/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Luca Veltri - University of Parma - Italy * * This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this source code; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Author(s): * Luca Veltri (luca.veltri@unipr.it) */ package local.ua; import org.zoolu.sip.address.*; import org.zoolu.sip.provider.SipStack; import org.zoolu.sip.provider.SipProvider; import org.zoolu.net.SocketAddress; import org.zoolu.tools.Log; import org.zoolu.tools.LogLevel; import java.io.*; /** Simple command-line-based SIP user agent (UA). * It includes audio/video applications. * <p>It can use external audio/video tools as media applications. * Currently only RAT (Robust Audio Tool) and VIC are supported as external applications. */ public class CommandLineUA implements UserAgentListener, RegisterAgentListener { /** Event logger. */ Log log; /** User Agent */ UserAgent ua; /** Register Agent */ RegisterAgent ra; /** UserAgentProfile */ UserAgentProfile user_profile; /** Standard input */ BufferedReader stdin=null; /** Standard output */ PrintStream stdout=null; /** Costructs a UA with a default media port */ public CommandLineUA(SipProvider sip_provider, UserAgentProfile user_profile) { log=sip_provider.getLog(); this.user_profile=user_profile; ua=new UserAgent(sip_provider,user_profile,this); ra=new RegisterAgent(sip_provider,user_profile.from_url,user_profile.contact_url,user_profile.username,user_profile.realm,user_profile.passwd,this); if (!user_profile.no_prompt) stdin=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); if (!user_profile.no_prompt) stdout=System.out; run(); } /** Register with the registrar server. * @param expire_time expiration time in seconds */ public void register(int expire_time) { if (ra.isRegistering()) ra.halt(); ra.register(expire_time); } /** Periodically registers the contact address with the registrar server. * @param expire_time expiration time in seconds * @param renew_time renew time in seconds * @param keepalive_time keep-alive packet rate (inter-arrival time) in milliseconds */ public void loopRegister(int expire_time, int renew_time, long keepalive_time) { if (ra.isRegistering()) ra.halt(); ra.loopRegister(expire_time,renew_time,keepalive_time); } /** Unregister with the registrar server */ public void unregister() { if (ra.isRegistering()) ra.halt(); ra.unregister(); } /** Unregister all contacts with the registrar server */ public void unregisterall() { if (ra.isRegistering()) ra.halt(); ra.unregisterall(); } /** Makes a new call */ public void call(String target_url) { ua.hangup(); ua.printLog("UAC: CALLING "+target_url); if (!ua.user_profile.audio && !ua.user_profile.video) ua.printLog("ONLY SIGNALING, NO MEDIA"); ua.call(target_url); } /** Receives incoming calls (auto accept) */ public void listen() { ua.printLog("UAS: WAITING FOR INCOMING CALL"); if (!ua.user_profile.audio && !ua.user_profile.video) ua.printLog("ONLY SIGNALING, NO MEDIA"); ua.listen(); printOut("digit the callee's URL to make a call or press 'enter' to exit"); } /** Starts the UA */ void run() { try { // Set the re-invite if (user_profile.re_invite_time>0) { ua.reInvite(user_profile.contact_url,user_profile.re_invite_time); } // Set the transfer (REFER) if (user_profile.transfer_to!=null && user_profile.transfer_time>0) { ua.callTransfer(user_profile.transfer_to,user_profile.transfer_time); } if (user_profile.do_unregister_all) // ########## unregisters ALL contact URLs { ua.printLog("UNREGISTER ALL contact URLs"); unregisterall(); } if (user_profile.do_unregister) // unregisters the contact URL { ua.printLog("UNREGISTER the contact URL"); unregister(); } if (user_profile.do_register) // ########## registers the contact URL with the registrar server { ua.printLog("REGISTRATION"); loopRegister(user_profile.expires,user_profile.expires/2,user_profile.keepalive_time); } if (user_profile.call_to!=null) { // UAC call(user_profile.call_to); printOut("press 'enter' to hangup"); readLine(); ua.hangup(); exit(); } else { // UAS if (user_profile.accept_time>=0) ua.printLog("UAS: AUTO ACCEPT MODE"); listen(); while (stdin!=null) { String line=readLine(); if (ua.statusIs(UserAgent.UA_INCOMING_CALL)) { if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("n")) { ua.hangup(); } else { ua.accept(); } } else if (ua.statusIs(UserAgent.UA_IDLE)) { if (line!