* @(#)BennuTheme.java
* Copyright 2011 Instituto Superior Tecnico
* Founding Authors: Pedro Santos
* https://fenix-ashes.ist.utl.pt/
* This file is part of the Bennu-Vadin Integration Module.
* The Bennu-Vadin Integration Module is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
* 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* The Bennu-Vadin Module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with the Bennu-Vadin Module. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package module.vaadin.ui;
import com.vaadin.ui.themes.BaseTheme;
* @author Pedro Santos
public class BennuTheme extends BaseTheme {
public static final String THEME_ALTERNATE_COLOR = "alternate-color";
* Label styles
* Large font for main application headings
public static final String LABEL_H1 = "h1";
* Large font for different sections in the application
public static final String LABEL_H2 = "h2";
* Font for sub-section headers
public static final String LABEL_H3 = "h3";
* Font for paragraphs headers
public static final String LABEL_H4 = "h4";
* Big font for important or emphasized texts
public static final String LABEL_BIG = "big";
* Small and a little lighter font
public static final String LABEL_SMALL = "small";
* Very small and lighter font for things such as footnotes and component
* specific informations. Use carefully, since this style will usually
* reduce legibility.
public static final String LABEL_TINY = "tiny";
* Adds color to the text (usually the alternate color of the theme)
public static final String LABEL_COLOR = "color";
* Adds a warning icon on the left side and a yellow background to the label
public static final String LABEL_WARNING = "warning";
* Adds an error icon on the left side and a red background to the label
public static final String LABEL_ERROR = "error";
* Adds a spinner icon on the left side of the label
public static final String LABEL_LOADING = "loading";
* Wraps the text
public static final String LABEL_WRAP = "wrap";
* Form styles
public static final String FORM_INLINE = "inline";
* Button styles
* Default action style for buttons (the button that gets activated when
* user presses 'enter' in a form). Use sparingly, only one default button
* per screen should be visible.
public static final String BUTTON_DEFAULT = "default";
* Small sized button, use for context specific actions for example
public static final String BUTTON_SMALL = "small";
* Big button, use to get more attention for the button action
public static final String BUTTON_BIG = "big";
* Adds more padding on the sides of the button. Makes it easier for the
* user to hit the button.
public static final String BUTTON_WIDE = "wide";
* Adds more padding on the top and on the bottom of the button. Makes it
* easier for the user to hit the button.
public static final String BUTTON_TALL = "tall";
* Removes all graphics from the button, leaving only the caption and the
* icon visible. Useful for making icon-only buttons and toolbar buttons.
public static final String BUTTON_BORDERLESS = "borderless";
* Places the button icon on top of the caption. By default the icon is on
* the left side of the button caption.
public static final String BUTTON_ICON_ON_TOP = "icon-on-top";
* Places the button icon on the right side of the caption. By default the
* icon is on the left side of the button caption.
public static final String BUTTON_ICON_ON_RIGHT = "icon-on-right";
* Removes the button caption and only shows its icon
public static final String BUTTON_ICON_ONLY = "icon-only";
* Makes the button look like it is pressed down. Useful for creating a
* toggle button.
public static final String BUTTON_DOWN = "down";
* Caption of buttons wraps normally.
public static final String BUTTON_WRAP = "wraps";
* No button appearance, only content
public static final String BUTTON_LIGHT = "light";
* Link styles
public static final String LINK_BIG = "big";
public static final String LINK_WRAP = "wrap";
* TextField styles
* Small sized text field with small font
public static final String TEXTFIELD_SMALL = "small";
* Large sized text field with big font
public static final String TEXTFIELD_BIG = "big";
* Adds a magnifier icon on the left side of the fields text
public static final String TEXTFIELD_SEARCH = "search";
* Select styles
* Small sized select with small font
public static final String SELECT_SMALL = "small";
* Large sized select with big font
public static final String SELECT_BIG = "big";
* Adds a magnifier icon on the left side of the fields text
public static final String COMBOBOX_SEARCH = "search";
* Adds a magnifier icon on the left side of the fields text
public static final String COMBOBOX_SELECT_BUTTON = "select-button";
* DateField styles
* Small sized date field with small font
public static final String DATEFIELD_SMALL = "small";
* Large sized date field with big font
public static final String DATEFIELD_BIG = "big";
* Panel styles
* Removes borders and background color from the panel
public static final String PANEL_BORDERLESS = "borderless";
* Adds a more vibrant header for the panel, using the alternate color of
* the theme, and adds slight rounded corners (not supported in all
* browsers)
// public static final String PANEL_BUBBLE = "bubble";
* Removes borders and background color from the panel
public static final String PANEL_LIGHT = "light";
* SplitPanel styles
* Reduces the split handle to a minimal size (1 pixel)
public static final String SPLITPANEL_SMALL = "small";
* TabSheet styles
* Removes borders and background color from the tab sheet
public static final String TABSHEET_BORDERLESS = "borderless";
* Accordion styles
* Makes the accordion background opaque (non-transparent)
public static final String ACCORDION_OPAQUE = "opaque";
* Table styles
* Removes borders and background color from the table
public static final String TABLE_BORDERLESS = "borderless";
* Makes the column header and content font size smaller inside the table
public static final String TABLE_SMALL = "small";
* Makes the column header and content font size bigger inside the table
public static final String TABLE_BIG = "big";
* Adds a light alternate background color to even rows in the table.
