLINICS_QRY); List<Clinic> clinics = appService.query(c); for (Clinic clinic : clinics) wrappers.add(new ClinicWrapper(appService, clinic)); return wrappers; } @SuppressWarnings("nls") private static final String CLINIC_COUNT_QRY = "select count (*) from " + Clinic.class.getName(); public static long getCount(WritableApplicationService appService) throws BiobankException, ApplicationException { return getCountResult(appService, new HQLCriteria(CLINIC_COUNT_QRY)); } @SuppressWarnings("nls") public static final String COLLECTION_EVENT_COUNT_QRY = "select count(cevent) from " + Clinic.class.getName() + " as clinic join clinic." + ClinicPeer.ORIGIN_INFOS.getName() + " as origins join origins." + OriginInfoPeer.SPECIMENS.getName() + " as spcs join spcs." + SpecimenPeer.COLLECTION_EVENT.getName() + " as cevent where clinic." + CenterPeer.ID.getName() + "=?"; @Override public long getCollectionEventCount() throws ApplicationException, BiobankException { HQLCriteria criteria = new HQLCriteria(COLLECTION_EVENT_COUNT_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId() })); return getCountResult(appService, criteria); } @SuppressWarnings("nls") private static final String COLLECTION_EVENT_COUNT_FOR_STUDY_QRY = "select count(distinct cEvent) from " + Clinic.class.getName() + " as clinic join clinic." + ClinicPeer.ORIGIN_INFOS.getName() + " as origins join origins." + OriginInfoPeer.SPECIMENS.getName() + " as specimens join specimens." + SpecimenPeer.COLLECTION_EVENT.getName() + " as cEvent where clinic." + ClinicPeer.ID.getName() + "=? and " + "cEvent." + Property.concatNames(CollectionEventPeer.PATIENT, PatientPeer.STUDY, StudyPeer.ID) + "=?"; /** * Count events for specimen that are been drawn at this clinic */ public long getCollectionEventCountForStudy(StudyWrapper study) throws ApplicationException, BiobankException { HQLCriteria c = new HQLCriteria(COLLECTION_EVENT_COUNT_FOR_STUDY_QRY, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { getId(), study.getId() })); return getCountResult(appService, c); } @Deprecated @Override protected void addPersistTasks(TaskList tasks) { tasks.deleteRemoved(this, ClinicPeer.CONTACTS); super.addPersistTasks(tasks); } @Deprecated @Override protected void addDeleteTasks(TaskList tasks) { tasks.add(new ClinicPreDeleteChecks(this)); super.addDeleteTasks(tasks); } }