=null && line.length()>0) { call(line); } else { exit(); } } else if (ua.statusIs(UserAgent.UA_ONCALL)) { ua.hangup(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } /** Exits */ public void exit() { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) {} System.exit(0); } // ******************* UserAgent callback functions ****************** /** When a new call is incoming */ public void onUaCallIncoming(UserAgent ua, NameAddress callee, NameAddress caller) { if (ua.user_profile.redirect_to!=null) // redirect the call { ua.redirect(ua.user_profile.redirect_to); printOut("call redirected to "+ua.user_profile.redirect_to); } else if (ua.user_profile.accept_time>=0) // automatically accept the call { //ua.accept(); //printOut("press 'enter' to hangup"); ua.automaticAccept(ua.user_profile.accept_time); } else { printOut("incoming call from "+caller.toString()); printOut("accept? [yes/no]"); } } /** When an ougoing call is remotly ringing */ public void onUaCallRinging(UserAgent ua) { } /** When an ougoing call has been accepted */ public void onUaCallAccepted(UserAgent ua) { } /** When a call has been trasferred */ public void onUaCallTrasferred(UserAgent ua) { } /** When an incoming call has been cancelled */ public void onUaCallCancelled(UserAgent ua) { listen(); } /** When an ougoing call has been refused or timeout */ public void onUaCallFailed(UserAgent ua) { if (ua.user_profile.call_to!=null) exit(); else listen(); } /** When a call has been locally or remotely closed */ public void onUaCallClosed(UserAgent ua) { if (ua.user_profile.call_to!=null) exit(); else listen(); } // **************** RegisterAgent callback functions ***************** /** When a UA has been successfully (un)registered. */ public void onUaRegistrationSuccess(RegisterAgent ra, NameAddress target, NameAddress contact, String result) { ua.printLog("Registration success: "+result,LogLevel.HIGH); } /** When a UA failed on (un)registering. */ public void onUaRegistrationFailure(RegisterAgent ra, NameAddress target, NameAddress contact, String result) { ua.printLog("Registration failure: "+result,LogLevel.HIGH); } // ***************************** MAIN ***************************** /** The main method. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String file=null; boolean opt_regist=false; boolean opt_unregist=false; boolean opt_unregist_all=false; int opt_expires=-1; long opt_keepalive_time=-1; boolean opt_no_offer=false; String opt_call_to=null; int opt_accept_time=-1; int opt_hangup_time=-1; String opt_redirect_to=null; String opt_transfer_to=null; int opt_transfer_time=-1; int opt_re_invite_time=-1; boolean opt_audio=false; boolean opt_video=false; int opt_media_port=0; boolean opt_recv_only=false; boolean opt_send_only=false; boolean opt_send_tone=false; String opt_send_file=null; String opt_recv_file=null; boolean opt_no_prompt=false; String opt_from_url=null; String opt_contact_url=null; String opt_username=null; String opt_realm=null; String opt_passwd=null; int opt_debug_level=-1; String opt_log_path=null; String opt_outbound_proxy=null; String opt_via_addr=SipProvider.AUTO_CONFIGURATION; int opt_host_port=SipStack.default_port; try { for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-f") && args.length>(i+1)) { file=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-g") && args.length>(i+1)) // registrate the contact url { opt_regist=true; String time=args[++i]; if (time.charAt(time.length()-1)=='h') opt_expires=Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,time.length()-1))*3600; else opt_expires=Integer.parseInt(time); continue; } if (args[i].equals("-u")) // unregistrate the contact url { opt_unregist=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-z")) // unregistrate all contact urls { opt_unregist_all=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-n")) // no offer in the invite { opt_no_offer=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-c") && args.length>(i+1)) // make a call with a remote user (url) { opt_call_to=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-y") && args.length>(i+1)) // set automatic accept time { opt_accept_time=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("-t") && args.length>(i+1)) // set