public static final String TABLE_STRIPED = "striped";
public static final String TABLE_STRONG = "strong";
* ProgressIndicator styles
* Reduces the height of the progress bar
public static final String PROGRESS_INDICATOR_SMALL = "small";
* Increases the height of the progress bar. If the indicator is in
* indeterminate mode, shows a bigger spinner than the regular indeterminate
* indicator.
public static final String PROGRESS_INDICATOR_BIG = "big";
* Displays an indeterminate progress indicator as a bar with animated
* background stripes. This style can be used in combination with the
* "small" and "big" styles.
public static final String PROGRESS_INDICATOR_INDETERMINATE_BAR = "bar";
* Layout styles
* Wider spaced and margined layout
public static final String LAYOUT_BIG = "big";
* Inset decoration for layouts
public static final String LAYOUT_INSET = "inset";
* Layout that defines a page section, with a caption properly sized
public static final String LAYOUT_SECTION = "section";
* Layout to be applied to the container of a page body
public static final String LAYOUT_PAGE = "page";
* Layout that spans its contents horizontally with line wrapping.
public static final String LAYOUT_FLOW = "flow";
* Window styles
* Sub-window style that makes the window background opaque (i.e. not
* semi-transparent).
public static final String WINDOW_OPAQUE = "opaque";
* Makes the whole window white and increases the font size of the title.
public static final String WINDOW_LIGHT = "light";
* Makes the whole window black, and changes contained components in the
* same way as {@link #LAYOUT_BLACK} does.
public static final String WINDOW_BLACK = "black";
* Compound styles
* Creates a context for a segment button control. Place buttons inside the
* segment, and add "<code>first</code>" and "<code>last</code>" style names
* for the first and last button in the segment. Then use the {@link #BUTTON_DOWN} style to indicate button states.
* E.g.
* <pre class='code'>
* HorizontalLayout ("segment")
* + Button ("first down")
* + Button ("down")
* + Button
* ...
* + Button ("last")
* </pre>
* You can also use most of the different button styles for the contained
* buttons (e.g. {@link #BUTTON_BIG}, {@link #BUTTON_ICON_ONLY} etc.).
public static final String COMPOUND_HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_SEGMENT = "segment";
* Use this mixin-style in combination with the {@link #COMPOUND_HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_SEGMENT} style to make buttons with
* the "down" style use the themes alternate color (e.g. blue instead of
* gray).
* E.g.
* <pre class='code'>
* HorizontalLayout ("segment segment-alternate")
* + Button ("first down")
* + Button ("down")
* + Button
* ...
* + Button ("last")
* </pre>
public static final String COMPOUND_HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_SEGMENT_ALTERNATE = "segment-alternate";
* Creates an iTunes-like menu from a CssLayout or a VerticalLayout. Place
* plain Labels and NativeButtons inside the layout, and you're all set.
* E.g.
* <pre class='code'>
* CssLayout ("sidebar-menu")
* + Label
* + NativeButton
* + NativeButton
* ...
* + Label
* + NativeButton
* </pre>
public static final String COMPOUND_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_MENU = "sidebar-menu";
* Adds a toolbar-like background for the layout, and aligns Buttons and
* Segments horizontally. Feel free to use different buttons styles inside
* the toolbar, like {@link #BUTTON_ICON_ON_TOP} and {@link #BUTTON_BORDERLESS}
public static final String COMPOUND_CSSLAYOUT_TOOLBAR = "toolbar";
/****************** Other */
public static final String WIDE_FORM = "wide";
public static final String TABLE_CLEAR = TABLE_BORDERLESS + " clear";
public static final String WRAP = "text-wrap";
public static final String PROPERTIES = "properties";
public static final String PROPERTIES_LAST = "properties-last";
public static final String PANEL_SECTION = "section";
public static final String LABEL_STRONG = "strong";
public static final String HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";