the call duration { opt_hangup_time=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("-i") && args.length>(i+1)) // set the re-invite time { opt_re_invite_time=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("-r") && args.length>(i+1)) // redirect the call to a new url { opt_accept_time=0; opt_redirect_to=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-q") && args.length>(i+1)) // transfers the call to a new user (REFER) { opt_transfer_to=args[++i]; opt_transfer_time=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("-a")) // use audio { opt_audio=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-v")) // use video { opt_video=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-m") && args.length>(i+1)) // set the local media port { opt_media_port=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("-o") && args.length>(i+1)) // outbound proxy { opt_outbound_proxy=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--via-addr") && args.length>(i+1)) // via addr { opt_via_addr=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-p") && args.length>(i+1)) // set the local sip port { opt_host_port=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("--keep-alive") && args.length>(i+1)) // keep-alive { opt_keepalive_time=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("--from-url") && args.length>(i+1)) // user's AOR { opt_from_url=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--contact-url") && args.length>(i+1)) // user's contact_url { opt_contact_url=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--username") && args.length>(i+1)) // username { opt_username=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--realm") && args.length>(i+1)) // realm { opt_realm=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--passwd") && args.length>(i+1)) // passwd { opt_passwd=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--recv-only")) // receive only mode { opt_recv_only=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--send-only")) // send only mode { opt_send_only=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--send-tone")) // send only mode { opt_send_only=true; opt_send_tone=true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--send-file") && args.length>(i+1)) // send audio file { opt_send_file=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--recv-file") && args.length>(i+1)) // receive audio file { opt_recv_file=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--debug-level") && args.length>(i+1)) // debug level { opt_debug_level=Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("--log-path") && args.length>(i+1)) // log path { opt_log_path=args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--no-prompt")) // do not prompt { opt_no_prompt=true; continue; } // else, do: if (!args[i].equals("-h")) System.out.println("unrecognized param '"+args[i]+"'\n"); System.out.println("usage:\n java CommandLineUA [options]"); System.out.println(" options:"); System.out.println(" -h this help"); System.out.println(" -f <file> specifies a configuration file"); System.out.println(" -t <secs> auto hangup time (0 means manual hangup)"); System.out.println(" -g <time> registers the contact URL with the registrar server"); System.out.println(" where time is the duration of the registration, and can be"); System.out.println(" in seconds (default) or hours (-g 7200 is the same as -g 2h)"); System.out.println(" -u unregisters the contact URL with the registrar server"); System.out.println(" (is the same as -g 0)"); System.out.println(" -z unregisters ALL the contact URLs"); System.out.println(" -n no offer in invite (offer/answer in 2xx/ack)"); System.out.println(" -c <call_to> calls a remote user"); System.out.println(" -y <secs> auto answer time"); System.out.println(" -i <secs> re-invite after <secs> seconds"); System.out.println(" -r <url> redirects the call to new user <url>"); System.out.println(" -q <url> <secs> transfers the call to <url> after <secs> seconds"); System.out.println(" -a audio"); System.out.println(" -v video"); System.out.println(" -m <port> (first) local media port"); System.out.println(" -p <port> local SIP port, used ONLY without -f option"); System.out.println(" -o <addr>[:<port>] use the specified outbound proxy"); System.out.println(" --via-addr <addr> host via address, used ONLY without -f option"); System.out.println(" --keep-alive <millisecs> send keep-alive packets each <millisecs>"); System.out.println(" --from-url <url> user's address-of-record (AOR)"); System.out.println(" --contact-url <url> user's contact url"); System.out.println(" --username <name> user name used for authentication"); System.out.println(" --realm <realm> realm used for authentication"); System.out.println(" --passwd <passwd> passwd used for authentication"); System.out.println(" --recv-only receive only mode, no media is sent"); System.out.println(" --send-only send only mode, no media is received"); System.out.println(" --send-tone send only mode, an audio test tone is generated"); System.out.println(" --send-file <file> audio is played from the specified file"); System.out.println(" --recv-file <file> audio is recorded to the specified file"); System.out.println(" --debug-level <n> debug level (level=0 means no log)"); System.out.println(" --log-path <path> base path for all logs (./log is the default value)"); System.out.println(" --no-prompt do not prompt"); System.exit(0); } SipStack.init(file); if (opt_debug_level>=0) SipStack.debug_level=opt_debug_level; if (opt_log_path!=null) SipStack.log_path=opt_log_path; SipProvider sip_provider; if (file!=null) sip_provider=new SipProvider(file); else sip_provider=new SipProvider(opt_via_addr,opt_host_port); if (opt_outbound_proxy!=null) sip_provider.setOutboundProxy(new SocketAddress(opt_outbound_proxy)); UserAgentProfile user_profile=new UserAgentProfile(file); if (opt_regist) user_profile.do_register=true; if (opt_unregist) user_profile.do_unregister=true; if (opt_unregist_all) user_profile.do_unregister_all=true; if (opt_expires>0) user_profile.expires=opt_expires; if (opt_keepalive_time>=0) user_profile.keepalive_time=opt_keepalive_time; if (opt_no_offer) user_profile.no_offer=true; if (opt_call_to!=null) user_profile.call_to=opt_call_to; if (opt_accept_time>=0) user_profile.accept_time=opt_accept_time; if (opt_hangup_time>0) user_profile.hangup_time=opt_hangup_time; if (opt_redirect_to!=null) user_profile.redirect_to=opt_redirect_to; if (opt_re_invite_time>0) user_profile.re_invite_time=opt_re_invite_time; if (opt_transfer_to!=null) user_profile.transfer_to=opt_transfer_to; if (opt_transfer_time>0) user_profile.transfer_time=opt_transfer_time; if (opt_audio) user_profile.audio=true; if (opt_video) user_profile.video=true; if (opt_media_port>0) user_profile.video_port=(user_profile.audio_port=opt_media_port)+2; if (opt_from_url!=null) user_profile.from_url=opt_from_url; if (opt_contact_url!=null) user_profile.contact_url=opt_contact_url; if (opt_username!=null) user_profile.username=opt_username; if (opt_realm!=null) user_profile.realm=opt_realm; if (opt_passwd!=null) user_profile.passwd=opt_passwd; if (opt_recv_only) user_profile.recv_only=true; if (opt_send_only) user_profile.send_only=true; if (opt_send_tone) user_profile.send_tone=true; if (opt_send_file!=null) user_profile.send_file=opt_send_file; if (opt_recv_file!=null) user_profile.recv_file=opt_recv_file; if (opt_no_prompt) user_profile.no_prompt=true; // use audio as default media in case of.. if ((opt_recv_only || opt_send_only || opt_send_tone || opt_send_file!=null || opt_recv_file!=null) && !opt_video) user_profile.audio=true; new CommandLineUA(sip_provider,user_profile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } // ****************************** Logs ***************************** /** Read a new line from stantard input. */ protected String readLine() { try { if (stdin!=null) return stdin.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) {} return null; } /** Print to stantard output. */ protected void printOut(String str) { if (stdout!=null) System.out.println(str); } /** Adds a new string to the default Log */ void printLog(String str) { printLog(str,LogLevel.HIGH); } /** Adds a new string to the default Log */ void printLog(String str, int level) { if (log!=null) log.println("CommandLineUA: "+str,level+SipStack.LOG_LEVEL_UA); } /** Adds the Exception message to the default Log */ void printException(Exception e,int level) { if (log!=null) log.printException(e,level+SipStack.LOG_LEVEL_UA); } }